Buff the Magrider 2014.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LIKE A BOSS!, Feb 8, 2014.


    Currently the Magrider is underperforming in two categories. AI and AV. Currently the Vanguard is outperforming a Magrider significantly in MBT vs MBT situations. A vanguard should never lose to a Magrider currently 1v1 with both having a two person crew. If you do you're just bad or wrong loadout. Also the Prowlers is pretty much the Infantry farming king with its high DPS and Awesome main cannon. What does the Magrider excel at? NOTHING. Currently the only things the Magrider have going for it are its Stabilized main cannon which also does the the least damage and has the most drop (from the faction with a no bullet drop trait) And being able to do tricks up in the air. Currently SOE says all of the Magriders strengths come from its mobilty. Sure the magrider can climb up a hill. Whats the point of even going up there since your cannon can barely aim down. Some forumsiders say "BUT THE MAGRIDER CAN DODGE TANK SHELLS AND ROCKETZ" Prowler drivers...If you can't hit a strafeing Magrider at 20 kph with a 300 meters per second shell thats a skill problem. Also if you aim center mass it will always hit. Currently almost all of the Magrider strenghs are made useless by its weakness and doesn't have any advantges besides mobility which becomes uselss with a gunner that has at least average aim. I think the Magrider needs an overhaul.

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  2. Alarox

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  3. Moisture

    Im no dedicated tanker but I hear the exact opposite frequently.
    In fact if I recall correctly the stats show the magrider doing very well. Can anyone remember where the thread was with the MBT vs MBT death statistics?
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  4. deggy

    *glances at stats showing that Magriders perform at the same level as the other tanks despite using twice as many secondary gunners*
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  5. Alarox

    The problem with those stats is that they're pretty limited and will fluctuate based on the number of each tank pulled and the number of tanks that use AP/HEAT/HE specifically.

    Metrics like K/D, VK/D, DPH (deaths per hour), KPH, gunner rates, and so on over the course of 2-3 weeks would be far better numbers to base balance on.

    I think we need all of these metrics in order to get the whole picture so that very little is left up to interpretation and speculation.
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  6. Moisture

    They have post and pre patch breakdowns and show clear chances to response to the changes.
    They seems to be very telling to me. I just cant remember where the thread is.
    As soon as I find it ill post so we don't have to take my word for it.
  7. Ganelon

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  8. Alarox

    Can we please (pretty please?) not immediately make balance judgements, regardless of your faction or stance, before we have enough information to make objective conclusions?
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  9. Jeralamo

    I vote YES on buffing the Magrider :D
    (buffs come in all sizes and I'm not saying a big buff)
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  10. LIKE A BOSS!

    I'm looking for accurate recent stats.
  11. LIKE A BOSS!

    A buff to its main cannon having high bullet velocity and a very slight damage buff are good enough for me. (And for major maybe allowing magburn for all directions to make it have "true" mobility)
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  12. DeadlyShoe

    The Magrider is king at choosing its fights and getting good firing angles. Izza huge advantage.
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  13. Maelthra

    Of course you have to buff the Magrider. As the swaggiest of all the tanks, you need to keep it clean and shiny and pristine. Kill with style!
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  14. LIKE A BOSS!

    A Prowler can do the exact same thing. Just pick a nice easy to drive up hill deploy and just rack up kills.
  15. DeadlyShoe

    lol no it cant.

    every time we play Vanu, my friends chant "The Magrider has no more mobility than any other tank!" when we drive up mountains and go sideways through narrow gaps.
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  16. deggy

    One which doesn't quite make up for the lowest DPS, lowest gun elevation, slowest speed...

    Oh, you all know all these already, I'm not going to list everything the Mag is worst at. Post would be too long.
    They were in the MBT-v-MBT Death thread a few weeks ago, I'll see if I can dig them up or compile them myself.
  17. LIKE A BOSS!

    And that makes up for the fact that a Prowler does almost twice the dps that a Magrider can do. I don't see how being able to climb up a mountain makes for doing the crappiest in every other aspect out of all the MBTs.
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  18. Metallic123

  19. DeadlyShoe

    Well, you're the one who said the Magrider was good at nothing.

    Clearly the Magrider is still competing despite relatively low firepower, so it must be making up for it sometimes.
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  20. LIKE A BOSS!

    Its good at nothing that can be used out in the field. Since every other tank can do it.