WDS - Supply Cache Rewards List Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by o.Solei.o, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. Gav7x

    That would destroy my KPM :(
  2. Hatesphere

    If you came back just for the gifts we probibly dont want you here. you a driven by the skinner box of achievements and shiny things, some of us just enjoy the game.
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  3. EmmettLBrown

    This is the second pre-season we've had in a row.
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  4. treeHamster

    I'm only doing it until I get to 2k points then I'm quitting for the week to study for an exam.
  5. kadney

    It doesn't. Got one this one on my NC char but I can't use it on any other character of the account. :(
  6. Pootisman

    200 points in 1 hour?? WTF. How?? You get 4-11 Points for base captures, you must have capured like 20 big facilites in 1h.
    I played ~2h today and got ~20 WDS points.
  7. McToast


    So as far as I can see the possible rewards are:

    1h 50% XP boosts
    1d 100% XP boosts
    single use camos
    NS7 PDW b/g

    Mh... I won't complain about free stuff, but I have to admit I did expect a bit more. For t1 I got 3x 1h 50% XP boosts, which I will use when having a good vanguard or liberator run, they should each equal to around 20-30k XP then. For t2 I got 5x digital vehicle camo, which I will most likely never use. Since I already own the NS7 PDW standard version I hope to get some more XP boosts for t3 >_>.
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  8. NoctD

    Tier 2 - Hyper Boost 1 Day
  9. Nocturn0l

    tier1 - 3x single use vehicle camo (urban forest)

    Damn rewards, everyone is ghostcapping and zerging
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  10. Phyr

    Either the "random" rewards are heavily askew, or it's a rather small selection.
  11. Faark

    200p crate: 3x 1h 50% exp
    800p crate: 5x one time camo
    2000p crate: 3x 1h 50% exp

    I'm kinda disappointed... won't use camos and each of the exp boosts will be like 50 cert. Getting the same stuff in the third crate as in the first one was kind of a bummer as well. Conclusion: It wasn't worth lurking around the biolab all day.

    Also the entire scoring system need to be revamped. It currently does not make any sense to fight against a large enemy force. Defending makes only sense on locations with multiple control points (give them one, take it back, repeat) that happen to be large (more wds pts) as well.
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  12. Cerberus007

    Tier 1 3x digital armour camo 1 time use
    Tier 2 5x digital armour camo 1 time use

    I don't even like the digital armour camo. How lucky is that :p
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  13. gregfox89

    Or we can just play 3x as much :p
  14. Kasumimi

    I must be extremely stupid, but I can't find the rewards anywhere.
    I was in battle when I got 200 points and the message popped. I just clicked to close the window and I can't find anything now :<

    Edit: Never mind, it was the camo :X I suck.
  15. zdzieblarz

    You get more points for facilities that have been held for a long while. I got ~50 for one large facility. You just roll around with a zerg and collect facility rewards...thanks to WDS it's kind of like multiplayer zerg pacman right now.

    You can set your world map filters to show WDS point worth. Join zergs going for the darkest red territories.
  16. Blastuh

    I got 3 single use VS digital camo for infantry as my tier 1 prize. I have a little more than 300 WDS points so far.
  17. AdmiralArcher

    bases can have a max value of 100...so thats like....2 biolabs...or a few 32 pt bases
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  18. Pootisman

    Ok, that explains alot, ty. I thought max WDS points you can get for a base is 11.
  19. Sparrow

    Quick questiom: should I get another tier 1 reward for getting 2200 points?
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  20. innersphere1

    I was excited about this wds thing, only to discover that u can only get 1 weapon from this.. and higher tiers rewards are the same.
    When they said "You will not get weapons that you already have " they just mean this " We will not give u that SMG if u alrdy have, but only single use crap camos"
    I think at least in the last tier harder to get, you should add some rare drops.. maybe the chance to get any weapon u dont have or a perma camo