WM Pet Update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WreckingBaII, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. Haggz New Player

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  2. TrueOlympus New Player

    The Devs know that if Nature and Sorcery get a hold of WM they will be OP i guess? Why aren't they doing something similar with Rage is what i wanna know. If they want to be "Balanced" in all.

    What's pissing me off is the this Update seems to have a focus on all the top tier DPS powers. NONE of the bad or middle DPS powers have gotten significant change. Its downright dumb
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  3. Echephyle New Player

    I have no problem with the pet getting no bonus as he's strong enough. I believe that my regular powers will get no bonus when my pet is up. That is what the patchnotes seem to indicate and is totally unjustified.
  4. DarthSizzle Dedicated Player

    200% agree with you!
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  5. DarthSizzle Dedicated Player

    There is no balance that was made clear when there was a top 3 named and now it seems like they are trying to preserve that.
    But of course they happen to be dlc powers but they'll say that has nothing to do with it, come on devs did you not see the kaiser vid with him using rage!
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  6. Dephyre Committed Player

    Y'all already have a pet which, when used and setup correctly, allows y'all to do better damage. I think it's completely fair that y'all don't recieve the extra crit dmg, as y'all are already putting forth that extra dmg.
  7. DarthSizzle Dedicated Player

    You must not know how sorc works therefore should not make a comment if you can't add to it.
    Extra damage? From where?
  8. Echephyle New Player

    The pet does more damage yes, but we will never crit for 6000-10000 on our strongest combos. With wm rage will totally own unless they keep sorcery and nature the way it was before this change.
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  9. Dephyre Committed Player

    Seeing as to how I run with Echephyle, one of the sorcery dps's you just quoted five minutes ago, I can personally attest to the extra dmg that pets do, in fact, do.
  10. Echephyle New Player

    Leaguemates ;)
  11. DarthSizzle Dedicated Player

    Again wheres the extra damage the pet is like a power it deals two hits then needs power to hit those two high hits again , offering is not spammable so wheres this extra damage coming from? The single target attacks after are non existent, wheres the extra damage?
  12. treehunter904 New Player

    if your not top dps with those powers ur terrible. laugh all you want but sorcery is top dps power if used by the right person with the right loadout same as nature. with rage right behind and only reason rage can keep up is with bezerk and that's risky on bosses so a lot of dps don't do it on bosses just adds
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  13. DarthSizzle Dedicated Player

    And not just sorc but natures swarm and it also won't get a wm buff after spore pi, are you serious with this?
  14. treehunter904 New Player

    that would be ok lol. celes and HL most likely wont b using WM cuz there combos will output more damage that sitting there for 5 seconds doin WM. rage might use it a little.
  15. Echephyle New Player

    You do have a point. I have to constabtly cast offering to allow my fury to do his 2500 blasts. At most he gets off 2, but usually just one, then he's out of power. Consider it a single cast that does 5000 to be fair. Now compare that to 6000 from a rage precision buffed spin chop to dual flurry along with a crit bonus of outrage which can be another 4000-6000. That's 10000-12000 damage compared to 5000.

    Also, offering has a very long cooldown, so i cannot allow my fury to spam his 2500 attack.
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  16. DarthSizzle Dedicated Player

    I agree that currently sorc and nature can top or hang with the top 3 but to say its just because beserk thats wrong ive run with rage guys who straight melee in nexus wave and ab when that happens there isnt a power set ingame that can keep up now add WM exactly
  17. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    no there not they are strong powers but they are not the top two
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  18. DarthSizzle Dedicated Player

    This right here is GOLD!
  19. treehunter904 New Player

    its not just because of bezerk but that's a big part of why they can keep up with sorc and nature. and I promise u that if the rage dps died and had to go do a range loadout that he would get beat.. hands down
  20. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    the only power i play currently that i can even use WM is nature and your telling me that if i use swarm like all nature do that we wont be able to use WM and gett the crit bost for a well timed power? why because the pet is doing damage and not waiting on the correct moment to hit? so basicly what the devs are saying is we created this mechanic and we cant make your pets attack not cancel out the timming issue with player powers so we are just going to tell everyone that if they use a pet their WM wont work:rolleyes: