Bring back 32bit Client

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by SynaptixBrainstorm, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Aaren

    Every 50-70minutes - my x32 client crashes sliently -_-
  2. Interloper

    I can get past the first loading screen, then to character selection, then when I enter the server to play it crashes to desktop.
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  3. MasterDemoman

    Logging out and swapping characters causes an almost guaranteed crash for me.
  4. NotchWith

    My 32 bit client still crashes on start up, cant make it to the load screen. 64 bit is still out of hand for me. Windows 8
  5. For Me

    Every time i come face to face with someone , my flippin game just freezes, by the time the freeze wears off , i get a loud shotgun sound , and im dead , about 200 flippin times now!!!!! So , i decided to try the 32 bit client on xp , it logged in got to the map screen , then just went duhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! giving me a crash to desktop with a c+++ runtime error. Am i so glas i never spent a penny on this flippin game or what! Anyone else get killed because of these frezzes? as bad as me? coz it was happening like every flippin 30 seconds!!! Im expecting BIG BIG compensation certs SOE!!!!!!!
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  6. FBVanu

    That is one part of the game that I never understood. When my game crashes, doesn't the game server recognize that I am no longer connected to the server? Why is my character still standing on Esamir, with his **** hanging out, freezing my raisins off...?

    I have killed some characters that crashed... A Reaver, in mid air, full after burning going, stuck in mid air. Just 40 meters off the ground, I could drive under it in my Prowler, looking at it from every angle.. just stuck.. not moving an inch, the afterburner flames frozen... then I shoot it, I get the kill. The player had crashed and was still in the game. How does that even happen?

    And yes, it happens to me often. but I'm on an old system and I had to live with that. I crash to desktop, exit Razer Game Booster, cntrl. alt delete, remove the RunDLL32 file.. clean cache.. restart booster, restart game, login, select character.. and there it is, yup, i got killed, while I was not even connected to the game anymore.
    Some lucky player could leisurely walk up to my frozen tank and blow me away... at least 30% of my deaths are due to crashes.

    But right now, I can't even play at all. Crashes right after login/play.. map comes up, the end.
  7. Chrispin

    I get 60 FPS in large battles, but the hitching is so bad that I get 0 FPS for like 10 seconds straight every 10 seconds. It's absolutely impossible to play the game like that.
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  8. SynaptixBrainstorm

    BAD GAME thats all i got to say to this experiment of a so called "GAME" its frustration and no longer worth it. As long as i dont see a fix updating whenever i check the launcher here and there then i wont even try to ******* play this peace of ****
  9. Damz49

    I noticed peformance was really increased in large battles (more than OMFG updates) but my game crashes very very often (5mn to 30mn)

    Seems freeze (or hitching as you all call it) happens with some sounds. Most of the time Phoenix rockets/NX MAX rockets/Enforcer shots make my game freeze for 5-10s.

    Sometimes it's c-c-c-combo breaker, you got freeze + crash
  10. zFlash

    is this problem fixed yet? i still cant play the game it patch over and over again then crash after clicking
  11. Belkor

    I'm reading some players manage to play 30 mins to an hour before crashing. How is anyone with a 32bit Win7 getting the game to work? My friend crashes immediately after seeing the daily cert message.
  12. FBVanu

    same here, although i get past the cert pix, then the big map.. and then crash.
  13. S7rudL

    Microsoft has ended XP support anyways, so 32bit will soon be/already is history.

    Modern PCs that are purchased nowadays (even the cheapest ones) all come with 64bit.

    Its time to crawl out of your holes, sry.

    Speaking of holes, SOE at some time in future will end support for 32bit completely just so you know,.. at least that's what Ive read somewhere.

    I honestly find it somewhat funny that smedly took example from,.. err,.. Titanfall that went 64bit,.. (read somewhere months ago)

    Kudos to them trying to support ancient hardware,..
  14. SynaptixBrainstorm

    If they can fix the memoryleak with the 64bit client someday ?!?!....i guess controller support for a pc game is more important tho:rolleyes:
  15. Uwotm7+1

    weird i'm not getting these issues.

    i am on 32bit and can play for over 3 hours without a single crash
  16. FBVanu

    If you would, please post your server and specs.
    it might help some of us.
  17. MasterDemoman

    Definite crash whenever I try to switch character w/ out entirely restarting the game
    Totally not broken
  18. Belkor

    I think uwotm7+1 is the only one with a stable 32bit client. I haven't heard from any other 32bit client user that hasn't had problems with crashing.
  19. MasterDemoman

    >5 kills from Auraxium
    >Game crashes.
    Higby you PlanetSide, Higby you.
  20. Damz49

    Reinstalled my OS, from 32 to 64.
    Everything updated
    Exception on AV and FW
    Low graphics

    I dont have any more hitching or crashes, but performance was divided by 2 or 3.

    Soon as there is more than 3 players I get 7-8 fps.

    Tried to force 32bits client, same problem.