Stuck at 96% loading, game will not start

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Hardwyre, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. gregfox89

    I got stuck at 96% for over 20 minutes. Now I'm logging in...
    Oh never mind it just crashed
  2. cruczi

    Validating game files fixed the 96% issue for me. But still unable to login to an actual game server.
  3. DeadlyPeanutt

    at character loading/logging in screen as well. I select character and it sticks at 'logging in'.


    never mind... validated game files as noted above, got right into connery.

    try that.
  4. SirBurning

    NEVER validate with steam, use the game-launcher.
    Steam servers have a older client, so steam will essentially "de-patch" your game, then you will run the launcher which will patch it agian.
    There is a little wrench icon on the left of the launcher above the progres-bar. click that and "validate game-assets"
  5. LCTR

    Validating seemed to work last patch for me but does nothing today, still stuck at 96%.
    Starting to think validating doesn't actually help with this issue :)
  6. Crazy Space Robot

    also getting the dreaded 96%
  7. Vortigon

    Welcome to quality control SOE style.

    There is no excuse for this - many of us have ploughed a crap load of money into this game - and deserve a little effort and professionalism from SOE.

    How about you lower you damn profits by 1% and give some staff and servers fit for the task? not much to ask really.
  8. antiheld84

  9. TomaHawk

  10. KariH

    European servers locxks faster than US or BVrigs
  11. vulcan78

    Sorry I meant 30 Mbps. I've seen it as high as 30 but right now it is only 20 Mbps.
  12. vulcan78

    Reduce profit by 1%?! You must be crazy!
  13. Meeka

    It's funny, I'm getting this right now.

    I can log into my VS character.
    I can log into my NC character.
    But, I cannot log into my TR character... 96% stuck, been so for a couple days.
  14. DeadAlive99

    I get this too several times a night, but it's not the only way I crash, just one of them.

    SOE!!!!! ARE YOU THERE? HELLO!?!?!?!
  15. Oriolus

    I am also getting this 96% screen of death. Hope we can get official word on whether this is a bug that is going to be fixed or I should not try playing anymore because my computer specs are too low:

    My Computer Specs:

    CPU: Intel G3220 @ 3.00GHz
    GPU: EVGA GTX 650 Ti
    Memory: 4GB
    OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit