Phoenix amazing turnability @ 90 degrees + Instant kill = The most OP weapon in the game!!!!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rustler, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Rustler

    Sorry guys but the turn ability on the phoenix is amazing.

    Check out the video...Skip to 4:20.

    You can see the amazing turn ability on the rocket, he goes atleast 90 degrees to the right, hell I think he goes past 90 degrees.

    add the fact, that rockets do instant kill you if they hit you directly or damaged you severely.....I can totally see this weapon being used like in Planetside 1.....People attacking others and not being seeing.

    Difference tho is that in planetside 1, their wasnt any instant kill...In planetside 2 their is.

    I really hope SOE doesn't make it instant kill and corrects the turnability because it is way too much.

    I have a feeling tho SOE already made it instant kill any way.......and my prophecy will once again be correct....VS and TR are gonna complain with NC defending their OP weapon.
  2. smokemaker

    No one part of me cares.
    And I will buy it and harvest many tears.
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  3. Zaik

    shoot it down
  4. Rustler

    Yeah thats gonna be the excuse for the weapon being OP and they never changing it.

    "Just shoot down bro, always look at the sky and shoot it down"- NC
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  5. ent|ty

    Great. All I use is dumbfire, and have to lead targets, guess the distance and speed in order to hit them...

    I do it to hit Libs circling a base, ESFs, atvs and getting better and better.

    But no, we can't have that.. we can't have a learning curve for players.. No let's justl take even more skill out of the game.

    Why don't we just cut to the chase and give everyone 1-shot, aimbot weapons.
  6. CaligoIllioneus

    It's not OP. You just have to knife the missile as it approaches!
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  7. Mxiter

    I prefer to handle it in VR training room before juging.
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  8. Cl1mh4224rd

    Greater than 90 degrees, but that's over the course of it's lifetime. It's not an instantaneous 90 degree turn, like your hysterics seem to imply.

    With the original Phoenix, you could actually hit yourself with the rocket. That's not possible with the new Phoenix.

    That's not in the video. Where did you hear this?

    Wait... You just said that they do. Are you making **** up?
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  9. Rustler

    Im saying rockets in general do instant kill.....So perhaps the Phoenix is too unless we are told otherwise.

    I don't know if they, Im hoping SOE doesn't make them instant kill but I gotta warn the people of what is potentially coming coming.

    It might not turn as fast a Ps1 but it turns fast, I can see it as being abused.
  10. whitupiggu

    Oh look another TR whining. Not even the VS are this bad. I'm glad the NC developed missiles fueled by ***** tears though as we seem to have an endless supply.
  11. Bill Hicks

    lol no more prowler spam from the hills, and spammer tears from the heavens
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  12. HadesR

  13. Rustler

    Never used prowlers was too busy destroying NC as infantry with my stock guns.
  14. SpaceKing

    Yeah, come to think of it, this really shouldn't 1-shot infantry. You'd be able to camp at TI Alloys and just murder everything - it's an AV turret with the world's most awesome scope.
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  15. Joram

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  16. drNovikov

    So, Phoenix got no 'heavy payload' as was advertized.
  17. centurionvi

    It does more damage than a Decimator..
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  18. whitupiggu

    You can't move while guiding it. Trying to shoot infantry with it at Ti Alloys is just asking to get sniped.
  19. Disparu

    Come on, you're talking to the NC here. They're so used to just instant killing anything in their OP maxes we both know they wont be happy until they can do the same to vehicles outside with this thing aswell.
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  20. Vultraz

    Welp. Quitting PS2 for TF2 now.