Emerald Hossin - Locked

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spartan 117, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. Spartan 117

    Logged in this morning to check out Hossin for the first time. Vanu locked. Didn't Higby state that Hossin was unable to be locked for (x) duration? Looks like I will be going on another 6 month break I guess...
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  2. Commander Beanbag

    It's still able to be locked by 94% domination. Blast those VS and their early morning shenanigans.
  3. SeanFree

    This is why we can't have nice things Emerald VS.
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  4. ironeddie

    this. Higby only stopped the alert system from triggering on Hossin.

    Just go conquer another continent or two and get Hossin unlocked. You have something to fight for! Clever devs.
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  5. Spartan 117

    Here is the issue. I don't want to spend 3-4 hours ghost capping a continent I had spent 1000's of hours fighting on before my last departure. On those continents its the same old, same old. I came back to experience something new. With Hossin locked, new players have no incentive to stay.
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  6. volth

    Waiting 17 hours before your favourite map unlock isn't fun.
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  7. NinjaKirby

  8. ironeddie

    This is where we differ I guess. I've been playing since game launch and still enjoy playing on any of the continents.
  9. LGhost1904

    It's weird... Why would you want to lock a continent that we have all been waiting for over a year. And just now there were a few of us ghost capping amerish to try and unlock it and what does vs do? They bring a platoon over to stop us. On yell chat saying Hossin is ours... Come on now, really?
  10. volth

    That's the problem with continental lock.
    But it's an effective way to lose both old and new players.
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  11. Spartan 117

    I misspoke. I meant to say, returning players. New & old players coming into the game however will likely be excited to try Hossin. After all its really the only content that has been added in two years minus the Harasser. Revamping existing bases, adding lattice etc were all features that should have been completed in beta so I don't consider that content.
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  12. Konfuzfanten

    Lucky bastard.
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  13. maxkeiser

    For the love of god stop complaining.

    If you want to unlock the continent, then FIGHT to unlock it. Organise your faction and FIGHT, for gods sake. At present Vanu have taken Hossin - this is the game. If you want to take Hossin you will have to lock something else.

    At last you have a real PURPOSE to fight - for control and domination. To prevent the enemy from accessing a continent.

    Vanu are just playing the game properly.
  14. LGhost1904

    Yeah, TR and NC were fighting, just on the alert continent.... Most of the vs skipped "fighting" just so they could lock Hossin.
  15. maxkeiser

    What's wrong with that? This is a tactical game. One faction may choose to try and conquer certain continents to take the bonuses or to deny them to other factions. Perfectly fair and the sort of motivation that this game has been needing.

    It's up to your faction to stop them. Or not if you aren't organised enough.

  16. Linedan

    Well, the VS (40% server population) just went and won an amp station alert on Amerish, which unlocked Hossin. So apparently they're not doing it as some sort of Hossin-lock dick move, they're just OCD about winning alerts and getting continental lock bonuses.
  17. maxkeiser

    They can do it for any reason they choose. That's the game. Stop complaining.
  18. LGhost1904

    It hasn't been needed because it has already had it. There have always been bonuses for capping continents. The only new motivation that came from this last patch was being able to fight on a new continent. Sure it's fine that people are motivated to be able to say they locked a continent but that requires quite a bit of role playing if you ask me and I can't see that lasting as motivation for long. I don't get the whole "this game needs reasons for us to play" argument. There will never be a way to win the game, unless you want the game to end. People quit this game because of bugs, lack of content, over-powered weapons, nerfs to weapons, performance issues or just being burned out from playing so much. Maybe a few people quit because there is no end game but they're playing the wrong game if that's what they need.

    Anyway, it doesn't matter, the continent is unlocked now. Oh, by the same faction that locked it, maybe it wasn't about the Hossin bonus after all.
  19. tkomusic

    Quite annoying that hossin is locked. Vanu already dominate the server and now the best map is gone, Sigh.