Are people still defending the NC MAX?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Sogui, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Shiaari

    Vanu MAX packing dual-Nebula can stand toe-to-toe with an NC scatMAX.

    The damage per shot and accuracy is lower than Cosmos, but the rate of fire more than makes up for it in close range.

    When moving outside I switch to Cosmos, but for indoors Nebula is almost as ugly as the scat, though the scat still has the advantage, but it is an advantage I can accept. I got my Magrider.
  2. Obscura

    I use a nebula and a blueshift, and I must say I can go toe to toe somewhat with NC maxes(both of us having engineers). But as a heavy assault, a scatmax can double tap me with my shields and nanoweave fully certed into from 10 feet away. Just double taps me, 2 shots, nothing I can do about it. THATS ********, I can't even dream of killing someone in 2 shots as a VS max let alone land a most shots from anything beyond 20 feet with the terrible cone of fire our guns have.
  3. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Well, to be fair, a single rocket will also take of half that max's health, and I've also had a max with a grinder and hacksaw shoot it's entire ammo load on me and I was still somewhat alive.
    It got me with a third of it's hp remaining, though there was repair involved.
    Shotguns are way random.
    Though on the topic, I agree they are notably stronger than VS guns at the range you use maxes.
  4. evansra

    I just unlocked the dual hacksaws after the triple station cash sale :p

    its powerfull yes but nothing like people are making out, yes you can walk into a room and prob kill 2 guys with a clip but with only 7 rounds apc the shots have to count, also you end up spending half your time reloading due to the rof, also it has awfull accuracy, i mean worse than any other gun in the game bad, constant recoil and huge spread means its usless unless you catch ppl at a door or sneak up on them...
    iv alwase found dual chaingun maxes to be insanely tough as infantry but i dont come here complaining about it cos its an AI MAX.
    and when it comes to max v max combat 2 standard scats fail against anything bar AA, the hacksaws rock at point blank range but the damage goes down very rapidly as you move away where as other max's can maintain dmg far better.

    I will however say i dont see many vs AI maxes and am rarly killed by them so they could use a buff possibly.
  5. DrankTHEKoolaid

    NC maxes should just have their damange against other maxes within 15 feet reduced by about 25%
  6. Antivide

    I think anti infantry weapons in general shouldn't be useful against MAX units. If you want to kill MAXes you should roll dual anti armor, not dual infantry weapons.
  7. Shehadi

    This guy gets it! NC weapons tend to be pretty damn unforgiving for the most part, where other weapons are more forgiving. Have a vanu shoot someone who is bouncing around and running for cover, that player will be hurt a little and suppressed, repeat the same action but this time firing an NC weapon at said player and he will be dead within a few feet of the cover he was running to...and the max is the worst of it..oh well for now i will just piss my pants and vacate the area every time i hear one of those guys stomping around lol
  8. Kiddneey

    I play all three faction MAXes - When playing NC I have no fear. When playing TR or VS I feel equal against the other but I never engage an NC MAX by choice. Not unless we have an overwhelming advantage.
  9. Shehadi

    But hold a building where the objective actually is and youll be playing to your lets see here..your strength is..CQC..which is where the objective is right?..but wait your other guys can reach out and punch the hardest at range to make up for that(and im not gonna believe that NC weapons cant hit anything at range ive tested them in combat). So all of the objectives are indoors..which is if your strength is objectives..that means we have a harder time capturing we lose..huh..interesting.

    People are talking about the NC losing bases so this cant possibly be the problem, but usually they lose those bases to FAR superior numbers, and they usually dont use very many MAX's if any, or its because they lose air superiority.

    all that crap being said i do recognise that your Max can be kited at range and AI max outdoors isnt very useful for NC, but think about this: No MAX, even ones with longer range and more accurate guns, is very effective at long range anyways. Even if you are TR if you pull AI MAX you do it for indoor fighting, so there again its effective in closer ranges, but the difference is, when we open fire on infantry, they return fire for a bit before we gun them down, causing us to be worn down and eventually killed if our engineer takes a nade(which he usually does). But the NC MAX kills the infantry almost instantly, reducing the time in which they can return fire to practically nothing, which means it takes you longer to be whittled down, and MAX's who survive longer get more kills.

    I agree with the Origional Post give them more range and less damage, or larger clip size and less damage..i certainly however do not want them made useless
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  10. Shehadi

    I quite often with any weaponry, have points where I fire at people and hits dont register, even if i watch my tracers enter their body, but it could be a small dead zone where your guns are shooting around the target before they are close enough for the extreme close range where your shots will actually just hit dead center
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  11. Shehadi

    actually..that is an interesting idea...i like it.
  12. DrankTHEKoolaid

    That's a good idea. So basically AI Maxes would such when shooting each other?
  13. Bill Hicks

    oh noes a shotgun using infantry in tight areas. Mag spam more
  14. Arcanum

    But not when punching each other. More melee duels or wars is always better. Which could create some insane issues with people lagging and trying to duel or "1337 duel tactix", but let's not mind such insignificant details.
  15. Eric Smith

    On Matherson/Indar the NC have literally held the Allatum BioLab for 24 hours against repeated attacks by the TR, the VS, and the TR and VS simultaneously. The main reason is that the NoSkillSaws can instantly drop infantry and almost instantly drop Maxes the moment they step out of the teleport booth or step from the Landing Pad into the facility proper. You can't even C-4 Suicide into them, like you can TR & VS Maxes, because the NC drop you too fast. There is no way to uproot them; they don't even care that it's their only territory on the continent because the only resources they need is Infantry to spawn the occasional Max, which the BioLab itself provides.

    Both the TR and VS would be better off just ignoring the BioLab and repelling the NC if they try to take any other territory, but the Zerg mentality won't let that happen. So they keep taking turns stepping into the grinder.

    The problem with the NC Max is that, in some circumstances, it is literally godlike. Any Point Capture/Point Defense/Indoor fighting is where the NC Max can reign, their only limitation being a need for ammo and, rarely, repairs; and the entire BioLab is one of those circumstances. The only way to take a BioLab from the NC is to wait for their Zerg to move on and back-hack it. And this week, with double XP, the NC are content to sit inside the BioLab and XP Grind. Which, really, is no fun; especially if you're not NC.
  16. Daswen

    I play my MAX everywhere. I m dedicated point capture keeper for my squad. I dont think NC MAX is OP, he excel indoor, yes, and it is FINE.

    On the other hand, I think other MAXXES shouldnt be insta-killed like they are at the moment by my MAX, it is ridiculous.
  17. Sebyos

    NC Max is amazing at a very important aspect of the game which is CQC. I really don't see why the hell you would trade that for a it of range... A sad Vanu Medic/Max.
  18. MGP

    Typical NC response: "Yes, we instagib within 30 meters, but at far distance we're useless"
    This is hilarious. So if NC attacking a base, all VS or TR could do, is abandon it. Because, well... "we're instagib..."
    But, hey, we can maybe score some kills after NC capture a base, and decide to move to another.
    Easymode NC is easymode. No skills required.
  19. ShriekXL

    You know, you had me, RIGHT untill that comment there. And from a TR no less! Sigh.
  20. MGP

    Oh, I've lost a blueberry fanboy! How sad... Well, move along, go farm yourself some more easy kills, and come back telling everyone how pro you are.