WM Pet Update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WreckingBaII, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. WreckingBaII Well-Known Player

    Here is what the test server update just released...

    ·Improved Pets: Being in control of an improved pet now prevents Weapon Mastery super power critical damage bonuses from applying. This currently affects Sorcery Fury and Guardian and Nature Swarm pets specifically.

    Does this mean if I'm dpsing with my fury or swarm none of my powers will have that crit chance WM gives me? If so that is very unfair to nature and sorcery players. Like seriously why touch nature and sorcery they were perfectly fine. You could have spent that time buffing other power sets like earth electric and fire. Why devs why :/
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  2. SkullGang Devoted Player

    There may be some misunderstand but if not....ah:rolleyes:
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  3. treehunter904 New Player

    nature and sorcery are already the top 2 dps powers atm so im honeslty happy they did this. would b a little unfair if they didn't.
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  4. Tigretto New Player

    I like the sig better. you should make a thread about the sig
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  5. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    If that is indeed true then Swarm, Fury and Guardian may essentially become useless to any that plan on using WM. That would then make most of the effort they put into the Sorcery Pet Revamp for naught as well because with the way WM combos has been represented in the videos it would be unwise not to use it. I get that Sorc and Nature have the best pets in the game and they're making you choose between a pet or the WM bonus.

    Eh, either way I'll wait and until things get here because I'm honestly tired of all the dribble of information.
    I understand extensive testing must be done but at this rate we'll likely see it at the end of April if that.
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  6. thenewkidd New Player

    I'm not sure.. but the way I read it was.. your pet doesn't get a bonus.. but you do...

    That being said.. I am often times wrong and I always misread things...

    But I agree... why penalize the people that choose to sport a pet?

    if what you say is true then there is yet ANOTHER thing added to the "GU36 is going to suck" list.
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  7. WreckingBaII Well-Known Player

    Exactly sorcery is now actually really good and competitive and can keep up with and beat rage celestial etc. and they go and nerf it and buff rage more . Seriously not happy, to all people who cried the fury was OP they had to remember that we had to sacrifice a spot in our load out with offering for its true potential. These nerfs sure do seem heading in the wrong direction. They nerfed earth then fire and now sorcery and nature. I wonder what's next
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  8. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Hope this doesnt apply to robot sidekick or gadgets turrent.
  9. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    I kind of interpreted "Being in control of an improved pet now prevents Weapon Mastery super power critical damage bonuses from applying." as "If your Fury, Guardian or Swarm is out, you will not receive the WM Crit damage bonus". I could be wrong but that's how I interpreted it.

    It's happening because a Nature/Sorc Dps isn't allowed to beat one of the "Big Three" ;). It's our fault for contending with Rage/Celestial DPS's that soon called Fury/Sorc/Nature OP. Oh well, it's one of many changes that are coming whether we like it or not. It may be best for "balance" which is the intended purpose of this all anyways.
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  10. WreckingBaII Well-Known Player

    If what you say is true then.... Well..... I'm at a loss for words actually..... I just hope you're not right because that would be quite sad and it's not balance it's favoritism.
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  11. Gwalir Loyal Player

    What I'm wondering is what exactly it means by "improved pet". :confused:

    I know Sorcery is able to shield their pets with one of their powers, but I'm unsure what connection Nature's Swarm has with that.
  12. thenewkidd New Player

    I understand wording is everything.. I just hope it is a mistake..
    I doubt we will get any clarification though...

    Long story short though..
    As bad as it gets and the more stories I hear about GU36... I am trying REALLY HARD not to judge it until I have fully tested it for myself... BOY it's getting hard though.
  13. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Don't take that comment too seriously. I was moreso laughing at the "Big Three" concept again. However, it does disappoint me to read these changes. Especially since everyone that's tested WM says that WM will is clearly more optimal than they way we currently play. I'll likely try to things with and without WM myself to see what I can make of it all.
  14. winter13 New Player

    You made me laugh with that one
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  15. WreckingBaII Well-Known Player

    They can be but if any power set shouldn't benefit from weapon mastery it's HL rage and celestial
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  16. Rockman X New Player

    I'm guessing RW and Offering "improves" the Fury/Guardian by being able to give them a shield and power over time. Maybe I'm just thinking too much into the choice of words and it really does mean that if Sorcery DPS choose to run with WM, they will need to drop the pets.
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  17. Akroma New Player

    nature and sorc are actually top powers in the game at the moment. all things being equal a skilled nature or sorc will beat any of the top 3 powers in dps in almost all content. most people dont know this though because they are content on thinking that celestial, rage and hardlight are the best despite not knowing how to use them effectively.

    not surprising that the devs would nerf these powers for weapon mastery to keep the top 3 powers at the top like they intended.
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  18. DarthSizzle Dedicated Player

    A dev really needs to explain exactly what this means please. As is the fury is only potent as long as you have offering in your loadout which takes up a spot, so if this is tru that we won't get a bonus from wm while he's out makes no sense.
    I can understand the fury not getting it but not my toon? The fury is a huge part of sorc dps after revamp now your gonna make us choose.
    Again as I been saying where's the balance where a power like rage can buff its self to godly status partner that wm and yet sorc has to choose.

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  19. WreckingBaII Well-Known Player

    HL and celestial I understand but depending on the content usually rage will still be top considering equal skill level because of berserk. Those 5 powers are all close to eachother and the devs don't want a free power being better than a DLC power it's that simple. Do you realize how much better rage is now because of weapon mastery? This was an unecessary nerf if they don't let sorcery or nature benefit from weapon mastery if they use pets
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  20. JRsoFLY_123 Committed Player

    If it is true how you interpreted it then I must think why? What actually is the reason they made that decision?