Stuck at 96% loading, game will not start

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Hardwyre, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. Hardwyre

    So after today's patch I push "play" on the launcher and the game starts to load... ticking up 3% every 3 seconds like clockwork until it hits 96% and just sits there. I let it sit for 40+ minutes and it does not start the game.

    Someone owes me a beer.
    • Up x 23
  2. Rokeugon

    was just about to make a thread on this , but glad someone did

    yep im getting this as well seems like the devs messed up again
  3. JackD


    Would be nice to be able to play after a patch/hotfix for once.
  4. SikWhite

    same here game crash at 96% loading ....................
  5. Loui5D

  6. Chondrite

    I'm having the same issue. Before getting stuck at 96% the loading is extremely slower than normal. Moves in 3% intervals after ~75%.
  7. Bulltahr

    Same, but finally got in after a few minutes sitting at 96%......................................
  8. Aranrya

    Yep. Ditto. Same. Etc...
  9. DerpDerp

    Yeah same here, on all my machines too :(
  10. Koithim

    Same here, slow loading then get stuck at 96%.

  11. DerpDerp

    Nevermind works now.

    I think they are just overloaded on the portal server. That or it's dropping packets -.-
  12. Locke

    Same.. gets to 96%
  13. Partybooper

    Same for me.
    Just deleted the Planetside2.exe to download it again, current download speed is around 10kb/s...
  14. PrimePriest

    Hey guyyyys! I got past 96% into login screen.

    And guess what....infinite login circle animation. WHOAAA.
    Now this would be something new if it didn't happen every **** time SOE puts a new patch!
  15. Hardwyre

    I'll try again. Seriously though, I let it sit at 96%, went and had a smoke, watched a TV show and came back and it was still loading.
  16. Sucks2BU

    yeah same thing, gets to 96% and does nothing afterwards . sad now i will have to go out and do some drive by shooting to fill the need lol ( just kidding about the drive-by's but not about the 96%)
  17. Locke

    I validated my install. It seems to be working now... not sure if it's because of the validation but it's worth a try if you haven't given it a go.
  18. gualty

    Stuck at 96% after 5 mins raised to 97%.
    After less than 10 mins char selection and then...nothing: loading "forever"...
  19. Hardwyre

    Works now for some reason.
  20. Hardwyre

    Now the game is crashing. It's like I'm running a damned beta client.