WDS - Supply Cache Rewards List Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by o.Solei.o, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. Nitrobudyn

    Week 1:
    Week 2:
    Tier 1 3x Urban forest camo
    Tier2 ?
    Tier3 ?
  2. kadney

    Since we are in the last week of the WDS Preseason 2, here is what I received:

    18x 1 hour 50% Boost :confused:
    1x 1 day 100% Boost :)
    3x Urban Forest Weapon Camo :(
    5x Digital Vehicle Camo :)
    1x NS-7B PDW :eek:

    15x 1 hour 50% Boost :confused:
    5x Urban Forest Weapon Camo :(
    3x Urban Forest Vehicle Camo :(
    25x Digital Armor Camo o_O
    5x Urban Forest Armor Camo :(

    18x 1 hour 50% Boost :confused:
    5x Digital Weapon Camo :)
    5x Urban Forest Weapon Camo :(
    10x Digital Vehicle Camo :)
    13x Urban Forest Armor Camo :(

    I wish I could trade all the Urban Forest for Digital Camo.. I love the Digital Camo, but I dislike the look of the Urban Forest Camo.. :(
  3. Rocket Black Man

    I pretty much received 3x 1hr XP boosts for tiers 1, 2 & 3 each week (Except for tier 2 during week 2 yielding single-use digital camos for vehicles). Given that a couple squaddies I was with managed to acquire Gold and Black variants of the NS-7 with only two tier 1 placements during the past weeks, I can't help but feel that I should've stopped chasing the carrot at the end of the proverbial stick. XP boosts are great and all (especially as I'm nowhere near BR100) but a 1000+ SC weapon as a reward? That'd of been nice to have seen especially given that the tier 3 of WDS was reported to have a better chance of higher quality rewards. Again, 1hr XP boosts are fine but I can't help but feel how sexy it would've been to have gotten my own SWAG Golden NS-7 PDW. ;)