going WE report

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by stärnbock, Dec 25, 2017.

  1. stärnbock Devoted Player

    one more thing i forgot: do the combos stun or have other CC effects?
    there might be more to consider... feel free to add more points to include!

    another thing that would help weapons to be more comfortable to play with:
    working for 12 seconds and for exactly as long as the cooldown is,
    the weapon buff could last for the rest of your ongoing combo,
    should it get off after starting one, including the WM with channels.
    more comfort does not always mean more fun though... just an idea.
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  2. stärnbock Devoted Player

    or make it simple:
    lets say the weapon buff would be in cooldown for 12 seconds,
    just that the powers effect would last for 18 seconds instead...?
    stacking impossible, the additional 6 seconds to reactivate it is
    way enough time to end most, if not all combos, WM included.
    good or bad idea?
  3. stärnbock Devoted Player

    i was so hyped for using the second artefact, give it to me NOW ^^
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  4. stärnbock Devoted Player

    one of the most obvious flaws of WE is, that you have to rely on WM's.
    it is a pitty because, if you want to play only with your main weapon:
    forget it! not at all happy with most of the combinations devs saw fit...
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  5. stärnbock Devoted Player

    well, it occurs that ppl tend to think that the game is too easy for them,
    while choosing "super powered". i start to think: PFTT = "easy mode"?
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  6. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    I've made a suggestion here about making Weapons more accessible.
    Either through an exchange kit or lower price.
    I would like to have the best weapon at my disposal without having to be priced out of it.
    I know I can get a 2nd rate one; but why should I?
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  7. stärnbock Devoted Player

    i like that idea: choosing your weapon is the most important factor for WE and hybrid players.
    it is also the most expensive piece of gear and because of that, trying out different weapons,
    one could say you can try them out with loot weapons, is in desperate need for a better option,
    should you see later that the weapon you picked first, may not fit well for what you thought ^^
    another thing that gives pftt an advantage: you can switch out powers of your loadout at any time
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  8. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    I use precision because the game is easy, some might users just are lazy and uninventive so they all follow the same formula of stacking might and spamming.

    Not even might/power mods to add some self sustainability....just might and spam.

    They're lemmings that will all switch to rage and earth.

    I really hope that at one point weapons get buffed enough to see these might noobs cry weapon users are catching up to them
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  9. stärnbock Devoted Player

    i don't want to call players lazy, can see your point though.
    it is just that the game allmost suggests that you go pftt.
    and some players set themselves up for disapointment.
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  10. stärnbock Devoted Player

    think about it: in a game like DCUO, you have all sorts of different ppl...
    there are the causuals who want to finish theyr stuff while they can relax.
    there are the less relaxed ppl who want to get through the dayly grind fast.
    now, if the game lets the simplest playstyle also have the highest numbers,
    you get a maturity of players hwo don't have any reason to do something else.
    it is common sense... just a few misfits who say "forget it, i do whatever i want!"
  11. stärnbock Devoted Player

    i just realized that i have not changed my elite affinity generator mods.
    most will only work sometimes, not sure wich one to take for C and D.
    guess aggressive protection and cripling stance would be the best?
    well, i am tempted to try out rejuvenating escape and spiked block...
    not sure, does rejuven esc even work in dps role? does field medic?
  12. stärnbock Devoted Player

    tryed to switch out power generator mods for health...
    holy fire extinguisher! my power bar gets down the drain...
    i did emediatly regret it, maybe it was the wrong decission...
  13. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    saying weapons should always be better and needed to superman is like telling batman he cheats with his belt and should just survive on his "bat" powers...sorry...but no...
  14. stärnbock Devoted Player

    i think that super powered should loose the 10% might buff.
    and devs said that WE would get additional dammage for WM's.
    they didn't receive that. except with the artifacts. wich doesn't count.
  15. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    Were you trying to reply to a different thread lol? If not then you either completely misunderstood anything I said or you just replied to something that wasnt there.

    Maybe you should list out these apparent "bat powers" that must be new to comics as they havent appeared in 79 years, instead of nitpick?

    Oh and the "devs hate superman" thing was because we completely skipped his 75th, and the latest TC skipped over 2 Supermens awesome new gear for a very unknown luthors. Hopefully that points you in the right direction.
  16. L T Devoted Player

    The problem is that combo powers are inherently pftt and needed the might bonus to compete. They probably should have adjusted the combo damage instead in hindsight.
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  17. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I'm hoping they eventually buff WM combos more (not smoke bomb, lol).

    Weapon attacks are a minefield for one simple reason: clipping. They made it so you can clip every portion of a weapon combo. The problem with that is they calculated the damage based on the assumption you're going to clip it, not the actual animation time. That's fine (well, they still all need buffs anyway) if you clip the very first attack, but for every attack in the chain that you don't clip, you lose major dps because you have to wait for the full animation to play out.

    Personally, I thought that somehow they should increase the damage of moves higher up the chain taking this into account, but they never did.

    For example: let's say the target is 10,000 dps (just play along with that number, it's only for easy calculation, lol). We'll use brawling to keep continuity.

    Melee 1 - normally 1 second animation (should be 10,000 damage then) but you can clip it a 0.5 seconds, so only does 5,000 damage. That's how it works currently.

    Melee 2 - 1 second animation, but clippable at 0.5 seconds. According to their formula, it should only do 5,000 damage since you can clip it. My suggestion is, take those 5,000 and add 5,000 from the first combo, since it was obviously not clipped. So this move would do the entire 10,000 damage.

    Melee 3 - 2 second animation, clippable at 1 second. Should do 20,000, but clipping makes it 10,000. But, add the 5,000 from Melee 2 that was factored in for clipping, making it a total of 15,000.

    Uppercut - 2 second animation, clippable at 1 second. Again, 10,000 because clipping, but add 10,000 from melee 3 penalty, so 20,000 for this one.

    Haymaker - 3 second animation, clippable at 2 seconds. There are 2 options here for maximum damage.

    a. keep haymaker clippable, which means no way to get full damage, but still, clippable. Total would be 20,000 for clipping, plus 10,000 from not clipping uppercut = 30,000.

    b. make final attacks not clippable, offering max damage BUT full animation time. I'm not really for this, because we already have WM which aren't clippable. If final attack not clippable, total would be full damage, 30,000 + 10,000 for not clipping haymaker = 40,000.

    That's my idea for improving weapon combo damage, and I hope they implement it, because mathematically it makes sense.

    The tricky part of balancing weapons is that the devs also have to take into account single target vs. aoe, ranged vs. melee and additional effects like stuns, interrupts, etc. However, in my opinion things like stuns and interrupts with weapons should be penalized damagewise far less (if at all) than powers because only weapon combos are vulnerable to counters.
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  18. Skandov Well-Known Player

    Hey starnbock, would you mind if I add you ingame? I could use some advice for going WE :)
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  19. stärnbock Devoted Player

    sure :) ingame name is sternbock, written with e instead of ä ;)
    it is just that i play on EU server, but if you are on the same server,
    you can contact me there at any time and i will try to help, comrade ^^
  20. stärnbock Devoted Player

    that was jumping at everyone when they announced that they were calculating damage for each attack seperately based on the individual animation times, not taking into account how far back they were placed into the combo chain at all. it appeared to make sense, because in real live you don't get magically stronger the longer you attack. however: gameplay wise it was not more fun at all because you were basicly only using your shortest combos and clipp them... IMHO weapon dammage was way better calculated before revamp (except for the WM wich botched it completely). the thrill to allways try to go as deep into your chain as possible and to hope you can land the very last attack for the highest hit without getting countered... or to react if you see the target goes into block while doing your thing and counter it instead with a fast executed block breaker wich sure stops your combo, but makes your target fall... those things are what made weapons and the game itself fun once! it was why the game felt fast, why PVP was actually good long time ago. it was the reward that felt right for the risk of longer combos. but since WM's came out, the game changed and all you were doing suddently was to basicly spam explossive shots with either HB, dual wields or two handed for the highest DPS possible... well, i guess they realized that something was wrong before they launched the revamp. but i felt that they launched it before weapons were actually getting attention. not sure, i guess they made it that after a second the combos get stronger... however: it feels as if the fastest WM's are allways superior in any way because they do the same dammage than the WM wich need more time, and that is a flaw because it is simply not the way it should be IMHO...
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