Craziest idea yet: Content relevancy windows and replays.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Minnion, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Veritech Loyal Player

    General feeling around the camp on cr relevancy is negative. We are learning to accept it for what it is, and understand the points on why we can't just hoard marks and purchase the new vendor gear on day 1 of the episode.

    I still run non-relevant content, but at no where near the rate I did when we could earn Triumph to still buy old styles and pay for mainframe rent. Nowadays to buy old styles (thinking Gotham Under Seige Weapons in my case) we need to grind the same marks at the same cost we need for current relevant gear and grind those marks from relevant content, which stalls progression in favor of vanity.

    I really think an alternative currency for non-relevant content, lets call them Marks of Nostalgia for arguments sake , that we could use for the things we used to be able to purchase like past tier vendors, mainframe costs, rare style vendor (wishful thinking), would give that non-relevant content just a little more relevance, decrease queue times for lower tiers, and increase player activity.

    I totally understand how the multiple currencies we had were getting out of hand, but maybe we could have just 2? Relevant and non-relevant?
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  2. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    I would like to see content relevancy increased for certain content (examples being the first 3/4 of Tier 6 (WOTL2 especially). The whole 12 pieces of relevant content thing isn't very valid (in part because we don't get open world solos or bounties anymore).

    I also would like to be able to do missions like CC Bounty missions or Toyman missions without having to replay to do them again on same day. Food for thought.

    We get free alerts in Area 51, Gorilla Island, HIVE Moon Base, Oolong Island and Bludhaven - so why can't this trend continue? Any content which is 2 tiers below you - why should you replay? You replay for marks and most recent gear (well I presume thats why most players replay content)
  3. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    At the very least they should be added to Vendor 22,

    It's questionably 'okay' to hide the styles behind an elite loot lock when the content is brand new and the gear is current... At 3 months old, when only the style is relevant,it's just not fair.
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  4. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    lol some of you ppl HAVE to work for DB!!!
  5. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    I think this is the best for everyone is having the 2 marks split into two groups relevant and non-relevant marks. But I would say that mainframe cost should be paid with your relevant marks to encourage players to still run daily content even if they dont care about SP or old styles.
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  6. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    I am just against carrying the minimum cr people. While I understand some people like to skip episodes they should group with other people that do the same. Why should a legendary person carry someone that is too cheap to buy the content?
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  7. Minnion Devoted Player

    Because you chose to pug and are too lazy or impatient to walk out and find another instance.
    That said, why assume that everyone who skips content is premium? Heck why insult those who skip content at all? It's not their fault that the Devs designed the content to be "Skipp-able"... (And again I figure if the entry CR is 113, it should be the same difficulty and have the same rewards as all of the other content you can enter at 113... The problem is that the devs are trying to cater content towards those who don't want to run 113 content anymore, and those who weren't interested in the other 113 content.)
  8. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    I do walk out if I get a 113....every time even if I can solo it. Even if they are legendary... I mean the further we get away from the 113 the less of an issue it is...being a 155 with a 113 is just ridiculous in being possible.
  9. Minnion Devoted Player

    Awesome. Glad the feedback proved valuable.:D
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  10. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    I'd run prime a lot more than once a week for that helm if I didn't have to reset it.
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    lol wut? what are you actually referring too?
  12. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    'They're not'.

    - Sincerely, High Level People Who Don't Reset Old Content For Loot Now But Would Run More Of It If The Locks Were Gone.
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  13. VV Dedicated Player

    Just do it already!
  14. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Well, you have spooky Developer Content Mapping Lookup Powers, go check Galea Kimone :

    You'll notice she's run a combination of relevant / non-relevant content recently, perhaps at a 50-50% rate for both. The reasons are mostly tied to Feat completion. So posing your question, 'if they don't find it worth running now, why would they be excited to run it repeatedly?' -

    The ability to complete more things, repeatedly, equals the ability to accomplish some things faster. Now, the whole 'but we want to make content last longer' argument is pretty much out the window at this point : we're talking about Tier 1-4 Content, there's not as much impetus for a casual player to re-run that upon completion.

    For a more involved player, the idea of spending Replay Badges on it - No, that's not happening, I have more important things to spend those on too. But because I still have 'old things' to do, and because sometimes I'm just feeling obnoxious and stomp-happy I still find myself replaying the older content anyways.

    I told you that story to tell you this one :

    Right now, your game suffers from one marked deficiency that at least one recent review holds bluntly against it - a lack of mid tier 'relevant content' players.

    Now, obviously, part of the issue is not having '156 CR IKEA DPS ROFLStomping The Kasbah', which you (by which I mean the development community) are going to have to address at some point, probably via means of the old 'Optional Stat Clamping' discussion (WHICH IS NOT WHAT WE'RE GOING TO TALK ABOUT NOW, in bright red letters for all the Stat Clamp Trolls in the cheap seats) - but part of which can be addressed, Now, simply by opening the proverbial gate for this idea.

    Or, 'some of us are already running it now anyways and I'm sure you could improve that amount by means of this change'.

    Money being the motivating decision that it is for game development directional decisions : consider that simply filling seats can drive sales, simply because by simply filling seats things continue to get sold. You don't have to be making a direct Replay Badge driven profit off of every area of the game in order to make money off of the game, and for the new player considering whether or not they want to subscribe -

    Does it look better to have your next month's progress be full of potentially experienced players? Right now it's a ghost town; granted, some people like ghost towns - they can be fun - but when you're in a place and you need a team to get things done, well - you need a team to get things done, period. It's simply not possible to monetize that content from both directions, but it's perfectly possible to make old things an attractive enough option to an old player that a new player still has someone to run with.

    You'll still have that other bridge to cross, but get people in seats first and you may find it easier to do.
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  15. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    This has been suggested before, 51 upvotes so far. ;)
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  16. SSeid Committed Player

    That question in itself is irrelevant. Whether people will run it or not is something that remains to be seen. What is fact is that they will never reset it ( no income loss for the game ) and if it is implemented there will be one less reason not to run that content.

    Of course other problems will rise, serious if I may say so but IF such thing is implemented correctly everyone ( but a few ) will greatly benefit.
  17. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    See the comment two below that comment : or

    'Pretty much, yeah'.
  18. SSeid Committed Player

    I did the moment I pressed post reply. :oops:
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  19. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    All good heh. But yeah, I think a lot of us agree on this one : it seems like kind of a duh, as well as a great way to consider introducing that 'incentivizing optional stat clamp' thing. This game *would* have great replayability if it weren't for the Pavlov's Dog replay badge definition of 'replay value'. A lot of the older content is great, period : I don't even feel that bad about not getting marks from it, to be frank, but I do see it as a little restricting to continue enforcing loot locks on content that's 100 CR below where I'm at right now.

    Like what, I'mma accidentally score me some super-sweet Level 27 Gear that breaks the game or something?
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  20. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    I do still run old content often. I do find some older content fun still. When i get loot locked i wait till reset to run again. I like the loot. No matter what it is. I wont reset just for loot and no marks. As a premium I use most loot to buy sodas for repair bills. When im legendary. I still run older content. Battle for earth and fight for light are still my favorite DLCs. I do run those everyday. Raids 1 time a week. Sometimes i run the raids more. Only when a freind asks for help. I still wont reset. Ill run to help. Also if this happens. Even if it dont. Players should be allowed to force a q without the required number of players. Players should be allowed to force a q even with 1. Players are already complaining of high cr in lower content. This would reduce that. Without this option and this idea get put in play. That number might increase.
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