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Paladin Wishes

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Allayna, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. Wulfhere Augur

    That's awesome and exactly right. I wish we had enough priests in our raids to approach that amount of healing coverage.

    Yeah and I think paladin healing matters most when the raid force is overall struggling to progress and survive, much less win events. Once a raid has an event on farm and is overpowering the event, burning through mechanics, paladins can focus on DPS and tanking, i.e. playing more like SKs.
  2. AcemoneyFV Augur

    We need a grp heal that adds a shield based on the % healed? So when the heal lands, your HP goes from 200k/200k to 250k/200k. You get the picture. :)
  3. Allayna Augur

    A rune/mitigation for overhealing? I think all heals should work like that, X % based on either the max hp or the heal that adds a rune of hp that needs to break first before dmg taken to the PC.
    AcemoneyFV likes this.
  4. josh Augur

    I'll say something unconventional. We are the only tank class that can't decrease a mobs accuracy. I would like something that does that. Or perhaps something more in line with paladinyness, would be something that boosts our avoidance.

    We would get less push back from people like p2aa, since he belligerently believes those types of things to be ineffectual.
  5. Insaneox Augur

    Change the timer on Merciful Penitence Rk. III and Armor of Mercy Rk. III.

    Both share 11 as timer so if you use it locks the other out. This would then give us another usable form of defensive. Seems odd that they make a defensive 1 level higher and it locks out other and vice versa.

    Shadow knights get enough forms of defensive they can stay under full time. Pally on the other hand lack that overall ability.

    I do like the idea of having an alternative version of splash for events cure is detrimental.

    Overall dream for next expansion release is they give us some undead mobs in the current zones. TBL other then the skelly mobs on Reparm raid was lackluster for us. A bump to slay undead which was mentioned is well deserved it’s been a long time coming. Having some ability to turn mobs undead on our own besides boxing a necro would be pretty interesting. Maybe a dream but that would for sure would be moved into my line up if made.
    Allayna likes this.
  6. Wulfhere Augur

    Evolution. Armor of Courage line came first. Later Reverent Penitence line was introduced as being more paladin-like. In truth, I don't hardly use Armor of Mercy line since then.

    The Penitence line is almost always the better choice imho because it has a much better chance to last it's full duration. It has a higher proc count limit (48 vs 32) and it has a lower proc rate mod (250% vs 360%). The higher cap on Armor's hit points doesn't matter because of the 32 count limit and higher proc rate that exhausts it even sooner (don't blink!).

    The only reason to use Armor is for extra +hate and damage. I use Armor on trivial content for a bit of DPS, when our egregiously few DPS abilities are on cool down, and I don't expect to need Penitence for real tanking reasons. Yes, please put them on separate timers and balance them out wrt durations.
  7. Wulfhere Augur

    ps: and neither abilitiy procs on riposte swings from an NPC. I don't know if that's a bug or a feature of defensive procs.
  8. tyrantula Elder

    Good point on the Armor of Mercy line fading sooner. Knowing that, I'll bring down Penitence from the combat window to my main defensive line.
  9. AcemoneyFV Augur

    Yes, something similar to this. I think it would be a neat feature added to healing.
  10. Silverstone Journeyman

    We don't need a lot of changes.
    My ideas:
    1. 3 more levels of Blessing of the faithful that makes it a passive ability. 200aa per level
    2. 3 more levels of Yaulp gives over-haste instead of normal haste that is needless. 200aa per level
    Dps Fixed and still remains in the Paladin realm and does not steal from another class for ideas.

    3. Drop HOTT spells down to 0.5 second cast times and address resists.
    4. Unlimited procs of "ward" line of spell.. ward of tunare etc.
    5. Holy warder disc: absorbs 30-50 percent (random number) of spell and melee damage for 1-2 minutes, 90 percent reduction in melee and spell damage while under this effect. Aggro increased 1000 percent versus a single target only.
  11. tyrantula Elder

    I'd much rather have AE aggro limitations lifted and adjusted. We're able to tank as well as SK's but we lack aggro control by a long shot. Our single target aggro is fine as long as you know what you're doing.
  12. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Alliance - - stuns mob if stunable 6 secs, 50k 150 range focusable/critable ae heal
    AE hate - - 1 more aa/spell pb ae 75 range unlimited targets, 20k agro base, 3500 overhate per tick, 3 ticks.
    Defensive - - ditch same timer discs, extend shields flash to 12 secs all tanks
    Splash - - toggle cure, like 2 hander agro/shaman dot deal-eo
    Spells - - drop cast times on crushes and stuns, not like insta cast but faster!
  13. Lubianx Augur

    Just remove the stun totally on Pally Alliances. Whoever thought it was a good idea to put a stun on it, considering it is a raid spell and raid mobs are usually immune to stun, wasn't thinking.

    Keep the damage at half the others and add a PBAE heal instead of the stun
    Xeladom and Allayna like this.
  14. Wulfhere Augur

    I kinda agree with this core issue. I think SK can tank well beyond a paladin simply because they have more tools, more aggro, more mitigation, same self healing.

    In a group, I can hold aggro all I want with minimal effort. Not even trying versus a slacking warrior or SK. But I use different spells in group game and I expect so do they.

    In a raid, I have to use all my best aggro spells to tank anything, using up 2 valuable debuf slots, and not having raid utility spells memorized. It's stupid compared to group game. Not even the same at all. If I need to tank something, I have to spam it all to grab and hang on to aggro. An Sk can take it away on a whim. A warrior almost as easily.

    I don't mind. In a group, good luck stealing aggro from me. In a raid, well I know from that tank balance that the Devs do NOT expect a paladin to tank much at all. They have made it too hard to get and hold aggro, so clearly the Devs expect a raid paladin to do something other then grab and hold aggro against 10 million DPS. It's okay that warriors and SKs can do that, but apparently not a paladin.

    Okay so what do we ask for that doesn't take away from SKs? More AE healing and curing please. How about group and AE mitigation like Refute recourse (SPA 451 stuff would stack)? If I'm not tanking I want to help the raid mitigate damage in other ways.
  15. tyrantula Elder

    Move Refute for honor+recourse to an AA with same recast.

    But I have all but completely given up raid tanking because unless I'm assigned to something specific, once I burn crush+disruption+crush... another tank taunts once and pulls it from me now I have two spells down for 20 seconds and no way of really pulling it off them unless I taunt - which they take it back a few seconds later.

    My play style has morphed to reactionary (back up tank+pad healer), with even worse DPS. Besides curing, I don't see the use a paladin really brings to a raid much anymore that another class can't fill better.
  16. Warpeace Augur

    Remove our agro mod from the Preservation line and put it on the Furry spell line.
    Allayna and Wulfhere like this.
  17. Wulfhere Augur

    Great idea. Our weapon imbue is all about "fury" after all.
  18. Wulfhere Augur

    I've played a reactionary style for a while now too. The spells we have support that role fairly well and differently then an SK. Whereas an SK can better snap up loose mobs (plural) and protect the raid that way, a paladin can heal the raid during a deadly AE series. This has been the trend since the introduction of splash. Paladins have taken a step back (in raid role) with priest alliances and then those got nerfed and we got Gift of Life in a re-balancing patch.

    Events with stun mechanics (Lcea, Prince, Talendor, Doomfire, Stratos, etc.) favor paladins too.
  19. Allayna Augur

    Also increase it to 20% to match it's counterpart.
  20. Brohg Augur

    I'd like to see Knight's Synergy (besides whatever appropriate increase in total absorb it gets for all three tank classes) to take on an additional trigger ability for Paladins. Paladins are the protect-iest tank, they should have more frequent access to protect-ey things. So, like, it should go up on both Spurn AND ... something. Protective Devotion? Valiant Diversion? One of those 1/tick bread & butter spells, but maybe not a nuke. Or maybe a nuke, what do I know

    Or just a %chance (20% ish?) to fire on any spell cast? That'd be less prescriptive for paladin play, that's probably a better idea
    Skewert likes this.