Why does not TR have 167 dmg carbine?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by keqe, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. NaySayer

    I just want our faction trait. We SHOULD have the highest rof weapons.
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  2. pnkdth

    Carbines across the board are useless at long range. The T5 AMC is, however, the best mid range carbine bar none. It has extremely high bullet velocity(the highest infact with 570m/s and access to HVA), very low recoil(and access to adv f.grip), 652RPM(which signify mid range weapons in the 143DMG tier). The result is the most accurate carbine in the game with the biggest magazine(I use the Solstice SF just to get something similiar to this when I equip a non-cqc loadout).

    Not sure why TR players think it is so bad but I guessing it has something to do with having access to carbines such as the Lynx, jag, and Trac-5. I'm not saying NC/VS are hard done by but trying to paint TR as a faction who's lacking in the selection of carbines makes me raise an eyebrow to say the least...

    Same. Only reason I roll with the Serpent is to earn auraxium on it.
  3. TeknoBug

    HAHA, GD-7F is like a Ferrari body with a VW 4 cylinder inside, it seems to be a good on paper but it's a piece of **** in action.
  4. Van Dax

    And if you get the serpents ROF lowered, I demand that we get to remove your .75x move speed and put them on our carbines deal?
  5. ReconTeemo

    hear ye! hear ye!

  6. Mxiter

    I would love it too, but low damages/bullet implies generally more damage degradation, so a important loss of effectiveness at medium range.
  7. Jrv

    TR ITT arguing that their carbines suck are probably the silliest posts I've ever read, and I've read Vanu posts in ZOE threads, NC posts in Scat threads, and TR posts in Fracture/Striker threads.
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  8. Haruk

    If you wanted variety, you would have deserted The Republic long ago soldier.
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  9. MrIDoK

    TR guns don't suck, but they are all just spammy spammy weapons with no other playstyle. The only slight exception is the TRAC-5B because it's more accurate and less spammy than the others, but that's it. That's what i'd love to have, more different stuff, not better stuff that feels always the same... :(
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  10. Kastrenzo

    Why does VS have a 167 damage carbine then?
    Pulsar C is vastly superior to the T5AMC and Razor,

    As long as you hit them in the head at least once, I never really minded the T5 AMC
    I'd rather TR have a 167 Damage RIFLE that could fire in automatic..
    or a TR Machine gun that does 167, They only have the TMG50, Vanu have TWO 167 guns, Flare and Ursa.
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  11. pnkdth

    Oh my! VS get two almost identical LMGs which does 167? So unfair! Meanwhile TR gets a statistically superior version of the 167DMG LMG but, please, let's focus on the amount of LMGs rather than the quality of them.

    TR never get anything unique except...
    A burst fire side arm, AKA the mini-SMG.
    A unique burst fire AR.
    A unique 40 round, highest velocity, highly accurate mid range carbine.
    40 rounds in their 143 dmg ARs/carbines.

    Also, the Pulsar C is an AF-19 merc(the default NC carbine) with worse ROF. Yay?

    Seriously, stop acting like TR is some wounded animal here in need of help. Indeed, if 167dmg weapons are so important to you then you joined the wrong faction. I can guarantee you'll start missing your low recoil bullet hoses very quickly when you realise that having 23 extra damage per bullet isn't the bestest thing ever.
  12. repairtool6

    TR have the jag and the amc.

    Jaguar is the best carbine option bar none for closerange/allround play (dont give me crap about "its nerfed now, was better before." Its STILL the best. No contenders.)

    AMC is the best carbine option bar none for medium/longrange play. No contenders.

    Dont cry TR, you are extremely lucky :)
  13. Dingus148

    Jag is a piece of ****. If you seriously think it's good, you need to actually use it. Don't kid yourself otherwise. Yes, it USED to be a beast. These days it's just not worth it. A low ROF hipfirer with good damage dropoff? Use an SMG or the Lynx. ADS accuracy? The Trac5 S or AMC is what you're looking for. The Jag is the bastard child with it's strengths in areas it's weak in. At least Lynx doesn't pretend to be a long ranged carbine.
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  14. repairtool6

    Actually use it? Why would i ever use something else?
    Okey i mostly play NC now, but when TR? Jag all the time.

    Before: Flat out OP. Best allround at everything.
    Nerf: Slight (slight) nerf to horz. recoil. But at the same time: General buff to forgrips. Result? No real change.
    Not directly OP anymore, its brought in line. But still the best, easy.

    "Low ROF hipfirer?" God, 750 rpm is 'bad' since when?
    Just dont tell my you use it with the laser because if you are, only words i can think off are DERP

    Edit: Sorry for bickering tone...just provoced :/
  15. Dingus148

    Erm, when did you play TR? I used to use the Jag a lot too. Now I won't touch it. It's literally useless...a hipfire carbine with low ROF, crappy ADS even with foregrip and it's "strength" is it's 0.75 ADS move speed. Do I need to spell out more clearly why this weapon doesn't work?
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  16. keqe

    I have not played with jaguar before nerf as I bought it yesterday and I got to say I love it. It seems clear upgrade from Trac-5 (weapon I have 2/3 of all my kills). Good hip-fire, seems accurate while ADS, good RoF. I use foregrip on it as I like to aim usually and it is very good with it. It has almost no horizontal movement with it. If it really "sucks" after the nerf it must have been god-like before.

    But please keep this thread on-topic. This is not Jaguar thread.
  17. TeknoBug

    Wait, which carbine is that? Most of TR's carbines don't even exceed 500 bullet velocity while NC and VS are around 500-550.

    Edit- NM I see it's the T5 AMC, the GD-23 is up there too.
  18. Holomang

    That has less to do with the Jaguar being good than it does with the fact it's really the only usable carbine the TR have.
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  19. Kastrenzo

    Flare and Ursa are not identical at all, not even close

    Flare sucks at longer ranges
    Ursa sucks at closer ranges unless you're going for headshots, as is all weapons
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  20. RHINO_Mk.II

    Yeah, which is why TR have 2 of the top 3 and 3 of the top 6...