Why does not TR have 167 dmg carbine?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by keqe, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. keqe

    It would make perfect sense. NC has high rate of fire carbine (even higher than the fastest TR carbine!). Why can't we have a 167 dmg carbine. It could have same rate of fire as tmg-50, 550rpm. This would be 50 less than mercenary. Sounds balanced to me and would be nice for someone who would like to have options.

    And please don't post **** like "play NC then". Please remove high RoF NC weapons then.
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  2. Jrv

    Give us a 40 round carbine magazine and we'll talk.
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  3. Gendomaoken

    What poster above said. You give us high mag carbine, well share 167 dmg carbine. Fair trade?
  4. RHINO_Mk.II

    I'll trade my GD7F for your Jaguar any day.
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  5. AdennTM

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  6. Tekuila

    The T5 AMC would be an excellent candidate for this. To the NC players, we don't need to trade anything at all.
  7. RHINO_Mk.II

    If only it were possible. Jaguar is the #1 Kill/Hour carbine, while GD7F is sitting lonely at #7.
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  8. Weirdkitten

    I'd do too. But give them the razor instead. They want a 167 damage carbine :p
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  9. TheArchetype

    They won't change the T5-AMC, they'll just add it as a 1000 cert 700 sc rip off.
  10. MrIDoK

    Here, take this gun with 40 rounds and a crappy horizontal recoil that makes most of those extra shots go wasted. Enjoy your new TR gun!

    Really, what's infuriating about the TR is the very low amount of variation among our guns. Assault Rifles are ok, we have a lot of cool stuff and while i'd love a Reaper or a Gauss i'm fine with not having them.
    But carbines and lmgs don't feel good at all. They feel all the same and when we see that the NC has every type of carbine from a slow-firing high-damage one to a fast-firing low-damage one we feel cheated. Why can you have all those kind of guns and we are stuck with stuff that looks and feels the same? That's the problem, not that we lack 167 dmg carbines but that we lack the amount of differences that can be found in the NC guns.
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  11. Tekuila

    Hey rhino, you know the jaggy got nerfed right?
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  12. keqe

    Our "unique" stuff is our 40 round mags. Your unique stuff is 200 dmg weapons. Vanu has 167 dmg weapons why don't us TR?
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  13. illgot

    do you have any carbines that have a high rate of fire or large clip?

    Because the NC are about damage per round and TR are about larger clips and faster rates of fire.
  14. keqe

    Please, remove GD7F then with that logic.
  15. Blarg20011

    A. Magazines
    B. You get an 845 RoF carbine, why don't we get a 167?
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  16. RHINO_Mk.II

    Apparently not significantly, because that stat sheet is from 5 minutes ago.

    Mostly because you have 40 round clips. The Mercenary has 167x30=5010 damage per clip. The TRAC-5 has 143x40=5720 damage per clip. If there was a TR weapon with 167 damage per round and a 40 round magazine, it would have 6680 damage per clip, making it almost a LMG in terms of damage potential between reloads.
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  17. illgot

    MAGAZINE when will I stop making that mistake!!
  18. MrIDoK



    :rolleyes: see? posting statistics that don't take into account nerfs and such doesn't always produce the correct results.

    Edit: the SABR-13 has 167 damage, 30 shots and long reload speeds... what would be the problem with having a carbine like that?
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  19. keqe

    It could have 30 round mag like Beta AMC. It does not have to be 40 mag weapon.

    Also that logic. Gauss SAW OP, it does 20000 dmg per magazine while CARV does 14300.
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  20. Blarg20011

    I think that stat sheet is from all time though, so it counts the 6 months before the nerfs. Also, i would be happy with the T5 getting a 30 rnd mag with 167 dmg.
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