Stuck at 96% loading, game will not start

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Hardwyre, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. TopkyA

    Infinite Loading screen 48%:mad:
  2. dondelium

    Blah...Sony... You know, I actually have other things to do and am not upset about getting in-game, but it becomes extremely inconvenient for me to miss out on these sales because yall don't test your patches properly.

    It would be super awesome if you guys could make the PS2 market also available on the station somewhere... because well... lets be honest, this game gets jacked up pretty frequently. Just a thought. Other than that yalls games awesome, and is honestly why so many of us are disgruntled to not be able to play today. I know your hard at work to fix this, best of luck, cheers.

    P.S. I have a theory as to what might be the issue. Seems as if your servers are able to be used, but are being overrun by too much bandwidth, could it be possible your packets per player have an extra zero somewhere in them. Might cause a packet flood.

    1st attempt: 96%.
    2nd attempt: 96%.
    3rd attempt: Logging in...
    4th attempt: Logged in. :) Although on Esamir, and not Indar, where I logged off.
  4. dolomite501

    Stuck at 96.14%. I have the high resolution game start meter.
  5. Zathrus

    hmmm... stuck at 96%
    rebooted... still stuck at 96% after restart....

    you know... this seems to happen after every patch now.....
  6. dolomite501

    I"m in after fourth attempt.

    Well spoke to soon. Frozen at character selection screen.
  7. redevil98

    This is total BULL POO.
    I know this poo is free but even that said its just unbelivable how they can keep on screwing stuff up.
    This week and looks like weekend have killed it totally , and whats left of my faith and patience with SOE my have finally run out.
    What a way to treat your customer bass and at XMAS too.
  8. AuxiMoron

    On the first day of Christmas SOE gave to me: 36 hours of downtime
    On the second day of Christmas SOE gave to me: 0 kills with no AOE C4
    On the third day of Christmas SOE gave to me: 16 attempted log-ins
    <3 <3 <3
    • Up x 2
  9. Drunkenhero

    It will always fail to validate through Steam. Steam installs the base version or lately with newer games just pops the loader up. Doing that will waste your time to redownload the files and then patch again.
  10. NC_agent00kevin

    Attempt #9, never got past 96% loading. :(
  11. Stew360

    96 % nasty is still there
  12. NC_agent00kevin

  13. Zathrus

    ok... finally got to character screen... (6th attempt)
    however... it is stuck at the character screen.

    oh joy
  14. Undyingghost89

    I was really hoping for some gaming tonight, damn you SOE!
  15. Just Me

    Works out well for me. Had I been able to get in I might have made the mistake of spending a little money.
  16. Just Me

    Eh... It's a win win. They lose money, and you save money.:p
  17. Benevon

    Started the game again, loaded fast. Stuck on log in.

    I don't think I've played any other game with such a huge server problem after a patch.
  18. Lardman

    stuck on log in.
  19. CCaSbS

    It seems that whenever I try to boot the game since this extremely recent patch, I cannot do it. It starts loading into the player menu and just gets stuck at 96%. It won't budge from there at all, seemingly.
  20. CCaSbS

    Update, now it seems I can load into the player menu, but when I try to go into the game with any character it just sits there spinning. Doesn't even go to the loading screen, just stays in the character menu.