Craziest idea yet: Content relevancy windows and replays.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Minnion, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    I think the main problem with this sort of idea is i would take away a lot of longevity out of the game for newer players. Further taking away the daily reason to log in for many end game players as well. Players with 225+ SP are the ones that waited those loot locks out, and have patiently hunted those styles.
    I not saying that im against this idea just saying that there are logical reason against it as well.
  2. Harlequin Devoted Player

    On my main, I have every style available in the game from T5 down (still missing a piece of Digital Invasion but no feat so...) and quite a few from T6 and up. That includes Brainiac Invader from Courthouse and the FFTL styles before they were put on the vendor. I farmed my *** off for them, too. I am 1000% for this idea so you do not speak for everyone who has "patiently hunted those styles." I would devote tons of time on alts to getting those styles if this change was made, especially if walk-ins were available, too.
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  3. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Some of us are still hunting those styles *now*, years later - I think the RNG is doing a good enough job at locking those people out. Not to mention that being able to functionally increase your ability to get SP actually seems counter to the argument that most 'new' players have against SP in the first place - being that it takes too long to accomplish those goals.
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  4. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    What he said.
  5. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    Mainly what im saying is faster is not better in all cases. In a game that you can reach end game in less then 2 weeks( being very generous) you should not also give players the ability to "finish" the game in 2 more. Without loot locks to slow progression of SP new players could and would max a toon in less then a month and have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do. Labeling the game as boring and to short. It should take longer to accomplish those goals. Would you play a MMO that you could max a character that quickly?

    The main reason I have seen is this thread for why this is a good idea is gives players something to do but does it really? It does in the short term for a couple days sure, but after you get those styles that you are missing what does this do for you? I do think they should come up with a system that encourages re-running old content for players that would last in a long term sense. This idea would be great for about 2 weeks then everyone would go right back to having nothing to do again.......
  6. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Uhm, to be frank? I think you're overestimating the speed at which people will be able to complete 'extra stuff'. Like, unless you literally live on a server for 16 hours a day, time's still a real consideration in your life.

    For example, SP :

    You're mentioning Styles, I think we all have at this point : Styles aren't the only meaningful thing, however. Raw gear to turn into parts of R&D, for example - that's an added incentive. Things to salvage in the first place - more added incentive. Also, more added time : you might be able to luck out on some Style collection items, but every single one of those things that you Salvage?

    Luck, she's not on your side now - that's you against a small mountain, and it's going to take forever : period. I'm *still* working on Alerts and Solos with my main character. So that's not something that will magically vanish in a week, I could run 20 alerts a day NOW if I wanted to. Removing loot lock on earlier content simply means I could run 20 of the ones I like instead, or run 20 of the walk-ins so I'm not screwing up low CR player enjoyment (assuming that we never get an optional Stat Clamp option, which would be the other solution to a lot of content depopulation issues).

    Also, bear in mind that all of these things take real, actual time to run too. Running my Mental DPS, who solo'd Paradox Wave in 2:28 seconds on her first attempt at a straight speed run three nights ago? It still takes at least 20 minutes to get through Arkham, sometimes more. It still takes 20 minutes to get through Smallville, it still takes 20 minutes to get through Hive Moon Base, it still takes - I KNOW you're noticing a theme by now.

    It's not that she's slow either - see above re : 2:28 Solo Odyssey. But the pacing and timing of older Alerts takes a bit to get through - not that I'm complaining, but it does tend to devalue the claim that 'all of these things will be done the next day' that you're making here.

    So physical limitations of time, those are incapable of circumvention. So are physical limitations of certain Feats. Add to this some incentive for a top-tier player to run lower content, thereby making queue possible for a first time player? That sells itself, *especially* if you can work in a feasible optional stat clamp functionality...

    Like, say, selecting the stat clamp option removes the loot lock.
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  7. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    once per week, T2 Weekly award boxes are the only place where the hartshard Healer shoulders drop (last style feat I need), so i do all of T2 Content once per week. as well as Paradox/Nexus for recovery kits.
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  8. taylor0987 Well-Known Player

    When I needed styles from non-relevant content I was running it as often as possible without resetting. That meant a couple of different solos every day I logged on and 2 FOS raids for 3 toons once a week until I finished Kryptonian, Aerial Defender, and Talon Lord styles.
  9. LT Schmitt Committed Player

    We need this now
  10. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Even without replay, people will still run to get the styles, feats they need. And some like the whole game too. We all pay to play every contents and some even buy the episodes and tiers so I'm sure they want to play them as many time as they want.

    Also new stuff dropping could be added under relevancy so people are more interested to run all contents in the game. Just like the exobits clusters, the prestiges. But I just maxed out the feats for the tokens of merit. I'm wondering if we might have new feats for them.
    A lot more could be added too dropping.
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