Can I get a answer for the PS4 version? it less then 6 months give me something

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bape, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. Bape

    Not bad ... not bad at all lol.
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  2. Camycamera

    can we close this thread please?
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  3. novicez

    Not directly, but here they are:

    Where did you get those numbers? And 40,000 people playing..... well, if PC had less than 20,000 and Emerald was able to almost fill 2 continents, then I'm quite unsure as how 40,000 players would be different from 20,000 players on a player perspective.

    Again, completely irrelevant as I doubt PS2 would be a system seller for PS4, in fact I can guarantee that most people bought the PS4 out of spite to mock Microsoft for their super fail E3 2013 conference.

    IIRC back then they announced that PC players would be able to transfer their accounts from PC to PS4 and vice versa, but probably the business suits at SOE thought it was quite a stupid idea(which honestly it is) and instead, for now, does not allow cross account transfers.
  4. Bape

    PC version has under 15k players don't feel like searching for link. Each continent can hold about 2k I believe? Emerald get 1700-2000 players during prime time.
  5. Bape

    I asked radar he will if we violate the rules.
  6. novicez

    15K,14k,11k, it doesnt matter as a continent will be only to handle 2k at max, which means 8k per server (assuming there is no continent lock). Again, it is pointless to compare PS2 PC and PS4 players as it is now(PS4 version is not even out and we have 0 clue on how it will run on live lol). Try it however after another year.
  7. FieldMarshall

  8. AdmiralArcher

    i was only talking about SC...not the charaters....thats not going to happen, but the SC things is .....just foolish
  9. St NickelStew

    I purchased a PS4 specifically to play PS2. PS2 is *the* game I am waiting to play. I got both an XB1 and PS4 at release; I got the PS4 only because of PS2. I think I am the second person just in this thread who purchased a PS4 to play PS2.
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  10. Risae

    Remember the game "MAG" for the PS3? Ded. Servers closed, and the same thing will happen to PS2. The developement of this is a waste of resources and just makes me facepalm when people think that PS4 players will play the game more than a week and actually spend real money on it.

    Games like PS2 can't survive with this F2P bs, it should've gone P2P at the very start and stayed like this so content updates would'nt take more than 2 years.
  11. novicez

    P2P like subscription based? If PS2 playerbase are somewhat dwindling at the moment, then having a subscription model will most likely be detrimental than beneficial.
  12. St NickelStew

    Huh?? I will be subscribing and know what weapons I will be purchasing on day 1. PS4 version will very likely be more profitable than PC version ... just ask Warframe.
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  13. Regpuppy

    There are still issues with SC and we have no clue which side is making it harder to carry over SC.
  14. xboxerdude

    Bape is spot on with his predications, very possible to have around 500k players on at a time with the ps4. This is going to be the only multiplayer game really worth playing on the Ps4 (you will always have casuals that play racing and sports games online)

    I go where the population goes , I knew connery would only be on top for so long before Mattherson crowd forced a merge for me fodder
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  15. Bonom Denej

    It's unbelievable how many people are skeptical about what Bape says when it's actually logical.
    Seriously, how hard is it to believe that PS2 will have more player on PS4 than PC ? The question I might ask is "how long will they stay ?", and that's a big one IMO.
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  16. IamDH

    Does this mean i can have your stuff?
  17. Dominator589

    Actually I'm with you there. It simply feels like we aren't getting any updates from the devs and on top of that, we're getting attacked by many PC players
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  18. Dominator589

    The real thing that's TRULY driving Bape's argument here is the fact that us PS4 players don't have a lot of games to play right now. Consider the popularity of FPS games and then consider how great of a game PS2 is compared to CoD or BF4. Now take all of that, add that it's a free game and that you don't need to pay for playstation plus to play it.
    Seriously the PS4 version will save this game
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  19. LIKE A BOSS!

    I will be playing the PS4 version ONLY because my console peasant friends refuse to buy a PC to play this game. It would make it a lot easier for me to do the transition if they allowed my guns to transfer over. All I want is my guns I can go without attatchments I just want my babies.
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  20. St NickelStew

    I think PC players severely misunderstand the PS4 playerbase.

    I am a 47 year old university professor ... but I am considered a "console kiddie" by PC players, many of whom are very likely young enough to be my child (certainly almost everyone who streams PS2 is). There are a lot of people who play consoles who can afford a top-of-the-line gaming PC but choose not to (like me). Consoles are easier to acquire, and no technical expertise is required. People like myself are easy to find; I refuse to have kids on my friends list.

    Warframe has made more money on PS4 than on PC; Planetside 2 could easily do the same. I think console cash will infuse new life into PS2 for both platforms. Personally, I will be subscribing (6 month plan) and purchasing all weapons/attachments with cash that I can. As I have mentioned earlier in this discussion, I have both consoles but purchased my PS4 specifically to be able to play Planetside 2. I have been on these forums for quite a while, eagerly waiting for its release.
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