Due to this new update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dianatique, Aug 15, 2017.

  1. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    Russians on US server be like....
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  2. DanXVII Committed Player

    I'm guessing you're all DPS? Try taking a healer and a tank, it's extremely hard to fail an alert with one of those in the group. I've been levelling new characters and have yet to come across anything that can't be done.
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  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    you hero or villain?

    US or EU server
  4. matth431 Level 30

    You can get help in alerts, even from PuGs. I ran UT yesterday for the first time - HL CR166sp83. I hardly ever troll so wasn't geared for high Dom/Vit and needed the others to tell me the boss mechanics and recommend I focus less on debuffs and more on Power Out (I guess it helps that HL recharge power also boosts team damage). They were patient (well, apart from the two quitters) and didn't kick me in favour of a higher CR player.
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  5. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    why I dont do it anymore :p
  6. LT Schmitt Committed Player

    I'm starting to think people are miss the problem with the run you roles theory. Yes if everyone is at the same CR than it would be nice, but let's be honest when your leaving up you go through so much gear keeping both sets is not what you want to do, and asking some one who is 50 to 70 or 100 cr higher to run their role and not dpi is an unwise thing also.
  7. Thunderpanda New Player

    This attitude is why MMOs are dying. So many toxic communities. Games are about choice. WoW is popular for several reasons, including choice. Rewards matching difficulty. This game should have more choice by now. The engine has the ability to scale raids and alerts, but for some odd reason this game doesn't have even the basic choices that EQ 2 has.
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  8. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    thats because its still trying to get out of beta lol
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Alright, What's going on in here!

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  10. Dreadshow Well-Known Player

    I'm not sure loosing players of any kind in any amount is good for the game financially speaking.
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  11. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    If the people in your league cant complete older content and just die die die then your league is straight out trash... sorry but its the truth...ive pugged almost every alert since the revamp with high stats 170ish now im 194 but at the time i was around the 170 mark everything was random queue and everything was completed... with a mix of high cr and low cr people sometimes me being the only high cr... very little struggling... if a random pug group can do it and your league cant or dies a lot .. your leaguemates are the problem....
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  12. Dene Devoted Player

    *scratches her off talk show guest list*

    I agree - it was inapproproate and pretty silly

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  13. Dene Devoted Player


    oh my god.. this is so you

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  14. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    This isn't a shot at you btw, dragon so apologies. This is just how I see it.
  15. Dene Devoted Player

    Well, lucky for you, this doesn't affect you in the slightest :)
  16. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Hmmm, alright. Heres where you go from here.

    It sounds like your in a small league or a low level league building up together. Idk when you first started playing dcuo, but let me tell you as a player and many of us here too, whos been here for a long time. That there has been many times of pug or lg runs where i been hours in a instance, to wipe many times, only to at the end fail hard and disband the group(Origin crisis flashbacks kicking in). I have seen lg mates log off piss, because a run didnt go right, and even worse if it was because it was someone else fault. So i know what it is like, to not be able to progress because of a hard instance

    You say its not your league, so that makes things better. Idk how many sp, mods, or gear yall have, but you need to find out right now with the league your in or going to be in; are they run stuff to get better or play for fun? If the answer they give you is not what you like, then you need to head to the league recruitman center and you will find great leagues who most are non elitist at all, will take you in and help you.

    If you like the people you are with and they do want to get better, then yall needa start scheduling lg runs. Take a trip back to square 1 content and start gaining sp. Longs you have 8 players of correct role, sp is SOOO easy to get. I know a personal friend of mines, watch her join a low level lg , her herself new to the game also with dedicated low level players 4 months ago with 150sp<, go up to 300 sp now and are very good players.(if ask why you didny invite her to your lg, because i was not playing the game with it being in that current stat). I personally am willing to leave my lg for the time and come over there with yall willingly to help coach and lead your lg if yall want to get better. And dont say they are already good players, because apparently yall arent completing content, and a player can always be better.

    So with all of that, take the time, think it out and see where you go from there. Also if your reply to me has nothing to do with what I said above, then dont reply to me at all.

    PM me here on the forums or send a message ingame. Ign: Ringz
  17. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    For the record I had to backspace a lot on that comment to not catch a ban myself lol.
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  18. LexxCorp Well-Known Player

    Reading all the comments, seems like if you can't play, it's either you are weak, not good or your league sucks but NEVER about the change that they did to the game. For them, it's all rosy, shiny and new and all who complain or provide feedback to "Git Good" SMH
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  19. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Well this little thread turned into a tire fire real quick. If anyone needs an overpowered healer, my hours of availability are from now to 13:30 EST
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  20. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Game is usually this dead in August anyways. Its summer holidays.