More Difficult in Upcoming Raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lara, May 9, 2021.

  1. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I saw the patch notes, didn't agree with them but I try to give them benefit of doubt since they make games, I play them. I haven't looked at the feedback thread in awhile. Last I saw tho, it was mostly praise that the higher settings feel about right. If anyone doesn't agree, post about it. Write out your groups cr, their artifact level, their gear, whatever info you can. Because if you say you and your group were 335s, 140 to 160 arts, and you steam rolled critical then they would probably buff it up some more.

    But be honest, because if you and 7 others went in in full elite gear and 200 artis and got thru it eventually, it's probably "just right". They can't make something truly unbeatable and sell rps. Like fgse was great and tough for sure. But since most people got stuck at Zues, I'm sure rps suffered once everyone finished spamming grail. Which was also a tough fight.

    Again, not disagreeing about raising difficulty but help the devs by giving honest and well informed feedback.

    Edit: always remember that devs can see how many groups are actually beating the higher settings. So while some may be ashamed to admit they can't beat it and risk being made fun of on here, the devs will know if players are lying and saying they beat it with ease.
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  2. Lara Committed Player

    I agree on that, but FGSe was a raid and still is a raid you need have like a plan you cant just lfg it and get few dps troll heal and tank and run straight into it hell no this raid is still hard and is one of the best raids dcuo made
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  3. zNot Loyal Player

    They dont just randomly increase difficulty lmao its all about feedback did you see any increase in difficulty in fire and brimestone elite despite being a farmable elite raids possibly the easyiest elite raid? No because as i said its about feedback.

    Also Elite raids should be on Test server for longer duration and properly tested the amount of feedback they get isnt much im not a big fan of adjusting difficulty on Live when people already done with it.

    Something thats beatable on Test will be beatable day 1 on Live something that is mediocore on Test will be easy on Live something that is extremly difficult on Test and not beatable there is something we need.
  4. zNot Loyal Player

    The 5 stages is a good idea „noobs“ can farm the first stages BUT thats it,the other second Elite raid and the stage 5 have to remain extremly difficult.

    Also „noobs“ can do The elite duo and Elite alert so adjusting the second elite raid and stage 5 content for them at this point is actually not acceptable with the amount of Regular and Elite things they can finish.
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  5. Lara Committed Player

  6. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Lmao at people so hurt that a lot of people are earning renown. Sorry your "elite" status is so threatened by this DLC.
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  7. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I'm not saying they randomly make things harder. I'm saying they're trying something new and working thru bugs and looking for feedback on how/ what to improve. These posts get taken down because they're useless. 0 useful information here. Just a bunch of us complaining. Your own posts have been locked and thrown into the trash because of this exact same thing.

    Will they continue to increase difficulty on this new feature? Why wouldn't they, it is the entire point of the new feature. Will they listen to 4 players out of 10,000? No but doesn't mean those 4 are being ignored either.

    Again, make a video. Write a full play by play. Help them. Yes, it probably should have been on test longer but when 98% of the player base doesn't test then what is the point? Plus again, 1st attempt here. Consider it "teething issues" while they sort everything out. The only complaints about cte, fgse, and a few other raids were that they were too difficult. I don't recall seeing a single post about how perfect the level of difficulty was. But I'm sure you and I both loved them for the challenge.
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  8. zNot Loyal Player

    Not really mepps even closed a thread of mine where i asked people about what they think overperforms but on the live stream few days ago said that people should open threads about things they think overperform so is just a personal thing or whats going on with that one mepps?
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  9. Lara Committed Player

  10. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Then either the post went off track or constructive discussion turned into heated debate/ animosity towards a player base or developer. New players are a concern that they need to pay attention to so having multiple threads that all say the game is dead/ the game is too easy just aren't a great look.

    I didn't watch this livestream so I don't know what mepps said exactly. But I do know that if he said tthat he probably meant it as "please leave your well informed comments. Meaning you tested it, compared it, have proof, yada yada. I can say "prec is too strong, I want it nerfed". Terrible feedback right? Even tho we hear it a ton. Now if I went in and said "due to the ability to clip this and that, this move is over performing in all situations vs any of these other combinations" and provide proof then I'm sure they would happily listen. Posts like "amulet needs a nerf" with 2 sentences that basically say "I got my butt handed to me on the scoreboard" aren't constructive and will get locked. But a post that shows that maybe amulet when used with tetra in melee build is way too op with sparring target footage and whatever wouldn't
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  11. Perdition Committed Player

    Hate to brake this to you pal, but this game doesn’t revolve just around you. They tried something new with elite, and you didnt like it. Simple. Don’t come on here acting like a big shot, while you got full renown in the first week while the raid was “broken”. Elite must be elite, true. But you are not the only voice here speaking for everyone about difficulty. I’m not gonna keep my mouth shut for anyone, so “sit this one out” you can keep purely for yourself. Which maybe is a good suggestion since you are bored by this dlc ;)

    But hey, keep acting like a big forum warrior, because that’s gonna get you very far..

    Cheers! :)
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  12. Lara Committed Player

  13. zNot Loyal Player

    I doubt that anyone complained about the 5 stages,it was about the execution of the difficulty not about the idea or concept.

    In the braniac raid we have only One boss (who doesnt even need to be pulled by the Tank lol) and a few adds,i thought we would face multiple bosses at once with alot of deadly adds to force people using 2 Tanks/more support rolls.
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  14. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    We really do need a dlc with elite raids that can’t be beaten. Seriously - can’t even scratch the boss.

    Give these people what they want and let them choke on it.
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  15. Lara Committed Player

    I dont care on your Ironic, but yes thank you :) hope they see it and do it! cant wait to choke on it!!!!!
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  16. Perdition Committed Player

    Could be. For me this dlc felt refreshing since it didn’t involve spamming bounties 24/7. For me a dlc is more then just the raids it comes with. The devs won’t be able to please everyone. Hence i said that choosing the difficulty is a hard subject, on both sides. This is perphaps one of the reasons they went with the Tier system for elite.
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  17. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I’m pretty sure there are choices the lie in between spamming for full renown on the first day and waiting three months. The best part, all of those options are available to you.
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  18. zNot Loyal Player

    But if the Elite raid is done with previous episode stats i dont see why many would even bother to spamm them.
  19. Robert-Vim Well-Known Player

    ...well said...
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  20. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    I will go there lol
    Difficult is 100% subjective. Too easy for 1 person is not too easy for Another. This argument is the most incoherent there is. When ppl say this, its almost as if they really just us all to gush over how good they are. Quite pathetic really.
    In any case, if u use their subjective logic about whats too easy then you have to take it to its logical conclusion. What they are asking for w/out realizing it is to make elite content hard enough that only the best 8 players in the game can clear it. Thats because the logic of “too easy” applies to everyone able to clear it. This means that if it were hard enough to satisfy xNOT (just an example) then the players who are better could cry its too easy an if the devs made it harder, they’d be happy an xNOT (again, for example) would be here complaining its too hard. Repeat this process till only the best 8 can clear.
    Its a stupid argument. Its an argument based on individual subjectivity. Theres no way to appease each individuals subjective sense of whats too hard and too easy.
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