Red and Blue Lanterns

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Toshknight, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. Meta Flare New Player

    The exobytes have nothing to do with your hardlight powers. You have a ring as a deputy. How could the exobytes give you green lantern powers?
  2. Meta Flare New Player

    In game yeah, I thought you meant in the dc universe in general. My germ.
  3. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    we can't have emblem for copyright problems, same for the green auras.
  4. Tule New Player

    Same way Amazo got hardlight powers in Just League.

    The original rings did deputize you with a message, but that can easily be retconned with how restrictive they are being with "official" power and Iconic things being associated with us players.
  5. Tule New Player

    No duh.
  6. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    If they show off Black & White energy packs next week

    Black & White Lanterns will be Healer powersets
    Red & Blue lanterns will be Tank powersets
    Both will be released in DLC 8 Halls of Power
    DLC 9 Trials of Trigon will have Shadow powers for Controllers

    Or when they revamp Hardlight
    Heros will have one tree with Green powers and other tree will be Blue
    Villians will have one tree with Yellow powers and the other tree will be Red
  7. Statman New Player

    I can only pray we don't get new Light powers as 'new' powers, that'd simply be a giant let down coz some of us are eagerly awaiting actual 'new' powers, not alternatives of current powers. On the other hand, I wouldn't turn down the option to alter the colour you select based on your faction (heroes get the choice of green and blue, villains get yellow and red), but I don't think it should dramatically change from how it is now.
  8. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    yes. duh.
  9. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    WHY? BLACK WILL BE HEALER if black is death!?

    WHY BLUE WILL BE TANKER? if they are supportive!? (increases powers AND CAN HEAL WOUNDS)
  10. Meta Flare New Player

    That wouldn't happen.

    Also amazo didn't use exobytes to make a lantern ring.
  11. Cloud_9 New Player

    It's all good, technically we're both right since Guy uses a red ring against villains in Oan. Hell he even uses red constructs (claws, specifically).
  12. Meta Flare New Player

    Lol. It's all kinds of confusing with the lanterns sometimes.
  13. Tule New Player

    Nope, but he used advance technology to simulate hardlight. So he kind of did.
  14. Cloud_9 New Player


    Just sometimes?
  15. Meta Flare New Player

    Lol good point
  16. Meta Flare New Player

    If you say so.
  17. BumblingB I got better.

    Um... Same way the exobytes digitized sorcery, gadgets, fire, ice, mental, quantum, earth, electric. It actually does a copy of the power. How long have you been playing the game? Curious, as that is the basics of the opening cutscene.

    Also, you are a ring user before you are deputized. The Oans probably figured, well, we can control them at least if we deputize them.
  18. Statman New Player

    I recall something from the comic, that they are exobyte infused rings, or something along those lines. I'd have to read it again to confirm though...
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  19. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    I only said that because I want Shadow trolls, not tanks. lol
    They may just be revamping Hardlight to have new Blue & Red Powers.
  20. Midnight Strike New Player

    Actually, no where does it say you are deputized. All of our powers as players come from the exobytes, even the light powers. they went so far as to even remove the "hard" in hard-light powers if you pay attention. And, per Mepps reply to someone asking about the "hardlight weapons"
    as seen at

    It was the player community that said the light powers were "Lantern Powers" when they came out with the Fight for the Light DLC, not the devs. If you don't believe me, it's quite alright with me, but I would love to see where the devs ever called the light powers as lantern powers.