Are people still defending the NC MAX?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Sogui, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Daswen

    Well, it take 2 shot to kill an inf in CQC. If you come in a room full of defenders, you can wipe out 12 guys.

    I believe i didnt strike 12 yet, my best strike was 7 or 8.
  2. SolitarioSoldat

  3. Village

    Giving NC the only truly capable MAX indoors is ridiculous. TR and VS need to have a close range high burst damage weapon. The things you can do with an NC MAX are far greater than the capabilities of TR and VS MAX.

    The entire game revolves around capturing points inside buildings, which the NC MAX is absolute king of. When you're outside or in open spaces is the only time the other MAX's are alright, and in that case you might as well have a HE lightning instead. Not to mention TR and VS MAX's are completely useless in close range because of the bug causing weapons not to do damage if enemies are in your face.

    NC MAX dominates where the game actually matters, and you can round a corner taking a group by surprise and kill 8+ people in a few seconds.
  4. Purg

  5. Village

    I have seen it done before actually. Dual Grinders with extended mag = 14 rounds in each gun.
  6. Cryptek

    you've got to love that NC players stubbornly refuse reality, despite their own player base admitting to it being capable of doing this. As someone previously pointed out, you can get 12 kills, but the likely hood of you doing that is minimal, however pulling off 8 kills if you just have good aim (and no bugs :mad:) is quite possible.

    incidentally, I've been playing on a NC Toon to get a better feel for the scattermax (know your enemy and all that).. Seriously, I'd trade both my AI guns for just 1 scattercannon.. Those things are so stupidly broken on a MAX that it's just sickening.
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    Funny thing is, this is exactly what you said: A story.

    We have no tangible verification that you took on a max from that range and suffered such a loss. I've used a 2x hacksaw max and will swear by the grave of my mother that it's not that effective.

    Post some proof rather than blown up statistics and hyperbole.
  8. Purg

    There's a lot of ridiculous claims about what people believe they have achieved and what's actually possible. Someone a couple of days ago asked me to pay them $100 for them to record warding off 2-3 ESF's with a single burster that they apparently do routinely. It's not stubborn refusal, it's my most played class - I know the approximate boundaries that it's capable of.

    If I were to come across 8 enemy in a small room - if they were aware of my presence, I would charge away. If they weren't, I'd run through a clip on both arms then charge away. If I took 3 out I would be satisfied - 4 would be an unexpected bonus. People don't see a MAX and say - aww, lets go give that blue thing a hug. They retreat, often firing at you while they do it. The farther they retreat, the more shots you need to fire to guarantee a kill.

    Is it possible to kill 8 people? Sure. If they were all facing away from you at point blank range and bunched together - but unless they were completely oblivious noobs, a few of them might eventually notice a MAX, take evasive action and/or shoot at you once you start firing. You make it sounds like killing 8 people is a routine thing. It just isn't.
  9. TehGrimZa

    So after reading our post, and about 35 other posts, my question is this.

    How did you approach the max(s)? Did you go solo and get utterly destroyed? Did you attempt to actually coordinate with your sqd/plt and work out a plan of attack? Or did a NC AI MAX kill you because you have no idea how to combat them, and then post how they need to need adjusted on the forums?

    Attacking a BIO Lab... yeah that's tough as nails to begin with, and more or less extremely hard even with 2 plts, with a single plt defending. Yea, you got smoked by a NC AI MAX in CQC because you thought hugging them is smart....

    I honestly think the lot of you here complaining about the NC MAX's aren't thinking outside of the box at all, and you're all just lemmings to the fire of their weapons. Lemmings.. yeah you know that tactic would work if you had enough of them to act as a shield and then have a few HA's and LA's dumb rockets and C4 into them.

    Working as intended, we have a well working NC AI MAX, VS go fly your scyth that can stop on a dime and do all kinds of neato tricks, TR . . . well you guys are b o n e d sorry.
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  10. Daswen

    Well, your argument is biased. I can reform your sentence switching "NC MAX" with "Magrider" and "indoor" by "outdoor" and flames will rain.

    I dont think making all weapons the same is the solution. The actual NC MAX issue is the TTK on others MAXXES. The infantry TTK is good, considering the short range without slugs. And please also take in consideration that the damage of slugs (500) is fewer than pellets damage (858).
  11. Tiju

    A funny discussion. A NC MAX should be the best at close quarter. Seemingly it is. For VS and TR, who are used to have the better weapons regularly, that is difficult to accept. I can understand this. Wether the NC MAX advantage is too high or not is a think the devs have to decide. If they wanted to change something, the NC MAX should be toned down, not the other MAXes (who are much better at distance) buffed.
  12. Daswen

    Or, they can buff kinetic (at least last rank), and tone down damage from small weapons on MAXXES. Simple, efficient.

    Like I said in one post earlier, dying in less than 2 second as MAX is broken. That should not happen. Two HA firing LMG at 35m of a MAX should not kill a MAX in less than 3-4 sec.

    It isnt a NC MAX issue, it is a MAX resilience issue. Maxxes are actually too weak against small firearms.
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  13. Santiak

    Actually, if 2 out of 6 pellets connect, which is not unlikely at range, the NC MAX performs at the same level that TR and VS do when they fight under ideal circumstances.
    TR and VS DPS peaks at ~740 in ideal situations, and drops from there.
    NC DPS peaks at ~750 as long as 1/3 of the shot connects, and only increases from there.
  14. Stigler

    NC faction is underdog on most server's and are not dominating the game.

    Faction Balance is fine, NC Max is fine.
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