The single most important thing you can buy for a weapon in PS2 is the sight/scope, everything else is an afterthought. I couldnt care less about...
lol, i can tell you havnt been in the army. The old "yell and curse at ppl until they do what i want" kind of leadership died in the 1990ies in...
You cant argue with facts.
Strategy and fun, is not the same. If i was going to be a realm/faction hero, i would go and ghost cap base after base, since thats what is the...
No. Its a huge gripe with a small, but very vocal minority of the PS2 community. Again explain to me how more downtime is going to improve PS2...
Your rage would be stonger IF bunny-hop camping spree was a thing in PS2. The problem is that organization doesnt solve the problem, it only...
PS2 isnt a true MMO, its a giant teamdeath match. That you, and a few others, think that we need more carebear elements, instead of better ways of...
You would still need vehicles between bases. And lets be honest here, if there was a good fix for the problems with vehicles farming infantry the...
simple: Make it so that tanks or air cant interfere with base battles, aka walls/building all around and an anti-dome above the base or every base...
Correlation does not imply causation? We all know the myriad of problems that drive ppl away: - too many/easy access to crutchs, like libs/ESF...
Strong post, couldnt agree more.
Lucky bastard.
Me shelling/rocket'ing/C4'ing enemy sundy, friendly runs straight up to the sundy trying to kill steal it, gets blown up. Then complains about...
Well, its kinda hard to defend a certain continent 24/7 since some of us have to work and sleep :(
Yep outfits are Clans. And if you connection cant handle a voicecomm, then i would suggest you look for another game. The single player...
Separate names with a comma.