The "No box" Server Information

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Frenzic, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. Frenzic Augur

    Ixboxer does not do this, Voldemort does. Voldemort will not be usable on this server so if someone wants to box they will be doing it via multiple computers with actual keystrokes or via virtual machine and if they use virtual machine I hope Daybreak bans all their accounts.

    I'm not sure. I know TL leadership has been adamant about seeing Ragefire through til it goes live. A splinter group may start on the new server. We'll have to see as the launch date approaches.
  2. Nerdz Elder

    Have you found any information about the possibility that they make all of the drops in these instanced raids no drop?

    I would hope they make all of these items no drop and make it so when you kill the target, no new person can enter that instance. I am just not a fan of the RMT culture and wish it would be stamped out.

    Great write up though man! Thank you for the read!
    Frenzic likes this.
  3. Lee81 Augur

    I'm going to make sure that I hop onto this server asap with my friends and former guildmates. This is going to be a blaaaast!
    Frenzic likes this.
  4. Mwapo Augur

    Both are being disabled by their respective creators, though the legal one will be harder to prevent from being altered to work just due to how they both work.
  5. frankie78227 Augur

    I am very interested in seeing how this works out. Quite frankly, I don't believe any of this garbage about DBG being able to prevent Botting/RMT on this server.
  6. Mwapo Augur

    Pretty sure legal program let's you broadcast across multiple machines without the marauders map. I don't have multiple computers so I've never actually checked but I think they advertise that as a thing. But I believe they've also come out as being against use on the new servers.
  7. Lee81 Augur

    Why would this matter if you instance all dungeons and raids?
  8. frankie78227 Augur

    Even if you instance dungeons and raids, people still have to gear up to actually kill stuff. Unless of course they have mage armies.
  9. Frenzic Augur

    Daybreak is still very much in the planning stage for this. It worries me a little bit that they are planning things with the launch less than 2 months away, but it wouldn't be Daybreak otherwise :)

    Daybreak is not stopping either of those things. Botting is going to be stopped by Valdemort himself and RMT will never truly be stopped. The best way to stop RMT is to stop buying their junk and publicly shun anyone who is caught doing so.

    I've used ixboxer for many years, but never attempted it on multiple computers. The whole point of ixboxer was to play from one machine. I don't see how they would make that work seeing as you don't connect to a server to run or broadcast. It uses little virtual windows and key broadcast. Someone I'm sure will know more about this as I'm completely ignorant about using it on multiple machines.
  10. Kegwell Lurker since '99

    Please make it so every account must be up to date on expansions to be able to log into TLP servers.
    frankie78227 likes this.
  11. Zublak Augur

    I would disagree. Paying the All Access is plenty enough to access the TLP's. I have seen multiple people mention they'd pay more for a server such as this, but honestly there's really not a reason tehy should charge more for something that should have been done earlier anyway. Ideally they should have opened 2 servers from the get go. One server such as RF/LJ with original open world raiding and then 1 server like this one they're going to bring out. People could have made their choice. But that's niether here nor there. I hope they do a good job with these and hopefully people will be happier.
    Nickatropolis and Tronk like this.
  12. Kegwell Lurker since '99

    Well, there's the evidence.
    frankie78227 likes this.
  13. rune00 Augur

    It's an informative post but I'm pretty sure "Valdemort" and the other devs for m q 2 who never intended abuse of their program don't appreciate being referred to as "hackers" or the insinuation they support "cheating"...

    Also truth is, unless you have an insider at dbg, we don't know much about what's being done on the dbg side code wise yet.
    It's too early to tell what kind of scan for hardware ids etc. they will implement, what we do know though, is that "Valdemort" has already put code in place to stop m q 2 from working on that server and will be modifying that as needed should anyone succeed in bypassing it...

    I don't think this server is going to be a huge success unless people really enjoy LFG for hours but time will tell...
    I box and I'll stay as far away from it as possible, we have all the other servers I can leave this one alone, and I believe there are more boxers that feel the same way out there.
  14. Laronk Augur

    Terrible idea, they already pay a monthly sub
    Tronk likes this.
  15. Laronk Augur

    In the stream they said hardware id
  16. rune00 Augur

    Ok well I stand corrected then and have edited my post accordingly.

    I should have been more clear, there is no indication of that sort of scan in the current client yet. When they release that client with that code is when we will know exactly what's scanned for and so on.
  17. Numiko Augur

    I wonder if they will do a clean up on the new servers, removing the things that slipped though, like stat food and pottery idols that are out of era on the current TLP's
  18. Frenzic Augur

    They are hackers in my opinion. They created a program that manipulates packets and the client side information. To me that's a hack. Users of said program aren't hackers per se but the maker certainly is. As for being called cheaters.... Rofl lol rofl... There is no way you or anyone else can justify valdemort use as anything but a cheat. It was designed to give information Sony did not want you to have. To say the creator of valdemort does not support cheating is one of the ****** things I've ever seen said on these forums. And that's saying a lot lol.
    Tronk and Machen like this.
  19. rune00 Augur

    It was not designed to give users information Sony didn't want them to have, it was created to automate tradeskilling (a feature I might remind you was added to the game later) I was there I know.
    And you should stick to facts. There hasn't been packet manipulation in that software for the last 10 years when the sendpacket api was removed, who removed it? The devs did cause people was abusing it.

    For example to automate tradeskilling a script engine was coded, much later it became apparent that people used that same engine to write macros for unattended gameplay, but again, it wasn't thought of at the time.

    Yes there was mistakes made in the beginning of the m q 2 development and it's hard to put that cat back in the bag now since it's open source, but trust me when I say the devs never intended people to abuse m q 2 s power and just wanted to bring some nice new features to a game they love.

    Many of the features that was released has since been incorporated in the game itself. And I suspect we will see even more if they have the resources and time needed to do so, the latest one being /follow now works out of group.

    I don't know what your agenda is but you are succeeding in alianating both users and nonusers at this point.
  20. lalaloup Augur

    The alienation is happening anyway. Even if everything in this thread is b.s. at least it's b.s. aimed at calming down the frenzy.