Sturmgrenadier is Recruiting

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Lostlogic, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Bugginator

    Just a few nights ago during an Amerish alert, Sturmgrenadier held the line against a very hard VS push. The end of the alert was near and VS needed our base in order to claim victory. After resecuring the point with other allied Outfits, Sturmgrenadier went Sunderer hunting. An entire platoon moving in concert around the base engaging enemy armor contacts as they tried to advance, pursuing enemy Sunderers as they tried to flee, and denied any hopes the VS had of taking our base. They tried by land and they tried by air but were ultimately denied.

    Simply seeing all my platoon mates' colored circles in my minimap moving together really drove home to me how important playing together is in Planetside 2. If you are not part of an organized outfit then you are playing the game wrong. Come join Sturmgrenadier and join the last gaming group that you will ever join. See you on the battlefield!!
  2. krayons

    Anyone catch the latest cc fight? Can't wait till we get back in the mix :)
  3. Bugginator

    Our Community Clash match is this Wednesday at 9pm EST. We will be fighting No Nonsense Gamers and it should be one heck of a fight. Come watch both great Outfits at
  4. Negator

    bump for competent NC outfits
  5. Herby20

    903rd was super excited to see those aggressive pushes in the first round. I was sad to see you guys get overwhelmed a bit late in the second round by their air. Awesome stuff though. Definitely looking forward to playing against you guys even more in the future (and maybe with on occasion :p).
  6. Aeflic

    Herby is beating me :/

    But that match was a great one! Thanks for repping US NC and Mattherson NC. You made us proud. Tough loss, but way to stay in the game. After the first round I thought NC had it with a over time potential. o7
  7. WyrdHarper

    Nice work in CC. It was absolutely one of the most exciting matches of the season. Even though you got edged out by NNG in the end, you guys did us proud.

    If you're on NC, check these guys out--they are an awesome outfit that will make you a better player, and you only help your faction by giving these guys more to work with.
  8. Relentless

  9. Bugginator

    Sturmgrenadier is starting to a Recruitment drive and we welcome all types of players. New or Veteran. Pilot or Tanker. Infiltrator or Medic. We want YOU!! Look for us to be running a lot more Open Squads and feel free to join us any time. Visit us at for more information and to submit an application. See you on Auraxis!!
  10. Bugginator

    Here is a great video that Draaco put together for Sturmgrenadier. Hope you enjoy!!

    The Rescue
  11. Bugginator

    We had a player in our Open Squad the other night say "Why can't NC fight like this every night?!" Come join us to get the most out of Planetside 2 and take your experience to another level. Sturmgrenadier has so much to offer and no one should miss out on joining the last gaming community that you will ever join. Period. Come take a look at
  12. Bugginator

    Sturmgrenadier is gearing up for the merge and the drop of Hossin/Cont Lattice!!! Come join us today and let's dominate the battlefields of Auraxis!!!
  13. Bugginator

    Simple bump!
  14. Relentless

    Not on the first page?!
  15. Relentless

    If you were on Hossin last night, you might have noticed the big pushes east and south proclaiming bases "Captured by Sturmgrenadier":
    We omnomnom'd Naum. We hit the east hard. We pushed the southern lane. Did we do it alone? No. But points don't lie.
    Quality over quantity, ladies and gentlemen.
    Rumors of SG being not active, not effective, or more importantly not recruiting are all incorrect.
    Come check us out at SGHQ.ORG and be part of the final outfit and gaming community you'll ever want to join, and tell them I sent you.
  16. Relentless

  17. krayons

    want to know what it's like running with us? We should have an indy squad open at 2100est
  18. krayons

    Doing normal Friday night OP tomorrow at 2100est if you want to join us let me know ;)
  19. Lacrosix

    Look no further and lets have FUN!
  20. Lacrosix

    Member since 2012!!! and always good times and incredible team work, only way to play PS2
    Fast XP = Fast Certs = Upgrades/Guns/Camo/Trinkets WOOT!!!