going WE report

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by stärnbock, Dec 25, 2017.

  1. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    Mainly because we cant escape the AM mentality...the devs complied..
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  2. WesPypes3679 Committed Player

    Hard truth there. The aftermath of AM still lingers.
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  3. stärnbock Devoted Player

    if i remember correctly, they gave hybrid and super powered additionally 10% might and other stats, when all they would have needed to do was to give super powered more power to faster replenish it... also: they sayd that WE would receive a bonus for WM's later, wich they never gave after the revamp went live... i would say: scratch the might bonus for both hybrid and super powered and maybe adjust WE like it was supposed to and it would be fine... maybe! other than that: the artifacts appear as if they are what devs meant by the upcomming boost for WE, wich is disapointing to say the least.
  4. stärnbock Devoted Player

    is this chart still fitting, or did they adjust weapons since the chart has been made?
    devs realy love the bow. and one handed for the win, as it appears... look at brawling...
  5. stärnbock Devoted Player

    pftt has so many advantages:
    they don't need to put SP into weapons at all,
    might and power is one stat for two things,
    super powers are hitting for higher numbers,
    they can hit everything from anywhere,
    while they can not be countered in any way...
    just to point out a few things...
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  6. stärnbock Devoted Player

    anyways: since i play WE, the game is fun again... thats my oppinion.
    playstyle choices are there, so take what is the most fun to yourself ^^
  7. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    The artifacts won't be enough to save weapons, and they shouldn't be using them to attempt to fix something that's unbalanced or broken. That's a cheap cop out if you ask me.
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  8. Savynaa Well-Known Player

    I have play hybrid and the stat point in superpowered , why? Because superpowered regen better than the weapon more easier to get the precision buff :x

    For me they must adjust weapon damage, regen power and make something like that :

    exemple: - If you spec in WE precision stat give also power.
    - If you spec Hybrid same precision stat give also power like that you can split your sp.

    I speak for Dps but for healer and troll same.

    - Heal : dominance + power
    - Troll : dominance + power

    Like that support can put sp in something usefull with the secondary stat and keep might power for them they want battle support.

    For tank don't really need except maybe for fire.

    I really wished to play hybrid like in T4 with the stat revamp that was a big disappointement.
  9. stärnbock Devoted Player

    i guess that was actually sayd at the very beginning of the revamp:
    devs wanted the players to give feedback from instances, not sparing targets...
    at the end, testing feedback was coming mostly from those anyways...
    not blaming anyone, this is just what i saw here...
    i was only providing testing feedback without showing any usable charts,
    while others went through the roof with theyr efforts, showing numbers and stuff ^^
  10. stärnbock Devoted Player

    that is what some ppl do, because is is the most effective way to make sure they always have the power they need for it ^^
    i allways thought they could fuse power and vitalization if anything, or totally scrap vitalization and make power a stat of its own...
    well, i guess then it would lead to other problems again. but if you pftt, you only need to go full might and power and thats all.
    they fused the stats for the reason to make sure it is convenient for super powered players, so they would not need to split stats...
    the problem IMHO is that now a "niche" playstyle is far superior in any way, where all the conveniences come together...
    while the other playstyle stats look unapealing for various reasons... granted: it is to compelling to choose super powered ^^
  11. stärnbock Devoted Player

    isnt the challenge exactly what makes the fun?
    especially, if you have to play with total focus on everything that is happening while fighting,
    react to counter mechanics, be fast and resourceful, keep an eye open for the battle mechanics in bossfights etc...

    when pftt, it takes away a lot of all of these, you go through your loadout pressing buttons from the distance,
    just as the game was, when AM's ruled...

    i dont want to descredit players for how they like to play the game...
    it is just a bit sad to me that the game is supporting an easymode playstyle were so much of the fun is missed...
    but if you choose to take the hardway, you need to play perfect to get even close.
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  12. L T Devoted Player

    this doesn't really match up with my testing from before the revamp release. I suspect the times are off.

    Staff/cleave was the best WM combo by a pretty solid margin. Extremely power hungry though.
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  13. L T Devoted Player

    They changed EVERYTHING that week-- even the way Might scales. I remember commiserating with fellow testers that we all had to rerun all our numbers. Was a real head-scratcher.
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  14. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    I personally would like to see weapon combos playable from the tray... ala Deathstroke style.
    If you spec into any weapon combo, you can stick in the tray to use. No more multi-button taps, per'se.

    Example: You can have rifle and would have to press buttons to reel off rifle combos. You can be a rifle user and have other weapon combos in your tray to use. So if you have smoke bomb in your tray, You dont have to 5 tap and hold (or whatever the buttons press is) to use smoke bomb, its on a cool down timer.

    You could have 3 powers and 3 weapon combos in the tray, or however you want to mix up the tray. You could have 6 weapon combos in the tray if you want. 1 second to 2.5 / 3 second on most weapon combos and 6 second cool downs on some weapon combos.
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  15. stärnbock Devoted Player

    would you be able to clip weapon combos with weapon attacks from the tray? personaly, i would like the idea and have thought on something like that before, but the problem is clipping and that it could be hardly balanced and get out of hands rather fast...
  16. stärnbock Devoted Player

    was it the same week they turned terror tendrils into soap bubbles?
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  17. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Clipping isnt that bad now, imo, or that I have paid attention to. I guess most would be able to clip in some fashion. The trick I guess would be finding the right pass to making combat speed satisfying as it wouldnt be out of control fast yet not slow and wonky.
  18. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    You're not discrediting anyone. They're lazy AM noobs haha
  19. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Numbers are one thing, speed and timing are another. On paper, 1h looks on par with bow. It's not. The same combos play very awkward.

    The revamp did not include weapons or their masteries, at all. If they did, they would make sense. Why would short quick combos hit harder than the longer ones? If you didn't want to use masteries, its even worse.

    I think getting weapons balanced with happen about the same time PvP gets fixed. :)
  20. Kestral Committed Player

    It is not. At this point when I give advice to my league about specing SP it is always. 'Hybrid is not recommended ever for any role, Go superpowered the power regeneration is basically required at this point.'
    I would love to actually be able to use Hybrid as a battle healer and I tried to make it work...it's just not viable.

    My DPS playstyle is also Hybrid because tray fighting is boring, and again I have to spec Superpowered and just deal with the fact that i'm a trash DPS because I want to do a WM combo set in between every tray runthrough.
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