Emerald Has Turned Me Into A Curmudgeon

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheShrapnelKing, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. Paragon Exile

    Am I seriously the only person who doesn't see this "constant VS avoidance"?

    Seriously all of our lanes are under attack constantly from both factions and we're frequently double-teamed.

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  2. Solidpew

    The fact that his hat stayed on is impressive. :p
  3. xDesideratus

    Amazing; I told you in yell chat to go make a whiny forums thread about it, and here it is. Just amazing.

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  4. Naejin

    "Am I seriously the only person who doesn't see this "constant VS avoidance"?" Paragon Exile

    This. The outfit I run with constantly fights the VS, and in all the battles I'm at there are usually a bunch of other TR who aren't in my outfit fighting alongside of us. (Sometimes it's even a *gasp* coordinated attack.)

    During last night's Indar Alert there was a butt-load of NC fighting the VS at...um...a biolab, I think. Sure, they weren't getting anywhere, but still. (It got to the point where the TR considered showing up to help the NC out).

    So, no, I don't see this "constant VS avoidance" either.
  5. MagnumOpus

    The actual avoidance going on is negligible if it even happens. But there are many posters whose butt-hurt is salved by thinking they are somehow sticking it to VS by denying us fights or something. It's pretty pathetic but I don't come to these forums to not see garbo-tier scrublords angstposting about my outfit so...
  6. MagnumOpus

    horrible message board code results in further doubleposting

    SOE I found your missing hitreg its in my posting
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  7. Axehilt

    Most problems would be solved if NC/TR stopped with the defeatist attitude. It's a slippery slope where literally the less the TR/NC fight the VS, the more unbeatable the VS will seem. But if both factions actively engaged the VS all the time, the VS would be utterly defeated. They almost never have over 50% pop (I've heard this happens now and then late-late at night) and that means they can always be beaten by the other two factions.

    Quite literally if NC/TR did nothing but attack the VS:
    • The VS would never win an alert again.
    • The NC vs. VS and TR vs. VS battles would nearly always favor the TR/NC from a pop perspective.
  8. Yuukikun

    Here's a few points.

    You think we try-hard? We would need to have a challenge in order to have to try.

    Being more skilled and having better teamplay isn't being a try-hard. From what you have shown about yourself, you have no idea about competitive pllay. When someone try-hards, they can't do it for hours non-stop and everyday. I have never try-harded on live and i don't think i know anyone who does unless they are bad and struggle just to reach average levels of play.

    If you are going to cry because a group of player is better than you in a pvp game, then you should reconsider ever playing pvp games again. The mindset of the game itself is to win alerts. You should have this as your goal, and if not, you have no right to complain about people who do.
  9. Naejin

    Axehilt, you're trying to make sense. Stop it before you brain-lock the entire NC faction.
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  10. Maphreal

    XBox Live called, they want their CoD kiddie speech back.
  11. MagnumOpus

    Sorry can't find it under all the certs in here
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  12. TheShrapnelKing

    I don't understand where people are getting this idea that me joining an outfit will cause us to suddenly start winning. That doesn't make any sense, unless I'm literally some kind of God who brings victory to whatever outfit I'm in, which is definitely not the case.
  13. TheShrapnelKing

    You think I'm going to abandon a BR 74 char when I'm completely F2P? Fat chance. If I have to give up on that char I effectively have to quit the game.
  14. TheShrapnelKing

    I meant in attitude, not that I shut myself in my room all day and play PS2.
  15. Champagon

    If you rage hard enough to quit then i say mission accomplished

    Yes I am a mean guy in a pc game who has no mercy for the opposing faction

    I also teabag
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  16. TheShrapnelKing

    **** you too.
  17. TheShrapnelKing

    This is why I hate the Emerald VS.

    If you all disappeared tomorrow I'd have no problems with the game anymore, all my complaints would be null and void.
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  18. Meeka

    The really sad thing about Planetside 2 is when you have competitive players clashing against casual players.

    The competitive players start hurling insults at the casual players and we're like, "Eh, we're not putting this game on our resume, are we?" or "What terrible things have happened to you in child hood to cause you to act this way in a game?"

    We had one sadly hilarious player last night who was 'trying' to berate us; and our response was simple, "We don't take Planetside 2 seriously, we have fun with it" and his response was literally, "that's what's wrong with this game".

    Somehow, somewhere down the line of his life he was misled that games are not supposed to be 'fun'. Perhaps, by being the only person ever to forced to play 'Worm Up'.
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  19. MagnumOpus

    Every time I shoot you I kill your whole outfit.
  20. Dramaticus

    on the other hand his entire outfit redeploys when he says. thats efficiency KV can only dream of.
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