FPS drop after GU4

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Matcap86, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. XRIST0

    Do you have a 120hz monitor ?

    If you dont , i suggest capping your frame rate to 60 .. enable vsync and tripple buffering .. You will have no stutter then .
  2. Rak

    Cycles just posted this in another thread:

  3. philux

    I have exactly the same behaviour while flying after roughly 30-45min of play time. This is fixed after restarting the game; hence, it appears to be an issue on the client-side.
  4. Dog.

    So that GU4 turned my computer into a Gameboy, hotfix now upgraded it to a SNES... Can I still expect my computer to have computer performance on PS2 ?

    **** SOE if their politic is to play on our patience instead of bringing fast solution (rollback to GU3)

    And don't believe these people going like "Good works SOE glad you are working on it...etc" that's ******** , those people are just so addicted to your game that they won't even recognize that something like that is not even supposed to happens, and if it ever happens, it's not something you "try to fix" over 5+ days , it's something you fix the day you discover about it. reason ? We're not in beta anymore, we're having this issue on a final product, so people here are not beta tester and don't have to wait after your team finding the ULTIMATE SOLUTION to that problem ,just bring a QUICK & EFFICIENT SOLUTION even if that means delaying your patch and bringing back the old version of the game to make it PLAYABLE for us.

    Patch after patch it's like you're trying many different fix that you don't even test , thinking that the community is a bunch of testers who are enjoying trying every fail patch you drop.

    I could type even more about how bad you manage your game but **** it , that's enough for today
    • Up x 1
  5. TeknoBug

    I already have MaximumFPS to 61 and have 3buffer in Radeonpro. I raised it to 80 fps and turned off vsync to see if it made any difference, so yeah it stuttered no matter what.
  6. Hatamoto

    Interested in knowing how this will be an E-sports game?
  7. Luewen

    Its just preferred that you delete the user options ini if you have issues. IT can help or not. Thats normally the first thing that you r asked to do when asking help.
  8. NoctD

    That's a bunch of nonsense and doesn't do anything - the game is broken, already deleted my ini and all that jazz, and after numerous hotfixes, its still the same level of GU4 broken after you play for a while.
  9. TintaBux

    22-110 fps, before GU4 was 34fps + at all times (but no where near 110 max)
    The fps is all over, it's quite smooth but I get lower minimum frame drops which makes it feel laggy.
  10. NotTheMomma
