Phoenix to be buffed against vehicles again, loses OHK on infantry

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by St0mpy, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. ShureShot

    Yep, here comes the TV guided Decimator.

    But with an extra rocket of course, because they need to 'make up' for it being TV guided, which is clearly less effective than dumbfire.

    All other rocket launchers that are not dumbfire have lower damage than the standard one. Which makes perfect sense. And now with the ESRL, all of a sudden it's the other way around. Apparently now TV guided (or lock on) is worse than dumbfire, and needs to be 'compensated' with higher damage. And the only dumbfire rocket, the Lancer, gets 'balanced' by having lower damage than the standard one.

    I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
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  2. MykeMichail

    I don't understand.

    Shrike - OHK's infantry
    Decimator - OHK's infantry
    Crow - OHK's infantry
    Hawk - OHK's infantry
    Annihilator - OHK's infantry (if you manage to stand in its path)
    Phoenix - 2HK's infantry

    Wait what?
  3. Beartornado

    I was unaware that my Phoenix launcher was equipped with UAV functions to make it an effective scouting tool, rather than a high speed rocket with turning controls that a galaxy could outmanuever. It's not like you've blatantly lied your way through several threads about the Phoenix, harping about UAV functions that are neither practical nor effective.

    That aside, I still find it hilarious that it's being buffed even further. Where the heck is the lover for the lancer? It should've been nearly as OP if not worse than the Phoenix (not that it needs to be but what a disappointment).

    If you want to save yourself some trouble everyone don't read anything in this thread regarding the "UAV functions" of the Phoenix, its just a waste of words and argument. What's far more distressing is that the Phoenix is rapidly becoming the 1-man army weapon for vehicles when the other ESRL's still need a team to shine and the lancer may or may not even be effective enough for a team to bother use it.
  4. Novmiech

    Top 5 Scoring Players
    Briggs: 2TR, 2VS, 1NC
    Ceres: 1 TR, 2 VS, 2 NC
    Cobalt: 2 TR, 3 VS, 0 NC
    Connery: 2 TR, 3 VS, 0 NC
    Helios: 2 TR, 2 VS, 1 NC
    Mattherson: 2 TR, 1 VS, 1 NC
    Miller: 3 TR, 2 VS, 0 NC
    Waterson: 3 TR, 0 VS, 2 NC
    Woodman: 0 TR, 2 VS, 3 NC
    All Servers Best: 3 TR, 2 VS, 0 NC.

    TR: 20/50=40%
    VS: 20/50=40%
    NC: 10/50=20%

    Not that high BR has anything to do with it like you are suggesting, but I wanted to show that not only are the high ranking players NOT on NC, but NC is in fact significantly and disproportionately lower than either of the other factions.
  5. St0mpy

    ok youve said your piece, thankfully we can leave the readers to decide if its scouting ability has any use at all.

    Secondly dont just call me a liar, your wrong. You dont like what I have to say but dont lie to the readers about my words being false, they are not. Disagree with me all you like but theres no need to be a backside about it.
  6. Frigidus

    That's fine. Seriously, that's no problem. After they change that, we'll see what sort of change there is in the vehicle kill stats. The goal here is to have all of the ESRLs roughly even as far as effectiveness against vehicles goes. The means should be different, but ends should be the same.

    Well, all of those require a line of sight between the target and the victim. Seems pretty simple to me.
  7. HadesR

    Oh ofc you can use them .. But spamming the hell out of your new launcher and then complaining the other faction is doing the same is hypercritical somewhat
  8. MykeMichail

    They all also punch holes in tanks. But they still OHK infantry. This isn't a balance issue. This is an issue of what makes sense. A weapon that punches a hole in a tank taking 2 shots to kill an infantryman does not make sense.

    Give us funky optics that obscure infantry. Give the missile a slight 'wobble' during flight which makes it harder to hit small targets with accuracy. Make sure you need 100% accuracy to score a hit against infantry (current the size of the projectile seems to large, making it easier than it should be to hit infantry). But making it need 2 hits to kill infantry? Stupid.

    I can imagine we will see infantry jumping up to take a Phoenix hit to avoid it hitting their vehicles in the near future.
  9. phreec

    Increase it's freaking range if it's intended to be used against vehicles!
  10. Shockwave44

    Nope, in PS1 it was never meant to be a long range weapon. Stop asking for it. How about you get off your *** and move closer.
  11. SgtBreastroker

    This better not affect direct impact.
  12. Marked4Death

    I scarcely give 1/2 a dam about leaderboards. You must have missed the graph of BR10+ players. VS takes a nose dive, NC spikes up and TR is more steady. This was taken across all servers and all players, much more representative of the player base than the top 10, 100 whatever.
  13. Kubor

    Or you could just forget about using it for AI stuff and use your AI weapon instead? How about that?

    I don't see hordes of people running around with Decimators as their primary AI weapon. I wonder why?

    If you absolutely must use an AV weapon for AI work, then you've just listed two that are at your disposal. Why can't you use those?
  14. Pat Cleburne

    All night long on Esamir we faced uneven pops and phoenix spam. Amerish was just as bad. TR had people quitting the server in disgust. So yea, you may have to shoot at trees pretty soon if NC populations keep climbing while TR's keep declining.
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  15. Novmiech

    YOU said high BR players; not me.
    BR 10 isn't high ranking, leader-boards are.
  16. Suroped

    Rocket launchers are not AI weapons. The only time you switch to launcher is to kill a MAX or engie behind his turret. But this doesn't mean that they shouldn't one hit kill infantry on direct hit.
  17. Pat22

    Lancer says hi. Why can your anti-tank weapon one-shot infantry but mine can't? Mine's a giant armor-melting laser beam too.
  18. MykeMichail

    So lets make all AP turrets 2 shots to kill infantry too? Okay that's balanced now.
  19. MykeMichail

    Totally agree with you Pat22. Lancer SHOULD OHK infantry. ANYTHING that can take 1/3 the health of a MBT off in 1 hit to the rear should absolutely obliterate an infantryman.
  20. Kubor

    Why not?

    One bullet doesn't kill Infantry. One rocket from an ESF doesn't either. How about one high velocity flak round to the head? No, that doesn't either.

    Suspension of disbelief is a vital factor in any game. That aside, there is a very obvious gameplay balance reason why the Phoenix rocket doesn't kill with one hit now. Just the same as there are very good reasons why the Striker doesn't lock on to body armour and the Lancer doesn't melt an Infantryman into the ground with one bolt.