Buff the Magrider 2014.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LIKE A BOSS!, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. Xasapis

    Gyro on a turret is something entirely different than suspensions smoothing the terrain around the tank though. The cannon does go up or down when moving from steeper terrain, a clear sign that there is no mechanisms that counter adjusts the movement of the tank. Not to mention that if the driver goes left or right, the cannon loses the horisontal adjustment anyway.

    Better suspension and a recoil-less turret. That's all there is to the Magrider smoother firing while on the move.
  2. Monkeydmomo

    I have yet to lose to a vanguard at a ranged duel with my magrider, in fact it's the most effective manner. Fire in between the vanguards rounds as you strafe to cover or reverse into a slope.
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  3. Hicksimus

    You have a highly mobile tank with a special ability that aids it in escaping, running over infantry, dodging LAs and getting to places that other tanks cannot get to. At medium to long range its UNIQUE strafing ability makes it nearly impossible to hit using other tanks and base AV turrets.

    Now you also want it to be at least as good as the others at close range and in soft stats?

    When something is equal to the alternatives in most ways and better in all the others that's overpowered.....stop asking for mag buffs and stop charging at other MBTs, it's not the mags fault that you are overly aggressive.
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    The Magrider has more traits of a pre-nerf Harasser than a tank. With the things you just stated. The Vanguard currently excels in more things than the Magrider which it shouldn't. They should all have a equal amount of advantages and things they excel at and currently they don't. Currently if you use the Magrider like a tank (a Magrider is a tank btw) you will get decimated. Currently you people tell me to be more hit and run like an light assualt. Currently its Vanguard= Heavy Assault and Magrider= Light assault. The light assault role should be covered by an Harasser not a Factions MBT.
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  5. Hicksimus

    I think you misunderstand the purpose of armor in life. You do not wear armor to get shot, you wear armor so that in a case where you get shot you might not become dead. Tanks do not mainly have incredibly thick armor to get shot by other tanks/AT weapons, they have incredibly thick armor so that in case they are hit by another tank/AT weapon that they might not cook everybody inside. The Magrider fits exactly what a tank is. It trades a bit of armor for a lot of mobility(which many tanks and some of the most influential tanks of the past have done).

    It's a perfectly good tank.....it's my preferred tank and if this were a real war it'd be smoking the other tanks in the hands of people who know that not getting shot is a good start.
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  6. Ixidron

    We shall end this discussion with a MBT rotation, every week for a month MBTs will swap factions and people will stop complaining, but not because of the rotation, they'll stop complaining because they'll know what the other guy experiments while driving their tank.
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    The Magriders mobility becomes useless if you have lock-ons. If you're using smoke you are losing mobility because you are losing magburn. The Magriders mobility becomes useless if you have heavys. The Vanguards shield is just as effective with lock ons or not. And it is not a lot of mobility at all. Half the places where Mags reach the other MBTs can reach also. They just need alternate routes. The Magriders strafing ability is useless where most Tank vs Tank battles happen. If you allow Magburn for any direction the Magrider will have true mobility. And an all around ability to take less damage like the Vanguards shield. It should be just as effective in every situation not in 300m tank battles where there are so many misses you barely have to strafe. Magrider has mobility a its advantage nothing else. The Vanguards ability is it's high velocity and its defensive Shield. The Prowlers Is its high damage and speed. 2v2v1 doesn't sound balanced to me.
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  8. LordCreepy

    Boy that would be fun; finally not beeing forced to snipe targets at 400m trough foggy esamir.
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  9. Kumaro

    *sigh* when you are in control of the turret the game tries to keep it where you are aiming as long as you don't move it your self or well even then it slightly does it if the main tank body moves. The Prowler and the vanguard has very little movement downwards to use so the body as it moves will sometimes kick up towards the turret and your aim goes to the sky. However if terrain isn't to bad the same effect applies to those tanks to. And the turret will adjust as far as it's set movement allows .

    Now the magrider has no body beneath the turret. And no ability to swivel it since it moves with the body. Added with yes a good hover. Not to mention it can aim lower than the other two tanks. Thus this little mechanic creates a very good balance for the turret. You can go full speed over rough terrain heck even use the magburner and still land shots without worrying about the main body of the tank tilting forward or backwards. Unless it goes to the extremer tilts. SO to conclude the magrider has many times better movement compensation for the turret. Most of it a side effect of game mechanics. Thus in the end seeing what a gyro does and what the magrider has as a bonus effect in game which probably wasn't even intended intentionally it is very similar to a gyro stabiliser. <.<

    And you could say all tanks and turrets have it. But The magrider has the best one....cause vanu
  10. Xasapis

    Gyro stabilisation is something else. It's the ability of the turret to stay into a certain point in the horison, regardless of how the rest of the tank moves. This ability is not present in any of the MBTs in the game.
  11. Phazaar

    Just to add to this, you're only half right. Assuming it works the same as it does with aircraft, it's actually determined by EITHER client. So if on your screen it looks like you hit them, but on their screen it looks like you didn't, you'll still kill them. If on their screen it looks like you hit them, but on your screen it looks like you didn't, you'll still kill them.

    It made synchronised aerobatics incredibly irritating :p
  12. Cinnamon

    No. I did a pivot table on the PU02 only data that someone compiled.

    Not sure what you are saying about secondaries not being used enough. Are you saying that enforcer should get a small buff and vulcan should get a significant buff so that more people use them? So then Magrider can then be buffed in other ways that you enjoy it more without it extending the current lead in performance it has over MBT even more?
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  13. vulcan78

    I agree that the Magrider can traverse terrain easier, particularly the ravine type terrain, but lately I've been very reluctant to just attempt to jet across this type of terrain as I have flipped my Magrider doing so on many, many occasions. It doesn't make any sense that youre encouraged to drive the Magrider over terrain in this manner yet frequently be punished for reasons beyond comprehension with a flipped Magrider. So I would have to say no, although the Magrider CAN traverse this type of terrain better than the other track based MBT, it isn't necessarily an advantage because of the frequency of flipped Magriders.

    Best analogy: hover flash.

    Suggested buff's:

    Reduce the RIDICULOUS, EXAGGERATED, main cannon bullet drop.

    Address the aforementioned handling quirk.

    Slightly increase strafe speed, OP is spot on with the observation that if you can't hit a Magrider strafing at 20 kph with a Vanguard or Prowler this doesn't lend to an assertion of MBT balance, it is mostly indicative of a skill or distance estimation deficit. Using a Halberd, which I assume is similar to a Vangaurd or Prowler's main cannon trajectory wise, I CAN hit Prowlers at full speed moving laterally about my field of view from over 100 meters, moving at 90 KPH? And I am FAR from a pro.

    It is an unstated but actual advantage that both the NC and TR can shoot ESF out of the sky with their main-cannon yet you cannot do this reliably or consistently with the Magrider because of the exaggerated projectile drop. Ultimately a group of NC and TR MBT in the field have the advantage of denying the VS the use of air. That is a big deal.

    I agree with the OP, I haven't seen the stats but speaking from personal experience I seldom survive a 1 on 1 encounter with a Vanguard. With prowlers it feels about even, actually it feels as though I win about 70% of encounters. But I have a fully certed Magrider: Magburner 4, Nanite Auto Repair 4, the anti-armor main cannon with reload speed nearly maxed and thermal, same for the Saron secondary.

    It feels like the Prowler is ok where it is, it is just the Vanguard's "Win" shield that could certainly use a tweak.
  14. ManualReplica

    Ok, but if we buff the magrider I want my vanguard to be able to climb 50 degree hills and mountains too.

    Also while we are at it, make it so that the vanguard cannon doesn't point away from the target when firing so that we don't have to readjust after every shot, and make it so that the vanguard doesn't slowly drift when standing still.

    Really, you should take the magriders mobility advantage more seriously, terrain is a pretty huge deal for tanks in this game.
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  15. deggy

    So is the ability to survive being massively outplayed at every turn and win anyway because you're not VS.
  16. lNeBl

    The enforcer is currently the highest dps AV weapon beyond close range isn't it? I can't imagine it needing any buffs. The vulcan has certainly been nerfed too much though.

    But what I am saying is that for some strange reason, only vanu players are mostly getting into tank gunner seats. And even with 2/2 the magrider seems to be on equal footing with the other tanks even though they are mostly 1/2.

    If the game was correctly balanced, you would see Mag-riders destroying enemy tanks left and right in a broad scale because the majority of Vanu tanks are using gunners, while the other factions are not.
  17. LIKE A BOSS!

    Yeah so is that I win shield you got there. Even if a Magrider gets a jump on you, you will still win with your shield. If you think a Magrider is OP against your vanguard in tank vs tank battles change tactics. You should never lose to a magrider unless outnumbered in the vanguards current state.
  18. Cinnamon

    Surely if the second guns on the other tanks were good enough then people would use them.

    I'm still struggling to see why you think that vanu are the only people who understand that 2/2 av tanks are better at winning tank fights than NC or TR.
  19. Peter Daniel

    SOE is bias, or at least the person who decides the balance.
    That is the problem.

    Because any guy who would test this game would see that the Magrider is the worse tank by far, and the Lancer is worthless, and put that urgently on the next sprint.
  20. LIKE A BOSS!

    Oh we aren't its just that on average there are more 2/2 magriders than 2/2 Prowlers or Vanguards. Magriders require 2/2. A vanguard can be just as successful with by himself.