Craziest idea yet: Content relevancy windows and replays.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Minnion, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Why exactly? You say that but with little reason. Explain to me and others why this couldn't make an excellent subscription perk?
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  3. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    unlocking old content legendary members seem to want nothing but new content, go outside the forums for a min bring everyone from in game into this. Then you'll have you're answer.

    the day everyone realizes that premium is a big part of the game the better there isn't just legendary's out there.
  4. Minnion Devoted Player

    Not to mention all that grinding for mostly useless items is going to fill up a persons inventory increasing friction from our limited inventory size... Might sell a few more inventory expansions... or subscriptions to people that want more bag space so they can farm for longer before they have to sell/delete stuff from their inventory.
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  5. TrueColors Well-Known Player

    Not if it drives more people to subscribe to legendary, driving more cash flow to the game it doesn't The game needs to make money to stay alive. So if people sub that is more potentially than they might spend on replays.
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  6. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    tell me something if you save you're replays from being legendary and don't spend them on old content are dev's losing money that way as well?
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  7. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    You missed the point... The idea wants to INCLUDE groups too allowing anyone (solo or group) to get loot 2 or more times a day/week. For this particular idea, no, doing what you suggest doesn't "work" or help at all since it is unrelated.
  8. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    I swear I've seen you say this (or something to this effect) before.

    Please explain.

    I mean really, what technical issues prevent me from being able to walk / solo queue into Black Dawn or Oan Science Cells? How is it any different than queuing in with 7 / 3 others, and having them leave immediately?
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  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Let me rephrase - how often are you running non-relevant content now?
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  10. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i am currently running it everyday including right now hold on a min waiting on the que system to pop up on my alt. ;)
  11. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Once a week (after the reset), to get recovery kits, base items, omnipotence and missing styles.
    As a side note, i fear this can make base items and recovery kits too common ( not something like 100k, but almost free), because some t1 solos and dox can be done in 2 minutes.
  12. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Personally, as often as possible without using replays.

    I'm working on my BFE duos (obviously I don't need to worry about locks here), I have stuff I need to do in BIA and FR, styles from Paradox, a style from WT Containment (which only drops on the last boss...or in BIA).

    Granted, I could get most of the styles I'm chasing from the rare style vendor....but it takes me a long, long time to get 70 marks at my play rate.

    At some point I need to look up feat related base items to see where they drop - then those instances go onto my to-do list.

    To segue into a semi-related area, this sort of "unlock" perk would be more useful with a way to walk into all non-relevant content :D
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  13. TrueColors Well-Known Player

    Okay, here it is: What if, once content was no longer within our relevancy window it no longer required replays to get loot from that content?(As in if you're not getting marks from it, you don't get loot locked.)

    This is what I was speaking to, the original OP. If this was a legendary perk, and it was gear only, and not marks, legendary players would use this to finish off feats (ie. Styles). Hence, more legendary memberships = more money for the game.

    I have no idea what you are talking about. So I apologize if I wasn't clear on what I was referring to.
  14. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Every week for sure and every day if I need specific base items. Week for style items I want to earn in full from drops (ie not buying it from the rare style vendor), for Omnipotence items and for unique styles (like the tiaras from Gates of Tartarus). If Nekron's chest is still popular after I get out of that relevancy or I need it for another character I'd keep doing Black Night each week too. I just got out of a cycle of running Artifacts from the Past and Lockdown each week for missing style pieces as well.

    When I was creating my style for my Light character I ran the Battle for Earth Duos each day. I try to run Paradox Wave on my Quantum character to get Traces in Time since I want to use marks to progress him instead and don't like buying rare styles (personal preference).

    So at least weekly. :)
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  15. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    once a week, for kits.
  16. Proxystar #Perception

    With all due respect though, it isn't always about rewarding premium players.

    Ask yourself the honest question if you could reset content cheaper or free once old enough would that encourage you to sign up?

    Id hazard a guess many people would, so don't just say no for the sake of maintaining your argument.

    Subscribers are better for this game than inconsistent premium players that's just fact.
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  17. Backseid Devoted Player

    I would run it quite often if I could do it alone or with just a few people.

    We really, really need to move away from forced grouping for EVERYTHING that has any worth.

    It's all about choice. Of which, we have none.

    I've never played any other game that gives you nothing to do on your own time. An entire population of gamers are pushed out from enjoying this game. Many people do not want to be in a big League. They WANT to enjoy the game with 4 or 5 others most of the time. Requiring 8 other people in order to do anything restricts a load of people.
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  18. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    look at the feedback only due to recovery kits, what if that content didn't drop recovery kits, or newer content starting dropping Recovery kit's Would you still run it? i can say i will cause i still do i got pictures :D
  19. Minnion Devoted Player

    Pretty-much once a week or daily if I'm running it at all... Perhaps more if I'm helping out a league-mate who's trying to level through it or get a feat. (Heck I ran a solo twice in a row trying to get a couple feats that I missed, without resetting. and honestly I was glad that I wasn't getting loot the second time, since my inventory was full. I seriously need to consider buying more inventory space again... )
  20. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Um... You quoted the wrong person I hope? Because none of those specific posts quoted any of yours and thus why you're confused.