Scheduled Maintenance April 2nd

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by RadarX, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. imagica

    Holy crap(
    You do understand that even if someone have 64bit systme it dosn`t mean he have a powerfull computer overall? On my notebook i have massive FPS decrease on 64bit not to mention other bug like Raw mouse input which make my mouse respond with like half a second pause. Optimise 64 bit or made it possible to run x86 on 64bit systems.
  2. xPropane

    The appplication was unable to start correctly (0xc000007B). Click OK to close the sheet.

    PS : I look cool with my new sig HUEHUEHUE!
  3. LanceHavenbay

  4. Krayus_Korianis

    Or you know, get a desktop that can actually play the game?
  5. Dill Bagner

    I'm not really sure why a person who could play the game before the patch should now be obligated to get a new computer because of the patch.
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  6. Krayus_Korianis

    In the first place, they probably had crappy FPS and were used to it. This one just made it more apparent to them so they felt the need to whine.

    Laptops are not good gaming PC's.
  7. RainbowDash9

    cuz logic.

    But anyways, i run 40 with my laptop, so i guess we'll see what happens with 64 bit.
  8. PrimePriest do I start this 64 bit thingy? I got to login screen and can't click anything at all. My character is just standing there with standard animation, music is playing. But can't click dem buttons!!!! Have to exit through task manager.
  9. KaMaLa

    After this patch my fps has decreased to the point where I can no longer play the game (at a desired level of looking nice). I was able to run medium level graphics previously without drops in frame rate. Hopefully will be fixed soon, thanks
  10. Ravenorth

    Aaaaaand after two patches the recoil for close range semi-auto snipers is still bugged....

    Thanks for breaking my Phantom again after its iron sight transition time was bugged like for a half year and then you finally fixed it just to allow it remain like that for a mere TWO weeks.

    You are so wonderful people devs, love ya all!
  11. Syn7ax

    Wat r ur system specs?
  12. DJPenguin

    Are they all not visible or is 6 pieces shared between the 3 factions considered "lots"
  13. Godsmangamer

    Reading this ... forced me to laugh

    but :( after loading the 64 bit client it seems like I am playing with every ambient light source turned off
    this does not include terminals, daylight, flashlights. but every other light seems to be turned off.
    Anyone else experiencing this?
  14. non7top

    How do I disable 64 bit client? It hanged after 10 minutes of gameplay, while 32bit one is pretty stable (if you can say stable about PS2 at all lol)
  15. Parodex

    nice soe 3 client crashes in almost 15min gg!!!
  16. Xyphet

    My ability to crash before play is unrivaled. This pretty much is the greatest update of my life, the efficiency of my clients crashing is now 100%. Working as intended ;)
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  17. Syn7ax

    And i had to point out 1 more thin......
    The VS low zoom semi-auto rifle (Phantom) has some ADS bugg. in which it recoils to the extreme top tight corner everytime u shoot.... This make's it really difficult to aim with. Would really appreciate a fix on that.

    And on question - when r the warpgates goin to revert to their god mode state???? Getiin teamkilled at the warpgate is really bugging the crap out of me.
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  18. SuperLexatron

    Why...? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Just ******* why? What was the point?

    I didn't see anybody asking for changed textures and more prominent blue to ruin the camo they paid for...

    It doesn't even need faction specific colours, it's a reaver - it's pretty obvious what faction it belongs to.

    It was not broke, so why did you fix it?

    *******... why?

    I mean, thanks for FINALLY letting us apply camo to the cosmetics (Still broken on the Vanguard btw) but what the **** possessed you to make this change?

    Empire specific colours on empire specific vehicles are pointless, and only serve to RUIN the camos we have PAID for.

    When I bought my camo, I bought it because that's the way I wanted it to look - I tested it, deemed it worth the purchase and spent my money on it. I would not have bought it if it just clashes with the ******** colour scheme and looks worse than default.
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  19. ThaColaLover

    64bit client crashed. Also why NC has scopes that costs 5 certs but on VS the same scope costs 30?!?! If it is bug please fix it
  20. Dabsch

    So the client crashes every 5 minutes now. Well done.