Emerald Has Turned Me Into A Curmudgeon

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheShrapnelKing, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. MagnumOpus

    Have not you heard? Tis only the hardest of triers who make use of the redeploy mechanics. It is truly dishonorobu and if you do it you should commit sudoku
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  2. Ronin Oni

    70/30 out popping is not fun. It wins... but it's the most boring and unsatisfying "victory" you can achieve.

    Even worst, there's no real REASON to anyways.

    AT BEST you can utilize this incredibly boring "strategy" to win alerts. Woohoo. 2 hours for a % of 10k XP, usually not much more than 50% so we'll say 5000XP for 2 hours (and less than that if you didn't play the full 2 hours)

    OR a whopping 20 minutes of actual battle XP. (and that's estimating <300SPM which isn't even hard in battle)

    That's absolutely TERRIBLE.

    People do good fights not because "honor" or any other nonsense.

    People play for good fights because good fights ARE THE ONLY THING OF VALUE IN THIS GAME.

    So yeah, over zerg and people will just ignore you, and let you take all the absolutely worthless and meaningless territory you want while getting crap SPM's and meager "reward" xp.
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  3. MagnumOpus

    It's okay. Like your real life, Planetside 2 can be played on Easy Mode as you describe.

    If you feel better someday, please try playing the actual game it's kinda fun!
  4. xDesideratus

    All factions periodically have a lull in fights as the other two factions get engaged in huge fight or two with each other, but this happens to every faction and is always temporary; I can't even complain about it, because typically while that happens we can snag a few defensible bases deep in <faction> territory, to farm later when <faction> wants it back.

    ...I guess that's a convoluted way to say I don't really see it either.

    C'mon man, have some class...
    At least spam the "I NEED A RIDE" voice macro when you do it!

    Bads gonna be bad
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  5. Juunro

    You keep insisting that the game has meaningful objectives when that is objectively not the case. There is no win condition. Alerts give you less exp then any large fight anywhere in the game. The bonuses you get from them are tiny, especially with how the resource system exists now. Also: the game is advertised purely on ridiculously huge battles - it is at best a mid tier shooter otherwise. If you wanted serious teamplay games there are far better out there. This game doesn't even have a clan on clan match system and goes so far as to have mods that say setting up a scrim somewhere is technically cheating by stat padding, which is ridiculous, but is still a thing.

    I think you might well be playing the wrong game.
  6. Negator

    YOUR personal experience will improve. Most importantly, the message is that EVERY SINGLE player counts, and if you join an outfit, perhaps you will then spread the word to others to join outfits. Obviously, the next step is to partake in that outfits coordinated events.
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  7. Fleech

    what a completely blanket statement. stopped reading there.

    the only reason i play VS is to find good tankers to fight with in my mag. i often run either alone or just with a gunner in search of good opponents.

    another thing i really don't understand is people complaining about the VS redeploying to fights where they're needed. if i see a fight where i know i could make a difference and have fun, i go there.

    i guess using ones eyes to look at the map is OP. pls nerf.
  8. Juunro

    Unrelated to the thread but: Damn you and your cunning use of small hills.
  9. Fleech

    i love getting those corner shots. people forget that the entire tank has a hitbox not just the center.
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  10. Ronin Oni

    Straw man much?

    I don't even understand where the hell you're coming from.

    I don't enjoy 70/30 fights so I like easy mode? That doesn't even make sense. That's the opposite of sense.
  11. ATRA_Wampa-One

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  12. Champagon

    *Eats popcorn with a smug expression*
  13. MagnumOpus

    The alert win XP is irrelevant, yes. What is relevant however is that you don't get better at the game by not trying. That will surely make you feel better but it will not help you play better.

    Good outfits get better by playing for a goal as a team. Bad outfits stay bad by giving up and claiming it was never meaningful to win any way.
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  14. Bape

    Dude you are a lone wolf how can you forget the that one CODE that us lonewolf follow?

    "Thou shall not concern himself of victory or defeat only killing is the one true goal of the fearsome wolf".

    in other words
    **** WINNING
  15. Juunro

    Good by what standard, I wonder? When a game has no real objectives, enough so that the playerbase has to more or less make up their own, who is to say who has the more valid stance on that?

    Know what I see most of the time playing to alerts? At peak EST hours even populations with one of the three factions (yes, sometimes even NC) winning by 1-2%. Know what I see every other time of day? One faction, very often VS, winning alerts with 40-50% population then gloating about it.

    Alot of outfits objectives are to find a fun fight and get stuck in, maybe trading a base back and forth in the same lattice, but that's about it. Or to defend bases from incoming zergs. They don't particularly care about Alerts because again, there is no reward. This is not exclusive to the NC and TR, either. Most of the MLG outfits I run into will do things like drop a squad at most into a roughly even or slightly outnumbered fight, fight hard as hell and well, and then leave one the offensive has been smashed. I mean people like ZAPS, AC, DA.

    Know what seems to happen with the rest of the VS? Unless its a tech plant they desperately need, when their initial zerg rush fails they either redeploy elsewhere or fall back to sniping. If your objective was to take that base, that is an unequivocal failure. An hour will go by often and then the VS zerg rolls back in after the defending NC or TR have gotten bored and left, usually leaving behind a crew of 12-24 fighting a similar number of VS, then a full platoon drops in on whatever objective that was, takes it rapidly by setting up spawn room suppression so that redeploying defenders can't leave the spawn and then start yelling about superior VS strategerie and how everyone else is terrible.

    Usually the ones yelling this are the ones with sub 1.0 KDR's, which is amusing as hell.

    Incidentally, remember fuzzbuttpsycho and his merry band of 5 platoons? They were better then you at strategic reployment and movement and by a wide margin. Say what you want about him, he was the best leader this game has ever had. And if that outfit at that strength came back? Both the VS and NC on Emerald would be consistently getting absolutely wrecked all the damn time and you'd be on here ******** about TR being OP.
  16. MagnumOpus

    There are real objectives, the alert tells you what they are. What do they need to be to be real to you? Should your character get deleted when you lose one? Should I be getting money when I win? What do these alerts need to do for you to believe they are real too?
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  17. TheShrapnelKing

    It's like you WANT me to hate the VS even more.
  18. MagnumOpus

    Holy **** guys, it CAN learn.
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  19. Maphreal

    Troll chirren gonna be troll chirren. Not much else can be said bro. I'll share the same advice I give my step-son: trolls deserve your pity, not your ire. There is a reason they need to derive their self confidence from a video game.
  20. EGuardian1

    Something beyond "You know how you're fighting at bases you intend to capture all the time? Yeah, keep capturing them, BUT IT MEANS SOMETHING NOW!!!!"

    *headdesk* I miss facility alerts.
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