Stuck at 96% loading, game will not start

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Hardwyre, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. Talc

    Woodman... Same here!
  2. ruan

    same here every time I get to 98% and then wait and wait but nothing. We have had this bug before :(
  3. Luperza Community Manager

    If you're stuck at 96%, it's because the log-in servers are having a little trouble because everyone and their momma is trying to log in. ;) It should resolve as the load decreases. Thank you for your patience everyone! We shall all get on the server and the snowman killing (or should I say searching) shall commence!

    Originally stated here:
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  4. Ceylon

    ok, plz everyone stop to log in so i can play, thx :)
  5. NC_agent00kevin

    Its been going on for two hours; Id say that there is more to it than 'everyone and their momma' trying to log in.
  6. Luperza Community Manager

    The log-in servers are under heavy load and it will resolve itself as the load decreases.

    I have no further information for you other than that. I am spying on our Ops team, so I get all the elite information and I am trying to relay the information as much as possible. :p
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  7. Xynxie

    I could be more accepting of this whole 96% thing under a few simple conditions:

    (1) Ability to shoot it, preferably with an SMG ambush from cloaking.
    (2) Ability to cap it and place proximity mines near it.
    (3) Gal drop on it, or crash into it.
    (4) Sharks with frickin' laserbeams attached to their heads.
    (5) SOE increased server capacity for peak load hours such as Friday night ops, vs posting generic arbitrary PR responses. (oops, just sayin')

    I'm 96% sure that my loading screen is still hanging at 96% while I typed out this fun and informative post, pondering yet again, like I do on each Friday, why I retain my membership. Touche!

    Game on! Doh, that's right, we can't.

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  8. Fubbles

    Yup, its been an issue since the hotfix. I have taken a few month long breaks since the summer and every time I come back to (try) and play I run into issues like this one, performance drops, crazy bugs/crashes it is starting to get a bit old. If this issue isn't fixed soon can we get a different "we're sorry we effed up the servers causing massive downtime" present other than a double XP weekend which people are currently unable to partake in?
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  9. John Grant

    So I'm loading up to 48% when I try to launch the game then it just stops dead and won't load anymore no matter how long I leave it. Any word on when that's going to be fixed? Can you ask santa for better servers if that's the issue?
  10. Dazzaka

    If we miss todays deals and 2x exp imma be pissed
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  11. fac0n

    I have to verify the game data every Patch/Hotfix or I get stuck at 96%
  12. Galbatorix

    I also get stuck at 96...this is a problem
  13. DukeFlash

    When the login stress lessens, will it at least finish loading from 96% or do I need to close the client and try again?...
  14. Bambasti

    Keep it running. Worked for me. :)
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  15. Adept

    Pro tip to developers: Add a queue counter instead of this percentage indicator that tells no practical information. If I knew there were 1024 players waiting ahead of me, I'd be able to make an informed decision.
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  16. Honeydiddle

    think we are owed another day of double xp
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  17. Tyrant103

    Continuous hotfixs', patches, server issues, bugs etc for a game that came out a year ago is just getting way to old now.

    I keep finding myself leaning towards the idea of leaving this game, If only it weren't so addicting! Hopefully I'll be happy when I get my new graphics card though
  18. Fredfred

    Getting stuck at 96%.
  19. [AF]Arixin

    Add one more to the "Stuck at 96%"

    It was fine immediately before I got the 117mb update. So its not just server load...

    Edit: After trying several times it let me into the log in screen. Then after sitting on "Logging In" for several minutes it finally let me into the server.
  20. Stormsinger

    Stuck here as well, been trying on and off for the last 5 hours. I think the load would have at least decreased a bit by now.

    Update: I did a file verification... didnt find anything, I still cant log in. I then tried a STEAM verify, it downloaded 10 gig, and wouldnt take no for an answer (hence the trying-for-5-hours) ... I am now trying once more, still nothing. I cant even log into a "Low pop" server.