To the people who don't like best gear in vendor.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Oct 12, 2016.

  1. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I really don't understand how you come to the conclusion that it becomes inconsistent, and if higher IL is the solution to that, why shouldn't that be an option? We don't know just how long it will take to gain the elite-renown that allows us to start purchasing gear, but it's quite obvious that it will take much more effort (and again money) to grind out pieces of elite-gear than it will take to grind out pieces of regular vendor-gear. So again, WHY can't that gear have slightly better stats?

    I don't see why that would be a problem for anyone if they can now finally grind out whatever set of gear that they prefer without having to deal with the pesky RNG, yet somehow making elite-gear sligthly better still becomes a problem for people for some wierd reason. It's just not fair making two sets pretty much the exact same thing but making it much harder to grind out one of them compared to the other, without being properly rewarded for it.
  2. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    because you need to spend real money to get elite gear and don't try and tell me that you don't because thats BS ,there is no way you are getting a full set of elite gear without spending replays its literally impossible and anyone who claims otherwise is lying so don't bother quoting this and claiming you did it cause i know you are full of of it ,now that thats out of the way i can move on to my real point

    elite gear should not even be in the game to start with imo and it definitely shouldn't have better stats because that is the very definition of pay to win because only those who pay for all the replays it takes to get elite gear can get the full set and if it gives them an unfair advantage over those who don't pay than the game is pay to win and pay to win is not good for the game

    if they want to have extra powered elite gear than it should cost no replays to play elite content so that its fair to all otherwise best gear should be in the vendor and elite gear should just be for the style feats ,i always knew elite gear was a bad idea and just another cash grab and the best gear should have ALWAYS been in the vendor RNG is a rip off and only fools can't see that
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  3. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Same IL but different stats is what we had in WotL1 and it's crap. Item level should always reflect what stats a piece of gear has. That wouldn't be much of a problem now (because gear stats are linear and the differences negligible) but it would be once we got back to exponential gear stats.
    Higher IL means that progression is tied to elite content like we had in AF2, and it's crap too. It leads to players being expected to have elite gear CR and artificially divides the community more than CR does already.

    We can all agree that elite gear should provide significant bonuses but straight up higher stats are not the way to go. Affinity mods are good in concept, they just need to be more useful and effective.
  4. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i thought this would be bad I"ll be honest i am eating my own words now i look at it as a good thing cant wait for it to happen.
  5. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I don't agree at all that same IL but different stats is crap, it shouldn't be hard at all for devs to take that route again in regards of elite-gear if elite-gear is going to continue being a thing. Higher IL weren't a big problem at all in AF2 either and shouldn't become a problem going back to stats matter either, considering that CR will lose the importance it has now.

    The slightly enhanced stats I am talking about doesn't imply a super boost in stats either, I am talking about small proportions here. SLIGHTLY enhanced. That shouldn't cause any problems at all and still add a slight feel of enhancement to elite-gear, to make you feel rewarded atleast enough for the extra effort you put in.

    The biggest problem here seems to be that this community doesn't want to see any enhancements to elite-gear what so ever, just because of the fact that they themselves might not want to run elite-instances, or for some reason won't be able to successfully complete instances, yet feeling entitled to the best of the best rewards. That is essentially why we are here right now with elite-gear practically having no real value compared to regular gear.

    This is something that needs to be fixed. More effort spent in a harder playmode should result in slightly better rewards, so many other MMO's have that implemented with everyone being happy about it and having the feeling of being properly rewarded in the respective way they chose to play.
  6. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    The only thing I hated about the random drop system was the duplicates.
    It did have its moments when new monthly content raid dropped different purple gear on each boss.

    But in the end I'm fine to adapt whatever system they choose for gearing.
  7. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I am so excited for #BestGearVendorGear it is like going back to how I used to play.

    I need just the feet from RiTe, ran it yesterday, got the shoulders and helm...again, they were my 3rd double of both of them.
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  8. FasterDoodle New Player

    I've played MMOs for about 17 years now, started EQ1 in 99.

    If I had any advice to the Devs it would be replay badges should only be able to used on previous episodes and seasonal events. Allow alts and newbies to grind to their hearts/wallets content. But the top tier gear needs to have stat boost vs last episode gear top tier gear and a pretty significant increase vs. vendor purchased grind gear.

    In a fair world: Elite Gear should only come from elite raids. Content should be such that people who formed a raid and all have on average about 85sh% of latest tier gear should be mathematically able to complete the end game content. The difficulty of each episode and the effort entailed should be on level that extreme players get about a month or 2 fully geared before the next episode is released. Gives people time to work on alts and have a real life. Allows casuals to get about 80% of the way there.

    Vendor Gear which can be grinded should get someone to about 70sh% end game effectiveness. So that a really well equipped group could carry the guy.

    On the flip side, The people who do essentially Pay to Win are indeed giving the company who provides the content a non-insubstantial amount of money which can support the longevity of the game and provide new content. I want the company to make a lot of money, it incentivizes investors to keep it going. I really don't care if someone is completely decked out.
    But if you win with replays or marketplace purchases it should have a hot pink clown style that cant be overrode. o_O
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  9. Backseid Devoted Player

    Dude, there's MAYBE five people in the world that would actually prefer RNG. Lol
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  10. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Man I'm worried for the people who actually enjoy now, it's ridiculous.

    I'm weak apparently because I can't keep opening my wallet to replay and not be lucky. It's just BS, and these people are getting likes too lol.
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  11. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I don't know Backseid I think you may be surprised. My guess would be that FIVE is a high estimate LOL

    Okay let's get down to business...

    1. Thank the gods (of Olympus) we finally have open world and daily solo content back. Gives us all something productive to do again while waiting for the QUE to find us a team for the alert or raids.

    2. For those upset about getting better gear from the vendor than from raids... where the heck do you think the MARKS to buy the gear come from? We got 1 solo challenge, 1 Duo, 1 alert and TWO RAIDS. And out of all of those I just mentioned which one awards the most marks?

    3. Will it be possible to get that best gear without doing a ton of raids? YEAH but its going to take a while since, without using replays, Lets see.. I will be able to get 2 or 3 marks a day from daily solo content, 1 more from the solo challenge, 2 from the duo and 5 from that one lone alert. That's 11 marks a day.. 12 if you add in a vault run which I always do. Now those figures could change a bit if a reward box offers up an extra mark now and then but that's about it. SO that's about 84 marks a week if a player never goes near a raid. Not sure if there will be any changes in pricing at the vendors but right now it costs 60 marks just to purchase 1 chest piece and 25 to buy 1 ring.. that just took ever single mark that player earned for an entire week. Buy a set of legs and the other ring and you just spent every single mark from week #2 Takes 70 marks to buy a new weapon so at the end of week three you'd be able to buy that and have 14 whole marks left heading into week 4. Fact is without doing any raids a player is looking at a month and a half or more just to get 1 full set of gear and if they play BOTH roles .. they still need a full set of gear for that other role.

    Now of course they CAN speed up that process by using replays but when you consider the ONLY way to get a lot of marks from TWO raids is to spend a lot of replays and do them more than once a week.. either way Daybreak is selling replay badges and HONESTLY players can finally go back to getting their money's worth when they buy vendor gear and not rolling the dice and HOPING something good drops that we have dealt with the entire time monthly content was king.
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  12. Backseid Devoted Player

    People will say one thing (when their drops are lucky), then the complete opposite (when drops suck).

    Random drops defeat the feeling of completion. Of working towards a goal.

    And, since this type of "random" is the type you see in casino, luck will never be more on your side. Thus, people are guaranteed to be unhappy more often than not.

    Does that sound like it makes sense? To have your customers unhappy more often than happy? No.

    As far as all this Elite Gear talk; there's no need for more stats on EGear.

    Those that wanted harder content, said over n over they just wanted the challenge. Giving them better gear, is going to take away from that challenge.

    EGear(TM) should have style differences only. And good ones.

    More people in this game would go after the style over the stats. Especially since you can't make the stat difference big enough to warrant the time/money spent.

    Styles last forever. So give EGear some kick *** animations, auras, etc., and forget about the stats.
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  13. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Nice break down, but I highly doubt we are gonna get coins in the vault. So back down to 11...also, I fear that vendor gear is going to be much more expensive then it is currently. Which I'm okay with since I know I'm working to earning exactly what I need.
  14. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Any person who said best gear in vendor caters to the weak is more than likely one of the people who spammed the first two bosses of any one raid because the last one was "too difficult".
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  15. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Higher item level WAS an issue in af2 it became an issue because a lot of groups wouldn't pick people up who had full vendor gear cause they were I believe 2 crs below and getting the 100 gear was 1 cr below the elite... People wanted you to either have full 100 or 101 for a lot of groups... I'm not saying people who were 2 crs below weren't getting picked up obviously they were..but they were looked over by those who wanted to run the content with maxed out characters only... And that is usually how it goes...

    On to why elite gear should not have higher stats then the normal gear... Because you get affinities on top of the normal stats that is your "slight" advantage as you mentioned... Don't you get to raise your might or precision in the elite gear through one of the affinities?... That's an advantage especially when stats matter again...

    Making the elite gear a higher cr or item level excludes people from content after the first day or so .. Cause lots of people replay spam.. And within the first few weeks there are a lot of people fully geared up... And not wanting to "carry" anyone cause their cr is too low even though it's only like 2 crs below and as it was before that a hardly carrying anyone...

    Will there still be exclusion? Yea... People will exclude other if they down have elite gear... I'm sure that will happen but most people will be more concerned about cr then elite gear if it's only a slight advantage...this gives everyone a shot to have the best gear statistically regardless of what they like to play... Other mmos do this too where you aren't excluded from the best stats... Cause you don't do raids or 4 man content ... You just don't get a chance at those special sets that drop in those raids that give a little extra boost

    Tl;dr: elite gear should be the same stats as the normal gear/ elite gear gets a slight upgrade through the affinities that's your extra stats
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  16. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Yeah, I'm going to call BS on that first bit there... Did excluding people happen? Of course, newsflash, it ALWAYS happened. Matter in fact, there is even more general exclusions going on now since we moved on to CR is King. I pugged large portions of AF2, it was far from as serious as you are trying to make it up to be. You will NEVER get rid of people excluding others, so is the right solution to rob people from proper rewards when running harder modes that requires more time, effort and even money?

    What you are saying about "give everyone a shot to have the best gear statistically regardless of what they like to play", why? Let's say you can't or don't even want to play elite instances, what if you just want to play duos, solo's, bounties, alerts and maybe occationally a regular raid once in a while... WHY do you feel like you are entitled to have the statistically best gear out there without putting the extra effort into it? If you don't like to run elite-content, why even care about the best gear when the next bext thing in the vendor will be almost the same and more than strong enough for you to PLAY THE WAY YOU LIKE?

    Again, ultimately this comes down to people feeling entitled to the best of the best gear no matter how much more effort and grind other players put in compared to them. The last time I checked, most of the successful MMO's out there tried to keep all parties happy and balanced this kind of stuff out the best they could with more effort put in leading to slightly better rewards. It makes sense that way, doesn't it? Apparently not in DC Universe "Gimme NAOW while spamming a duo" Online. :rolleyes:
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  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Raids are still the best way to earn currency. If you're not playing raids (by choice or not), you're going to take longer to progress. On top of that, the true "accomplishment" for players concerned with such things is the elite gear, which does require playing the elite raids.
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  18. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I hope the normal raids are relatively accessible. Maybe not quite KTC easy but elite should be for the masochists.
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  19. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    Catering to the weak? Ha, the weak won't be able to complete those instances in order to earn the marks to buy the vendor gear.
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  20. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Is it just me or did you guys just put in place some solutions to 3-4 complaints that have been circulating in thread after thread in the forums,

    and people are now complaining about the solutions?

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