To the people who don't like best gear in vendor.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Oct 12, 2016.

  1. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    no they'll just spam replays on the new marks

    whats a raids difficulty have to do with what the OP said?
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  2. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Preach sir preach.
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  3. the solowing Steadfast Player

    I dont use replay badges and i dont agree with best gear in vendor
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  4. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    The best gear is Elite one right? So if you wanna be an elitist you MUST run elite raids (the hardest content hello), right?
    So much for 'catering to the weak ' huh? And since when CR determines how good player (or his pet lol) is? I don't see any relevant cons for this idea right now however I must wait with my final opinion till it hits live servers, when the gear prices will be known.
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  5. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Hey I know while we are all crying about the fact that the game is going back to a system where you run missions, you earn marks and you BUY gear with those marks from a vendor to have the best gear available because OMG people can just runs solo content, and duos and Alert and have the same gear I buy after doing a raid!

    (special note) has it dawned on any of you how many more of all those things those players will need to accomplish to earn enough marks to BUY that same gear?)

    Oh and here's a REALLY good one Has it dawned on ANY of you that without using replays they can do those dailies, solos, duos and alerts every day while your all spending 87 or is it 89? replays each time you reset that RAID because none of them can be done for free more than once a week .. So can I assume some of you MUST be doing some of that LOWER EASIER content as well? Or do you just blow a huge pile of cash so you can experience that same raid again and again and again?

    Why don't we ADD to your fun and enjoyment of being slowly tortured into insanity and completely do away with unattuned gear in reward boxes too? Then you can run that RAID and walk out knowing your DPS/TROLL just left the raid with 2 pieces of TANK armor and 2 more meant for a Healer. Ahhh the BAD OLD DAYS! Don't ya miss em? I know I DONT.

    I have spent hours pouring over the TOS for this game and there is not a single sentence in there that says all players MUST suffer and be beaten down with one failed hope after another on missions in order to excel. Its a game its supposed to be fun NOT an ordeal in mental torture. Hey since you apparently need to be tormented and abused to be truly happy.. think about this....

    Unless they do away with the current relevancy system and the current policy where some marks do fall on lower tier raids.. It will actually be possible for a CR 170+ player to use at least some marks he or she earned doing the T1 Khandaq raid! {you may begin to wail and moan now}

    Legal disclaimer: The post above is laced with what is commonly known as SARCASM and not meant to be taken seriously .. well not the parts about doing away with unattuned gear anyway.. if you all want to be highly upset about anything else feel free.. But could you go do it in a corner some where? All that moaning and crying makes it hard to hear.
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  6. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Dcuo loot system is and always been broken. Some accounts simply won't ever hit on certain items. That's why it ends up in vendors. Dcuo has been aware of this since early year one. Plots always been a issue so no this is not fair.
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  7. megamanzero Loyal Player

    the loot system is fair. you're misusing that word.
  8. inferno Loyal Player

    I simply don't understand the anger and dislike of using replay badges to repeat an instance. I think that if a player decides to drop an enormous amount of money to either risk with RNG or to currency faster to get their gear faster; Go for it!! Support the game, drop as much money as you want for all I care.

    A player's progress has nothing to do with how I determine enjoyment for my game. We all know that gear doesn't necessarily translate to a better player.

    I realized early on by putting the best gear in vendor, the DEVS basically equalized the value of each instance to one another. The coins from a raid is just as valuable as the ones from a solo or alert. This method tells us exactly when and what gear we will get.

    I like my ALTS, I really do. It lets me explore the other powers and play the game to its full potential. But early on I decided that I will maintain my alts at 2 or 4 cr's below my main. I got a life and the game is for enjoyment, not to get a third job.
  9. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    Not quite, see my post above? In order to get the best gear you must run elite raids, want gear of omnipotence? Go do Elite raids.
    Supporting game is cool and people still gonna do that because if you replay content you get more marks so you can complete gear set much much faster.
    Progression in game is a crucial thing, if it's based on RNG then it leaves you with disappointment, you put some work and get random reward. Where's the fun when you beat final boss only to get some green gear that drops in solos? Imagine going to work to get random salary.
  10. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Elite gear, what a joke on you.
    By the time you finally get that 8th piece, the next set of new gear is ready to drop.
  11. Zneeak Devoted Player

    The difference in normal raid-gear and elite-gear is very, very minimal. Both sets share the exact same stats and those elite-affinities are rather insignificant at the moment and desperately needs an update for elite-grind to even be worth it.

    Omnipotent gear was NEVER exclusive to elite-instances either, so that's another misinformed statement. Omnipotent gear had a slightly higher chance at dropping from running the elite-version, but was ALWAYS available from the normal version of the instance aswell.
  12. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    I'm talking about obtaining it from AFIII episode. :confused:
  13. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Everything you mentioned was on how things worked before, matter in fact you're even more wrong if you're talking about AF3 considering that the best gear will be obtainable through vendors and Omnipotent gear will be a part of collections that you can obtain from AF3-content as soon as you have completed either set from the vendor. :confused: Also, the OP collections will be tradable.
  14. DarkAya Dedicated Player

    Nothing I mentioned was 'how things worked before' because I don't care 'how things worked before' anymore.
    Collections drop in elite raids only and for elite gaer you'll need renown, wow I'm wrong because I spared the detail, thx captain obvious.
    My point is you need to run raids anyway or spend fat milions for those collections to get OP. Details, details...
    Did I mention that op/elite gear drops in raids? Hmmmm wonder where.
  15. Tilz Loyal Player

    No the collections drop from every boss...

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  16. Zneeak Devoted Player

    You keep being wrong and spreading misinformation and I keep trying to correct you. The collections are NOT, I repeat, NOT exclusive to Elite-content only. They drop from all content once you have completed a set of either normal vendorgear OR elite-gear. It doesn't matter which set. Details, details = Because misinformation is unattractive. ;)
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  17. the solowing Steadfast Player

    When the Elites cry about getting in dps by somebody with a lower cr "because they didnt work as hard and our gearing was trivialized". Now you wont have to EVER step foot into a raid to have BiS and you think they wont take issue with this either? Hell i have issues with it lol. This is seemly the same problem that simply was shifted elsewhere rather then fixxed
  18. light FX Steadfast Player

    Yea me and u both got our OP chests in the same run of DWF and it was DWF normal, not elite.
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  19. sepiaskidmark Committed Player

    Collections drop from certain bosses in af3 but they drop in every instance, you do not have to run elite to get op items.
  20. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    but see, that random salary could be a million$ or more to where you only got $10 per hour before. So IMHO its worth it.

    All this vendor gear is going to do is make it hard for those who havent finished salvaging 25k items. Which those exact same ppl have already been crying about it since the live streams the devs did. Expecting / suggesting it get reduced to accommodate the loot changes and such. TF ever you get the feat when you get it like the rest of the people who EARNED the feats through hard work.