Emerald Has Turned Me Into A Curmudgeon

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheShrapnelKing, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. Umrtvovacz

    I tried that too. Really hard. Try Light Assault, Infiltrator if you are good, or my favorite, Wraith Flash. If lots of infantry, give Renegade a try, otherwise Fury. Remember to roadkill.
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  2. Vostogon

    Join an outfit, run with the outfit.

    Solo play will quickly result in losing your mind.

    edit: Well, unless you do it in a very specific. Not give a crap out holding the hex, farm kills, kinda way.
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  3. MagnumOpus

    If what you would like is a game where you just run around aimlessly and shoot bullets at a man without any regard for strategy there is a game for that it is called literally every other FPS ever.
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  4. Kislany

    This reminds me of this thread. There must be something to it with so many different people complaining about Vanu Emerald (granted, I hate them too and prefer fighting TR lol)
  5. Stormsinger

    While I agree with your overall sentiment, i'm afraid I must disagree with the basis of your argument, which I perceive the core of as thus:

    You are attributing the "Tryhard" playstyle and attitude to an entire faction, while this mindset is more frequently determined on an individual basis. Individual outfits can employ quite a few individuals with this mindset, making them a force to be reckoned with. (When Goku swaps to TR, they win alerts, plain and simple. This is why.) Given that most of the game seems to be built around WWII style armor, air, and infantry fights - the VS employ blitzkrieg tactics, while the TR and NC run around chaotically, playing french-resistance against an enemy that can teleport to an attempted base-cap within seconds of information becoming available.

    This is not the fault of the average VS player, but rather the difference in the quality / communication of the leadership. A few good platoon commanders coordinating correctly can easily turn the tide in a disadvantaged scenario - I've seen the VS pull off alert wins due to last-second moves vs an unwary enemy, even when that enemy has a 30% regional population advantage. As few as 5 good commanders, and 10 or so good squad leads paying enough attention to follow way points / drop beacons can turn the tide of an entire alert.

    You like PPA spam? Try raven spam - fully armored / repaired sundies blow before they can undeploy and move more then a dozen meters. How about lockdown AP / HE? Much, MUCH more focused firepower, and pounders are all but invisible, you never know where the fire is coming from until you've died to it three times. Every faction has that one or two "oh-god-that-weapon-i'm-leaving", but I only see the VS toys ever seriously being complained about these days. Meh.
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  6. Tycoh


    But how does this make us stop intensely hating the VS?

    *Spoiler* It doesn't.
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  7. Jonkero

    As someone running platoons on emerald as TR, I generally base who I am going to fight on territory control/population and other factors. Not sure about other leads
  8. a-koo-chee-moya

    The funny thing was. The only "good" thing about it was that VS was horrifically underpopped and NC was overpopped...
    The OP complains about VS zergs, but then talks about "escapes to Waterson" where he would've just been zerging.
  9. Alan Kalane

    Let me be honest with you.
    If you don't give a **** then you have three ways of solving this problem:
    1) quit the game
    2) continue getting steamrolled and VS zerged to death
    3) you had better give a **** and go join some organised outfit, just not a zergy one. It's suprising how good, organised outfits quickly turn into zergfits.

    cuz at heart PS2 is a team game. The most powerful weapons in this game require cooperation to use efficiently.
    A squad of lancers or phoenixes can shread a tank column before they know what hit em. 2 Skyguards can easily bring down an air zerg. Libs and Gals have some of the games most powerful weapons, yet require a cooperating crew and an escort. MAX crush is a guaranteed way of regaining a control point.But all of these require cooperation. You can't say you know PS if you haven't done all of those.

    But the most powerful weapon is organisation itself. VS zerging a facility? Grab some valkyries and capture 3 VS bases while they just sit there waiting for the timer to hit 0. Eventually they may spread out because,as far as I know, zerging is not very lucrative in terms of both XP and fun. VS is also looking for good fights, you just have to come to them and yell loud and clear "we're capturing your bases you cowards, come and fight us!"
  10. Pirbi

    I've been on vacation but have since led several old school good fights against the VS. We fought over a hill for no reason at all with at least a platoon on each side and both sides seemed to love it. So you can have "bro" fights with the VS. But if TR and NC are locked horns, then sure VS get to run the map and appear to have infinite pop.
  11. Maphreal

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  12. KoS-1

    Glad to see Mattherson VS are keeping up the turdish attitude. Compensation much!!
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  13. MagnumOpus

    Another rekt scrub still nursing his hurt feelings sorry you couldn't hack the canon server mate o7
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  14. EGuardian1

    Server Smash was epic and utterly awesome. I would play that every single night if I could since both sides bring the same level of coordination and organization and it really does boil down to the minutia of each fight. Forgot to bring some AA? HOLY **** - TWO BILLION REAVERS JUST SHOWED AND KILLED ALL OUR SUNDERERS!

    Given the majority of Live players are NOT the tryhards that adore SS, I instead derp around on Live just for ***** and giggles. I'll drive a Flash onto a capture point in a building, then when the enemy rushes in with a platoon, i'll plow right through them with afterburner for extra lulzy kills. Most of my time on Live is Solo even if i'm in a squad.

    It's relaxing to find the derpiest ways to kill stuff. I've roadkill a Lightning with a Canister Harasser. I've flipped a flash with a Reaver (that was terrifying to do) I've fit my Duster into a window and shelled the inside of a capture point.

    I don't take it seriously anymore since all I want is a good laugh and maybe a decent fight.
  15. Champagon

    Emerald truly is the Thunderdome. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I know this is harsh, but if you feel like you are getting stomped out then switch servers. Git good or Git dunked.

    I get dunked on daily and it sucks. But hey it makes you better and there are some truly intense moments when good players on opposing sides confront each other. Some pretty epic stuff

    I vote to rename Emerald "Thunderdome"
  16. Naejin

    I doubt Emerald has turned you into a curmudgeon. I mean, I was on your lawn just yesterday and you never said a thing!
  17. Bazmatties

    You need to get a life outside PS2.
  18. Hasteras

    I'm curious what you're going to suggest.
  19. MagnumOpus

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  20. Champagon

    dude my sides!!!!!