Buff the Magrider 2014.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LIKE A BOSS!, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. Frosty The Pyro

    Fun fact, 2/2 mags slightly outdamage 2/2 vanguards. 1/2 vanguards slightly outdamage 1/2 mags.
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  2. DeeX

    Imo the only thing that needs a buff on the magrider may be the magburner and the 3rd person view. The magburners usability is very limited, most of the time you can't use it defensivly. When someone gets the jump on you in CQC(Prowler Vulcan and Vanguard shield), you are screwed. Unless you can break LOS instantly, because either you receive rearshots or run into the smallest obstacles. Backwards its near to impossible to climb the smallest stone.
    Also the max speed of the magburn should slowly settle down to the normal speed instead of the "hitting the break"-feeling it has now.

    That said the Magrider has a huge skill curve. Once you know how and where to engage properly it feels pretty strong against the average tanker. The hillclimbing ability the Magrider has is ridiculous but nessecary for it to be successful.
  3. Xasapis

    I find that hard to believe, considering the most damaging AV combination for the Magrider at everything but hugging range is AP/Halberd.
  4. Shinrah

    Is it too much to ask for the same vertical angle on the maingun the other 2 tanks get?
    I´m tired of being shot by pilots that hover so low that were they fighting a VG or Prowler they´d be dead 10x over.Yet, my Mag can often not get enough angle to hit em while dirving up a slope.
    Is it too much to ask for the same velocity on our AP gun?
    Why does the 0 bulletdrop faction get the worst drop and lowest velocity --by far-- on it´s most important gun on it´s most important vehicle?
  5. Botji

    Yep, getting jumped by anything in a Magrider is almost certain doom and the Magburn is probably only used because its might give you the "wiee!" feeling for half a second... and the last part is pretty much you saying that the above average skilled Magrider is pretty strong against average tankers, cant disagree on that but I dont think that makes up for anything since that can be said about almost anything, even crappy weapons can be "good" in the hands of someone skilled... doesnt mean they actually are good.
  6. deggy

    The highest-DPS secondary (at range) in the game is the Enforcer.

    And since the Vanguard AP does more DPS than the Mag AP...

    There must be some weird math I don't know about where a two large numbers added together are somehow smaller than two small numbers added together.
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  7. Cinnamon

    Up to date "cause of death" for MBT by empire specific MBT weapons (Main cannon and empire specific av).

    7.7% of all MBT deaths caused by Magrider.
    7.5% of all MBT deaths caused by Vanguard.
    6.9% of all MBT deaths caused by Prowler.

    Magrider weapons appear to be fine.
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  8. LordMondando

    The magrider excels at maneuverability dingus.

    Not to say it shouldn't be tweaked, but when the stats say so.
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  9. jarree

    Impossible. Only bad players (or someone trying something else than Halberd for some reason) will use Saron in their mags and Halberd is available for both Magrider and Vanguard. Besides that, ML85 has higher DPS than Halberd (not 100% sure on that), so Vanguard will have even more edge 2/2.
  10. LIKE A BOSS!

    So of my gunners prefer the Saron because its easier for targets at range for them/
  11. Gundem

    Actually, this isn't true. Magrider has good suspension, but if you try to aim on the hills of Amerish you'll see it definitely doesn't have a stabilized turret.

    Another thing, the stock Vanguard is technically faster then a Magrider. It just suffers from slow acceleration, which can be circumvented by Gear Popping.
  12. jarree

    That may be the case for them, but Saron DPS at range is very low so definately not better than 2/2 vanguard. I don't know the exact numbers for FPC+Saron vs Titan AP + ML85 at extremely close range, but it makes no difference since mag should never fight at that range.

    This is coming from best magrider players in the game, no one from my outfit would spawn a Saron mag these days.
  13. LIKE A BOSS!

    There is a big dps difference from range but you won't see the increase if you can't hit the target.
  14. Ixidron

    Tanks are pretty balanced right now, Magrider only needs a buff to magburner and a free view or a turret warhammer style, and maybe a 0.25 seconds shorter reload speed.

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  15. treeHamster

    Yes it's unmatched to all but the NS Halberd...which EVERYONE has.I realize it's stupidly OP to use NS stuff but go ahead, give it a try.
  16. lNeBl

    The issue is that a majority of those magriders are 2/2 magriders. And the majority of Vangaurds and Prowlers are running 1/2. Which means when you have a 2/2 magrider you are beating a majority of 1/2 Vanguards and Prowlers by a mere 0.2%

    Which shows that indeed the magrider needs to do better. And other factions need to start jumping into gunner seats in tanks, because for some reason Vanu are the only ones that really do that.

    That information also includes all tank deaths from the birth of the game, and does not show current balance.
  17. AdmiralArcher

    the swagrider is the best tank for hit and run, AP+saron is deadly against prowlers, however, all tanks will loose to a skilled Vanguard tanker, the IWINSHIELD has no match, and they will always win of they use it at the right time, the swagrider is decent at a certain distance, 100 meters or so, if you get closer its too easy to hit you, but if you go too far, your shots will miss to easily
  18. treeHamster

    For Magriders, I'd say it's probably around 80% are 2/2 and Vanguards are probably around 50%, 2/2. I do, however, know Prowlers run 2/2 less than 30% of the time even though the Halberd is the most used secondary on the Prowler.

    Why would you be a secondary gunner when you can get your own maingun and have more than 3x the power?
  19. Kumaro

    All tank turrets have a slight compensation when moving over terrain but The magriders turret doesn't have a hull beneath the gun messing it up so it works a lot better. I have tested it and there is no need to adjust when moving over terrain even when the main hull tilts forward or backwards <.< might not be intended but still is there
  20. LIKE A BOSS!

    Your right. The Magrider is a heavily armored Harasser. It's not a tank.