A few observations from a PC player...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DoctorP2, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. Eternal Flame Active Player

    Agreed. And ive noticed the 2 healer thing also. And i find it odd considering i saw a lot of ps players on these forums talking a ton of smack about how ps players are clearly better. I also logged on the minute serves came up for cross play and turned on shout right away to see what was being said. And what i saw was 3 ps players kick it off by insulting pc. I then removed shout from my chat cause i dont wanna be a part of or see that junk. Idc whose better. I wanna play and have fun. Have no clue why people gotta start this ps vs pc garbage. Last i checked this is a video game to play and have fun. If u actively try to start drama on a video game maybe its time to log off and take a serious look at yourself.
  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    People complain support roles are irrelevant, the platform with the biggest population uses two healers as a norm, people complain we use two healers.

    Can't win here.
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  3. Eternal Flame Active Player

    Ive seen the complete opposite of this. Ive seen more then a few ps players completely flip out over something tiny and rage quit leaving us to use a kick on a linkdead player. Please dont make it out to be that pc people are the only ones complaining and causing problems. All that does is add to the problem more by making it look like ps players are always right and pc players just complain, not cool.
  4. Eternal Flame Active Player

    Im not complaining at all. Personally idc how the group is setup. Whatever works for your group and however u get the instance done is what really matters. What im talking about is people running their mouth about how great they are but they cant solo heal a raid. Looks kind of silly when someone does that. Thats all i meant.
  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    You're going to have to point me out to these ps players that do that. Maybe it's a hero thing but on villain side I rarely see any PC bashing. If I do I end up trolling the ps player. Ive even made friends with a few of them myself. You're making it out to be the whole ps population is at fault when really it isn't. Just the knuckleheads. Don't put the good people in with the morons please.
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  6. Minnion Devoted Player

    Maybe the heroes get more "knuckleheads" because said "knuckleheads" like an audience, and since more players play hero that's just where the trolls go for the biggest audience in game?
  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Basically. Knuckleheads are everywhere. There just seems like more on the hero side because a lot bigger population.
  8. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    In my league we have had to pug a role here and there and I have never had a problem with adding a pc player to the mix. I really do not see a difference, except we might try to type a tad more but that is about it.

    I just ask in LFG for whatever role I need, as long as the person is in the right cr bracket, meaning 150 plus I just add them regardless of platform.

    There are bigger difference between some PC player and other PC player than between PS players and other PC players. We all are different and the platform we play on is irrelevant. The only reason for the merge was for the benefit of everyone, the PC side really didn't bring a lot players to the mix though. There are substantially more MMO's on the PC but the bottomline, PC players can complain about the PS players or they can find a way to enjoy meeting some new people and enjoy the fact the game is still here.
  9. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Because you're dealing with an entirely different class of player than your general "PC gamer". You went from the "WoW" hardcore MMO playerbase to the "Call of Duty" playerbase. These dudes crew up playing call of duty behind a mic, calling everyone a noob. Most players are selfish. Most are creeps. Most are just keyboard tough. Most think they know everything. Just something PC players are going to have to get used to.

    I've really been tempted to make a female toon, and shout around the watchtower asking for handouts using a lot of winky faces because I know how creepy most dudes are on this game. I'd make a killing. I'd be a great chick.

    ...what were we talking about?
  10. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    I dunno, I've seen plenty of this...



    and especially this...

    from the PC players on shout in the Watchtower and across the Trade channel in the last few days.

    Yet I still stop short of saying 'Most PC players are elitist pricks who cannot stand the fact that joining the people they spent so many years insulting is literally the only way to vitalize their gameplay, while these same people on the PS side literally notice *zero* difference in playstyle, queue times or anything else as a result of their arrival'.

    Maybe you should consider that because there are literally 10 times as many PS players, you're dealing with a very vocal minority that seems like a larger amount of people than they actually are simply because they are loud. Although we might have a few more ******** not all of us are that way and some of us on the PS side of the board are stopping short of judging you personally based on the flaws and failings of your peers on your platform - even though you say things like the above which make you sound like you might indeed be one of those aforementioned elitist guys, were one to take your commentary at face value alone.

    Though in defense of your commentary, I do think the PS player base has more obvious perverts, yes.
  11. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I'm not a PC player btw, I've been on PS for 5 years. Most Pugs I've come across in that time have the traits I listed above. A lot of times you'll find cool dudes, but other groups turn into bloodbaths the second one thing goes wrong.
  12. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Shrug, THAT, I won't argue with. I think a better observation to offer is that 'some people in general suck, good luck finding the ones who aren't dickheads'.
  13. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Yeaaaaah... I did uhhmmm... 22 million? or so in a Demon's Plan run with two DPS's the other night; I'm a 'good' DPS, but I'm not alone in being a good DPS, so I know - FOR A FACT - that another 'good' DPS can do the same thing.

    In defense of that number, we did wipe once on the second fight and I think that was a DPE run (ended up being like a 25 minute run overall, so not bad, little chuggy because 'no tank until the last fight') - but was having a second DPS there helping?

    Even a little?

    Above having a Tank?

    No. If we've got one DPS, we *should* be fine in four-man content, or two-man content. The break point for group performance in this game environment should never be 'I can't do enough damage'.
  14. Domi Well-Known Player

    For the most part I run things with my League on my main toon. On my alts I usually go it alone or with my boyfriend. I play on the PS4. I have noticed and been annoyed with for a long time how people just rage quit and 99% of the time it was their fault.

    The few times we had brought in a PUG who was on the PC there was no problem. One even turned his mic on. My League has no problem with people who at least type and listen to what we say/type. I have a keyboard so usually it's me typing.

    Now, onto the 2 healer thing. Since I am the League healer we usually only have 1 healer for all raids except this newest one. Even BN I was soloing. I have noticed the last few days playing on an alt to level her up that there are usually 2 healers. I'll tell you why. They lack the reaction skills in order to heal in time. This game is the easiest to heal on and it's so sad that people fail so miserably at it. -.- Usually PC gamers are use to MMOs and other games and such. A lot of people on the PS this is their first ever MMO. I hope this sheds light on why when pugging there seems to be 2 healers.

    I look forward to more encounters with PC people. ^^ Don't let those offensive people in shout and trade chat keep you from getting to know the nice players. :)
  15. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Considering having multi-billions in in-game cash means nothing is the reason why when I sell something I sell it at a price that will make it sell. This is called commerce. Having $10,000,000,000 in in-game cash puts someone at no more of an advantage than someone with $5,000,000 in in-game cash. So when you're selling something at $10,000,000 I'm going to be selling it at $1,000,000 tops.
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  16. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    There's a sweet spot, is my main point.

    Like, some furniture : we'll say Mystical Armoire - recently I've seen it on sale for 1 million to 750 K, it's a collection piece for a 25 point Feat and it's uncommon so that's not too outlandish a price range.

    I look in the broker, I'm seeing zero of them for sale today - I sold one in 15 minutes for 500 K, in that situation. Not hypothetically, that was how I made my cash last week. Two days later, I have another one - three in Broker, 750, 600, 500 - my new price is 250 on that item.

    It's low enough to move the item (and since it sold, it was an acceptable price) - the low sale item will always move, but the range of undercutting can be like, 15-50%, as opposed to 90-95% - 'low enough to move but high enough to be worth it moving'.

    That depends on the item though, some things never really change in price and some things are artificially expensive because of in-game rarity, as opposed to like, Booster Box auras which are around once and therefore command a base price of a million and up because there will never be any more dropping again after this.

    Like Green K, I've never seen in the broker for less than 2.5 million. It's the *one* item preventing me from having the complete Plant Style Feat, and it's another step towards the master detective feat, and ... there is no way i'm paying 2.5 million for a rock.
  17. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Also, not all of us PS guys have billions in ingame cash - some of us didn't profit from the cash bugs.
  18. David Ivanenko Committed Player

    What I've noticed so far:
    - Queue times got reduced by a LOT.
    - The time to complete an instance got increased by a LOT.

    I joined a group asking for a troll for BD(n)'s last boss. They'd already been there for more than an hour.
    They had 2 tanks (one was CR 142, another CR 150) and 2 healers, yet they kept dying over, and over and over again.
    I asked if they wanted me to get my tank, or healer so we could complete the instance. All they did was make fun of whatever anyone typed on chat thinking we couldn't hear them since 2 of us were on PC.
    After another 30 minutes, they disbanded.

    Earlier that same day, I ran BN as a DPS. And while being the member with the lowest CR (151 compared to 154-155 from the rest of the group) I still did the most damage. On the first boss, one of the healers and I were the only ones carrying the mist containers, while the rest of the DPSs just kept on DPSing.
    During the second boss, I was the ONLY one getting the teleporters.
    During the last boss, again, the DPSs kept killing Black Hand before we could get the 4 mist containers, dying over and over. One of the healers and a DPS didn't know you have to re-summon your pet after entering the corruption, so I had to keep reminding them to do so each time I noticed their pets derping outside of the corruption.
    To make the whole thing even better (and by better I mean worse), the jabbering and echo on voice chat were non-stop. I just wish everyone's voice chat switched to PTT automatically every day, lol.
    This was a full PS group, I was the only PC player.

    The day before (my first Crossplay raid run) I ran PB(n), there were only 2 PS players in the group (only 1 after a couple of wipes at Grodd's fight). We beat the raid without many incidents (and 7 players). We wiped like 3 times at Grodd, but that was it.
    In this case, they used both voice chat and typed (voice during fights, text before/after bosses or wipes) and everything went well.

    In my case, 2 out of 3 experiences so far haven't been that great.

    Before Crossplay it was a bit easier remembering the names of the not-so-good and not-so-pleasant players/leagues. Now we have to start memorizing 10 times more names.

    I do like Crossplay though. At least it makes gearing up Alts a whole lot easier and faster, the game seems a lot more "alive" and creepy guys give me stuff without even asking when I'm playing on one of my female alts. :p

    I just really REALLY wish that leaving mics open was NOT an option. PPT or text only.
  19. Shifty Committed Player

    Not true. It's rare to see two heals unless its SM or maybe an elite raid. But I've yet to see two heals on this new elite raid.
  20. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    That sounds like an awesome name for my Midnight Star/Egyptian Lover cover band!

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