Game Update 04: Coming soon!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Higby, Mar 1, 2013.

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  1. Laraso

    lol, tanks shouldn't be able to fly. The Magrider was able to fly until it got nerfed.
  2. Ash87

    You know, the violent response to the tardy update, is why I tell people the following: "It doesn't matter if it was ontime or late. If it was late, you'd complain it was late. if it was ontime you'd complain it was buggy and say they shouldn't have released it until it was ready" whenever they start going on about how horrible something is at release.
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  3. Scatterblak

    Gosh I hope so. That would be great!
  4. irishroy

    i'll update the thread
  5. Patooie

    How about late and buggy! :) It's in the universe of possible outcomes folks can QQ about.
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  6. Ash87

    It's not worthless to complain if it is excessively buggy mind. The thing here is that, people on the internetz, are remarkably good at making a mountain out of a molehill. See, most things posted about this update for ample supporting documentation of that.
  7. Draxo

    How does me getting more passive cert gain effect you at all? I'm sorry for funding this game so you can play it for free?
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  8. siiix

    they DID (or will this patch), its ALL vehicles, the prowler just got a bit extra hate

    its all in the update list

    what this means is that we have to get 2x as many tanks to get the same effect , this means although until now i played mainly infantry and AV, i WILL upgrade my tank and play nothing else but tank just to p**s of the infantry lamos ... i hope many will follow my example AFTER THE PATCH lets fill the map with tanks people , lets make infantry's life really HELL ... they wanted war between infantry and vehicles they will get it !
  9. Emotitron

    The infantry is getting ridiculous. Tanks should be owning up infantry, and tanks should be frightened of aircraft. It is getting to the point where everything can kill everything and the natural rock/paper/scissors order of things seems to be disintegrating.

    Why do they keep nerfing vehicles rather than just offering infantry more cover options? There are possible answers to game problems other than 'punch x in the face harder'. Better cat and mouse tactics would be preferable to more AV.

    Infantry should also have a REAL sprint, to get from cover to cover in short bursts of running as fast as possible. Sprint right now isn't sprint, it is run that you have to keep turning back on.
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  10. RadarX

    Folks this has gotten a little non-constructive and moving away from the purpose of the thread. If you want to discuss specific topics mentioned in the OP, I know there are threads available and I would encourage you to do so. We absolutely appreciate all the feedback (yes I read all 45 pages of it) and rest assured it's been passed along.
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