Phoenix amazing turnability @ 90 degrees + Instant kill = The most OP weapon in the game!!!!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rustler, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Cl1mh4224rd

    You implied that simply "turning 90 degrees" was somehow impressive. Turning radius is the property you're trying to talk about, but the Phoenix's turning radius isn't exceptionally small.

    I don't even know what you're trying to communicate here...
  2. Rustler

    It moves really damn well....You know it....I know it.....any unbias not NC/SOE person knows it.
  3. Cl1mh4224rd

    My main is VS, so you're wrong. I'm not at all concerned by the turning radius I've seen displayed. It seems that no one else is concerned, either. It's just you.

    Don't be that crazy hobo shouting on the street corner...
  4. Kon

    its a vehicle.. right... so what can the striker lock onto? vehicles?? i think so
  5. TheBloodEagle

    People downplayed it before saying it would be a flying brick but it clearly isn't. I'm happy for the NC. They'll love it.
  6. Rustler

    Well I warned about shotguns being OP and mines being OP etc.......back before anybody even thought about it....I was right, people have the same complain like me....Hell mines are being changed.

    So trust me kid, Im most likely right.
  7. Frosty The Pyro

    it was stated that the pheonix does the damage of a stock launcher (1700), though the devs (or at least the ones that talk to use) havent been super acurate with numbers, and the damage to the sundy does look closer to decimator damage. Of course it may have the same thing the AV turret does and have specialized bonuses agaisnt sundies.

    To the OP, that turn was very wide, not something to worry about.

    well yes and no, you cant reload till you stop piloting, this will give the pheonix the slowest fire rate, and consiquentialy the lowest dps.

    But mines arnt OP. Nor are shotguns realy, shoties are just niche.
  8. MayorD

    Its you, Jesus?
    No worry, ill write your name on my phoenix rocket and send it to you.
  9. Bape

    I hope Rustler is in Mattherson oh wait dont matter account unlock i can just find him pull out my phoenix and give him a gift up his *** :rolleyes:.
  10. Mxiter

    Lowest Theorical DPS, but certainely the most accurate in good hands, so certainely the best efficiency. Not sure. I prefer waiting the release ;)
  11. Poacher

    As is the norm, it will likely get the usual nerf after a bunch of them are sold. My backside is still sore from my Annihilator purchase. The darned thing has LOD, lock-on dysfunction, because it tracks worse than Clarence the Cross-Eyed Lion. SOE will likely sell a little blue consumable to straighten it out. ;) The damage is also pitiful. I now wait for the dust to settle before purchasing any new weapons.
  12. Cl1mh4224rd

    But make sure he's to your left or right. You know... to show off that utterly shocking 90 degree turn.
    • Up x 1
  13. Tobax

    He might be able to turn it a good way but by the time he has its almost out of fuel. As for shooting it down he said flak would explode near it as its a "vehicle" which means it'll be easy to shoot down.
  14. Navoletti

    yeah but you faction and TR have control in the shots,vanu not have control and sure much tiene for the movement of vehicle fail in the hit.

  15. Mxiter

  16. Rudette

    The NC rocket launcher is fine.

    If you think another faction's gear is so much better stop crying and go join them. Or better yet, stop jumping on the whine bandwagon and become a better player rather than blaming all your deaths on anyone/anything but yourself.

    I haven't ran into anything in this game that is "OP" ... There is a counter for everything, even unintended ones, if you look hard enough instead of giving up and complaining incessantly.
    • Up x 1
  17. GamerOS

    It's more like a brick with a rocket engine strapped on to be honest, but with a guidence system that is nto build for the weight and speed of said brick...
  18. LordMondando

    Was at the stream, lancer and the TR one look just as good.

    Is anything lancer en mass looks like the most powerful AV force in game.

    TR one is a whole near nightmare of lockon.
  19. }{ellKnight

    ATM all three of them seem better that any of the other RLs in most aspects as far as AV goes. I mean, one can bend around corners, the other locks on everything and fires multiple rockets and the third can basically snipe vehicles from far away (and it's a good counter to air due to fast travel speed).

    I wouldn't exactly call these sidegrades :p

    Wait and see I guess.
  20. GamerOS

    History will tell kiddo, you're not right because you where right in the past.
    Most people have been right about stuff in the past and that doesn't always add to their credebility.

    You know what they say, even a broken clock is right twice a day.