Scheduled Maintenance April 2nd

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. Krayus_Korianis

    I've updated my post you had quoted. But essentially if you have a modern AMD or Intel CORE CPU, you have both instruction sets and if you have a 64-bit OS, you'll be running only the 64-bit executable client.
  2. RainbowDash9

    i have windows 7. maybe cuz its a laptop and it runs both 32 and 64 it takes the easy way out. sheesh, even computers are lazy
  3. RyanGUK



    At long last, my laptop will be able to (probably) play this game WITH SHADOWS ON :eek:

    Changing it means that your camo coverage is much bigger. Besides, everybody knows its the NC vehicle lol.

    Err, no... the launcher will automaticaly detect that you have a 64-bit OS and run the 64-bit client. You could potentialy force it to run the 32-bit version, but why would you. I will not teach you that, don't want a magic smoke incident on my hands in case you don't do stuff properly.
  5. blampoet

    yeah, saw that an hour ago, will try it when i get home, but i rekon it'll fix it.

    question is- is SOE doing enough to tell people that they might have this problem and what it's solution is?!?!?!

    (% of people on PTS who had this problem seems sizable- extrapolate this over the whole live population... that's a lot of whining and whinging... *sigh*)

    thanks for the fix message, get ready to send out a lot more of them :p
  6. SpyderSeven

    cool patch, I'm excited for the x64 client.

    Aw, I seriously thought that was a feature :( Now how will I spin my killer's model around in order to check out his cool gear?
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  7. Lude86

    The time in Europe changed to daylight-saving/summer time last weekend, so it's actually 3PM CE(S)T.
  8. Octiceps

    So if I'm using a custom PlanetSide 2 profile in Nvidia Inspector I'll have to add the new 64-bit .exe to it? Thanks for the heads-up. :)
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  9. B3cker

    New Player Studio Items in the Depot huh? Well my main account is at PSG and I can't f*cking buy Player Studio Stuff because we don't have it in the store! Talk to your "partners" already please! We've been waiting for this stuff for so long now!
  10. UzumakiNaruto

    • Up x 1
  11. eatcow0

    for my wraith cloak I had to unequip my lumiball antennae and my flaming skull hood ornament for stealth =(
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  12. randomusername146

    where can I actually find the schedule?
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  13. PrimePriest

    Does this mean "update" in the same way a Lightning has got before? Please leave at least a Vanguard alone.
  14. Guildion

    I want a SPACE CRUSADER helmet for my character !
  15. Guildion

    Devs should make a new side armor plate on the Vanguard, the current one hides cosmetics, Vanguard's side armor plate should be like the Lightening one !
  16. xBennie

  17. ShortRovnd

    You mean to check out his/her butt? ;)
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  18. Majistir

  19. Chris Bingley

    So, a really informative post about all the changes that we're getting today. Except for one big bit of information, possibly the most important piece of information they needed to include.

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  20. Daitoku

    Funny, launching the game from the launcher and its running the x86 binary instead of the x64.

    Edit: I see both the x86 and x64 binaries running in task manager, I have not tested this in game yet (obviously) but will report back.