Buff the Magrider 2014.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LIKE A BOSS!, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. Wildclaw

    However much I personally wished that was true, the Prowler in no way tops the anti-vehicle charts any more.

    MBT+Lighting kills as an approximate ratio of MBTs pulled 17/1-24/1
    (Vehicles pulled approximated by looking at deaths. Secondaries include Halberd+Basilisk+ES AV)
    • Magrider Primary+Secondary: 0.960+0.481
    • Prowler Primary+Secondary: 0.951+0.225
    • Vanguard Primary+Secondary: 0.880+0.431
    The Prowler does somewhat better vs sunderers, which is explained by a strong HEAT cannon.
    • Magrider: 0.287+0.222
    • Prowler: 0.330+0.093
    • Vanguard: 0.282+0.211
  2. Alox

    The vanguard and prowler should get their main guns toned down to the level of the magrider. And their secondary AV should equal the Saron in usefulness.

    Perhaps we would see more 2/2 vanguards and prowlers, just like we see a lot of 2/2 magriders?
  3. Corporate Thug

    I run my Magrider with Front armor, Racer or equivalent chassis and Mag Burn, Maxed out + AP w/ Saron. If one on one versus a Vanguard I usually don't have any issues killing them. The mag burn allows me to get a bit of range if it's a surprise attack, or to engage at a bit of range and then burn in closer, usually to his rear and finish them off.

    As far as it being underperforming, I don't see much of a difference when I pull a mag versus when I pull a vanguard (which I have more experience with). The stock gun does leave a lot to be desired but when running AP on a mag, all is well. I tend to judge things by personal experience since I have no clue of who was driving the tank or how the tank was being used by simply looking at statistics. I'm sure a large part of the problem is how many certs it costs to get your tank battle ready. With the vanguard, default cannon and 1 level of everything including shield will allow you to be really effective, but with a magrider I really needed AP and max chassis/mag burn.
    • Up x 1
  4. jaktrobot

    I agree magrider needs some massive buffs, for a new players magriders feels really gimped. Why does magrider have the highest drop again?

    Vanguards shot down esf better then skyguards, now try do that with a magrider, its not easy, while vanguard do it 24/7..
  5. jaktrobot

    Exactly what i think aswell, its a the best ide in a long time in seen on those forums.
  6. AnnArborBuck

    It is clear you have NEVER driven a magrider. The strafe speed is nothing to right home about. And complaining about magriders spawn camping, all three MBTs can equally spawn camp. Correction, the Prowler is the king of spawn camping with lock down from 300 meters away.