GU32: Sorcery update feedback

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by drenz, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. Certainlogic New Player

    Anyone know if they increased the range for Offering (aka SO)? SO was melee range. If not, please increase the range for Offering. Melee range is useless in T5 raids.

    Please fix the pets.

    Please keep PvP nerfs to PvP.
  2. Certainlogic New Player

    That run took nearly 1 hour.

    On average takes my group about 20-25 mins for 2 boss run. Last run I did today was 24 mins with Warrior and Ravager up. My damage was still way below the others. Only takes that long because we wiped once or twice.
  3. Certainlogic New Player

    Sirmuttonchops, what do you mean ruin half the game? Like I said PvP nerfs.

    PvP half has ruined the other half of the game for a long time all ready. How do you think Sorcery got nerfed so much?

    How do you think I got 167 SP? By PvPing of course. PvP nerfs will fix a lot the problems. PvE and PvP are completely different. Powers can be amazing in PvE and not be OP in PvP.
  4. Clutch Committed Player

    I'd be interested in seeing a video if you have one. Scorecards don't always tell the whole story. Most of the summoning tree is useless and sorc requires you to use a movement power or heal in your loadout to even think about competing. Still really bad imo.
  5. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Hard to take you seriously when you're so obviously biased. Pvp has not affected sorcery in pve. If anything it was pve that affected pvp when they took away transmute + clownbox because people complained about fake damage.
  6. Certainlogic New Player

    You obliviously haven't played from the beginning. Every single nerf was the result of PvP. Even ask Sirmuttonchops.

    Strictly PvP nerfs will solve most of the time problems.
  7. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Again, hard to take you seriously when you consistently assume people don't have enough experience if they disagree with you. I've provided facts for my opinions and I'll also say I've played for 3 years, was sorcery for a year, and I've done epic odyssey in 15:52 (the speed feat eludes me).
  8. Certainlogic New Player

    So you don't remember when the CoD did way more damage? When the Fury pet was actually doing damage. When SW was useful. Heck when most of the Sorcery damage was able to compete with other powers or was even top dps.

    So you are saying the Fury was always that weak.

    So what ever power you are using isn't currently Sorcery. For the past 2 years and more of nerfs for Sorcery came directly from PvP whinning. And you are saying Sorcery was always this weak. There is no PvE reason to nerf Sorcery.

    Please keep PvP nerfs to PvP.

    Please fix the pets.
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  9. Karasawa Loyal Player

    All pets were adjusted to scale with your cr. CoD does 7-9 base damage plus 3-5 damage with bad karma. Don't think that has changed ever.

    I can easily reverse your statement with "pve whiners have nerfed sorcery in pvp" and it still wouldn't be any more compelling as an argument.
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  10. Clutch Committed Player

    I recall the complaints being about pvp and I know sorc was great for pvp at some point. I haven't seen anyone complain about how powerful it is in pve.
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  11. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Sorcery used to be broken in duels because polymorphing someone twice in a row made them unable to break out. That was obviously an exploit.
  12. Certainlogic New Player

    For the polymorph SC, instead of polymorphing the target, it should just give a damage aura in damage role and still have an initial hit of damage. Instead ticking off heals. It should tick off damage as it is hit. That would make this SC useful. I doubt you will let anyone polymorph the boss in T5 raids.

    Vengeance used with Bad Karma should give damage aura in damage role. Instead of ticking of heals, it should tick off damage when hit.

    Please reduce the cost of Grand Summoning to 50% or replace it with a 25% heal power. Or in healer role, you summon 3 healer pets that have power to heal. And in damage role, you summon 3 damage pets that do actual damage.

    Please combine the pets and give 2 new powers. Please give the pets more defense, damage ability, and power.

    Please increase the range of Offering (aka SO) to the same range as rejuvenate/IoR.

    Please increase the damage of Final Ruin.

    Please keep PvP nerfs to PvP.
  13. Certainlogic New Player

    Please replace the Guardian with an encasement power or something useful. The Guardian pet is useless. If anyone can provide a useful power for replacement besides an encasement power, please do.
  14. Little Sister New Player

    I was going to test the new Sorcery changes but the World is Down ? Weird time for it...
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  15. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Yeah was just going to do the same.:(
  16. NorthernLad New Player

    I tested them a little last night on the dummies. Very cool changes, and you will definitely see the difference. The range on Soul Siphon now is huge. You definitely see the extra damage from the Bad Karma. All in all, super excited for the update to go live.

    Just revamp the pets, and most sorcery users should be VERY happy.
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  17. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I've been using the area around Trigon's walk in Entrance in wastelands as a testing spot. It's a lot of mobs so I can see how the AE stuff works. They actually do damage so I can test healing. And they die pretty easy so I can not run out of power so fast.

    Transmute/Shared Fate look interesting in healing role when you have multiple targets to hit. With one target they are pretty weak but with a lot, pretty good. I see them being good in the premade PVP game where you can use karmic hex to PI everyone and have transmute as a group heal that when hitting enough people is stronger than Offering.

    Offering's range seemed fine to me /shrug. Another benefit of that testing area is there is a hero faction of NPCs, so you can heal them. The range seemed to be what I expected. I was going to test the range this morning to get it's max, but just saying it didn't seem off last night when I chcked it quickly.

    And not that it means much, but surviving all the factions fighthing you at once in that area, especially the one sorta towards the wrath area on the hero side of the mausoleum, well it's pretty tough hehe. Sorc though I was able to survive for like 5 mins np till I eventually ran out of power and splatted. Nature... like 1min maybe hehe. They have more burst power, but Sorc had Watcher, SoulWell, CoP, and then if I needed it I had Soul Siphon, Transmute, and Offering to back it up. It was fun and made me pretty excited for Sorc, it'll have it's burst power but it's normal efficiency will still be there as a backup. Gonna be great.
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  18. Certainlogic New Player

    Please grant RSA when in damage role. Some powers still grant YSA when in damage role.

    Please allow RSA to buff BK. Please buff the damage in general.

    Please make Vengeance and Polymorph give damage aura when in damage role. So when people attack, it ticks off damage.

    Please change Grand Summoning to 50%. Please summon healer pets in healer role. Please summon damage pets in damage role. Please revamp the pets.

    Please keep PvP nerfs to PvP.
  19. Clutch Committed Player

    I guess I'm happy with the overall direction, but the powers are still weak and don't hit as hard as similar powers in other powersets. The speed is a little better for sorc, but it really it is still slower than others. Just based on that, I think sorc is still going to need help from phase dodge, consumables, etc to keep up with the highest damage rotations in other powersets.

    Haven't tested it in a raid yet, but that's my first impression.
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  20. Certainlogic New Player

    Agreed. Having to outside of your powers to make it useful definitely means it still needs a damage buff or shorter cast times or both.

    Not everyone is speed.
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