Red and Blue Lanterns

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Toshknight, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. NikolajR New Player

    I really doubt that anyone is thinking that a new lantern powerset would be next. Sure with those energy weapon packs it is possible that it could happen some day in the future.. But not next. Though if they decide to make a new lantern powerset then it should be with some cosmic dlc.. Starro or black lanterns or something similar
  2. Toshknight Loyal Player

  3. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    did'nt you watch the 3D cartoon, there is a red lantern that work with Hal jordan and Kilowog, so why can't us work with yellow too? just control your fury xD
  4. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    can't be orange, cuz there is only 1 orange lantern.
  5. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    sorry, blue lanterns can attack too, check the DC wiki.
  6. Blight KOBRA Commander

    I'd love to be able to play as a Red Lantern, but if the devs are going to introduce color change to a current powerset here's the big question . . .why can't they do this for other powersets?
  7. NikolajR New Player

    I don't know if that would be too similar to champions online.. But it would be cool to have blue flames or white rocks flying around.
  8. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    reading this it tells me blue is more of a tank power... the whole forcefield thing
  9. NikolajR New Player

    so, in theory, hope/rage lanterns could be a powerset at some point.
    And if that happened.. I would like to have the option to switch the color at character creation. I mean what if I want to make a red lantern hero or a villain blue lantern?
    (In fact you should be able to pick your own color at the beginning. Green or yellow.. it doesn't matter since it can be used for either good or evil)
    • Like x 1
  10. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    I saw the introduction of Red and Green energy weapons (as well as the accidental reveal of Yellow and Blue) as more of a primary school reference. I don't know about anyone else, but the first four colours I learnt about were Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. Maybe the introduction of the weapons is as simple as that. Perhaps they couldn't just release Green and Yellow by themselves because it would be too much of a direct reference to the lanterns that are in game (purely speculation, but we all know what DC is like with these things...)
  11. Neph Dedicated Player

    Controller - Healer - Tank

    That is the order DCUO is releasing powers at and we just got our Controller, so Healer is next....

    They wouldn't be dropping hints to us if they were not releasing it next. Did we hear about the Healer power before they presented quantum? Nope ;)
  12. Willydon305 Well-Known Player

    Awesome!!! The back story on my HL hero toon was that she used be a red lantern but turned into a green lantern, so if this is incorporated I can be more flexible with her story line...
  13. NikolajR New Player

    kicking butt as a blue lantern would be pretty cool.. but the whole aura thing.. Isn't the reason why we can't have green auras because we can't be official green lanterns? What happens to the blue aura then? Are blue lanterns okay? And red for that matter
  14. Cloud_9 New Player

    Red would be villain, so you'll still be sol.
  15. Meta Flare New Player

    • Like x 1
  16. Meta Flare New Player

    No, red can be either.
  17. Midnight Strike New Player

    It wasn't REMOVED, it was MOVED to the Powers, Weapons, and Movement section of the forums, including Mepps'es chime in on it.
    Link is:
  18. crownclownking New Player

    yup me too lol i want blood powers for trigon dlc i want BLOOD POWERS
  19. Cloud_9 New Player

    Pretty sure if they did a red/blue healing power, heroes would get blue and villains red.
  20. Tule New Player

    Well in this game we aren't green lanterns, we're imbued with exobytes that allow for hardlight constructs. Fake rings? I don't know, they wont let us have auras or emblem, so might as well be fake rings. Plus Larfleez had an orange construct ring that Kyle used briefly in the New 52. Even if it didn't truly work they could use that line of reasoning. But even if we got new powers I doubt it would be orange.