More Difficult in Upcoming Raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lara, May 9, 2021.

  1. Great Architect Loyal Player

    That's completely disingenuous.

    There are multiple instances where if there is no communication at all, and you complete it, then you're running with people that already know the content, or have been extremely lucky.

    "Can" is not the same as "always can", and "complex mechanics" are not complex if they are understood by everybody. At that point all mechanics are simple.
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  2. Lara Committed Player

    CTE needs 2 Tanks, PCE needs 2 Tanks, FGSE Needs comunitaction on Mic so what are you talking about
  3. zNot Loyal Player

    Thats wrong lara :) CTE and PCE are both solo tanked. CTE only with heavy kiting though on first boss.
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  4. Lara Committed Player

    ye true that i mean if the tank is good ye sure, but to separate them its 100% better
  5. Lara Committed Player

    Or FIE to separate the pheonix stuff like that you know
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  6. zNot Loyal Player

    Yes FIE needs 2 Tanks this is why i like FIE the group no matter how good the tank is must use 2 Tanks due to mechanics. This is how it should be for elite and thats why its one of the raids i love and since its harder on the Tanks makes it way more longterm fun.
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  7. Lara Committed Player

    ye its a cool raid i like the design aswell
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  8. biepnbop New Player

    I'm not sure if you were joking or not, but i'd be actually up for this. Whenever i talk to friends who inquire about the game and i mention elite, they instantly pull back because of how pretentious it sounds, elite just sounds so...well elitist.

    This post pretty much encompasses all my opinions about ''more difficult'' content, there are so many variable beyond just ''this person is noob, this person is great''. People never seem to actually make a clear argument as to what they want, just ''it's too easy''.

    Your last paragraph especially strikes true with me, from my personal experience (EU server here), the same people who usually go it's too easy are the same ones who will replay it like crazy (with their pre-formed teams), especially if a raid buff or exploit fix is rumoured to be coming. I mean people were complaining about how certain people were speed-hacking the no-die feats in FGSe, but look at this episode and FFe, i wonder how many of those ''elite'' players used a certain ''strategy'' to get the no-die feat, people were openly talking about this, of course the content is easy then and you'll be done within the first week or two.

    There are also entire private discords, ingame chats, etc. to organize elite runs and i'm not mentioning this in a negative manner, more power to you, but don't pretend every person has the same experiences/access to skilled players as others.

    Then there are also the variables of artifacts, powers, etc., i know people who if a new meta artifacts gets released they will have that thing to rank 200 within 5 minutes with the power of their credit card, i know people who only got their first artifact to rank 200 after a year or so. Some powers are still vastly preferred in elite over others, so just having not the right power can already make you ''less desirable'' to elite groups.

    To actually add to the how difficult should elite be, i always had this number in my head, were if all people completing normal is a 100%, then people being able to complete elite should be a number inbetween 25% and 50% i think. I've played with people who were struggling in normal, so i think you can never have everyone be able to complete elite, but only the very best/1-5% being able to complete elite i find a ridiculous argument as well. Especially seeing everyone pays for the content, so you can't have arguments like i have seen before of ''well you have event and normal which i don't like/play, so shoo shoo, begone from elite you peasant!'', just because someone isn't interested in a certain part of the game, doesn't mean another part of the game should be tailor designed for only them.
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  9. Miserable Dedicated Player

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  10. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    I agree we need more difficult in upcoming raids (the elite versions).

    As I said in another thread, if we continue to have elite duos and elite alerts then they are perfect for the casual US server players on this thread to get renown for their elite gear.

    Let elite players have harder elite raid content. We get our most enjoyment from playing DCUO through running raid content. Our experiences of the game have been compromised while the devs are catering content more to casual players. Elite is meant to be ELITE for a reason.

    Alternatively, why not invest in a microphone? Get on voice chat with your friends and play raids together. Learn to get better with your role, change power, find a role that you can work with. Master Mental DPS, Rage Tank, Electric Heal, and more - then work with what you learn in the raid content. There are plenty of loadout videos and guides on YouTube that can help you out.

    Please devs, if you're reading this, give us hard elite raids next episode. Long hallways, three distinct boss fights, distinct room mechanics. Wonderful art and design would be a cherry on top (like FGS) - And make the elite duo/alert doable for most.
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  11. Lara Committed Player

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