Appropriate response to a undergeared in the raid

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Little MD, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. DCUController New Player

    yup ppl are already think of skipping HoP, modding all 90/91/92 gear from AF with VI mods rather its mixed or not to hit CR106 to get access to the newer DLC

    cant say nothing though, Im not getting to CR108 on my 3rd character, Im only getting to CR106, then hording marks til the 18th.

    my other 2 characters though are CR107 and 108, so I've put time into the game twice already, just bored of the current content :p
  2. DCUController New Player

    had same issue in crime wave, healer only healed during boss fights. to say the least made the alert longer then it needed to be.

    NOTE: I know crime isn't a new alert but figured I'd share a bad healer experience that happened recently :p
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  3. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    I started running ICW last week after getting at least half my 92 gear first, and got 2 93 pieces on my first run (BTW I have only gotten 1 other duplicate piece since that first run :().

    I have had 2 marathon ICW runs since that lucky first run. One 70 min and one 80 min. I didn't inspect anyone, but now it makes sense to me that they probably had 90, or even 88 or 85 gear. I think you can get to CR 100 with modded 85 gear with some 90 gear too. I had to pick up the tank about 10 times on the 80 min run, which is probably why we kept wiping. At the end I just left him down to stay on the terminals and we finally finished. I hope he got some 93 gear.

    It's hard as a casual solo player to spend 80 min in an alert. But I realize they are probably just trying to get gear too, so I have never voted yes on a kick.
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  4. nogimmick New Player

    this. i'm mostly 92 with a couple pieces of 94 accessories and a 96 weapon on my tank, there's no way i'd go into love & war with gear like that. all i need is mods for the 96 stuff i'm getting and i'll feel a lot more confident.
  5. EP Ice Loyal Player


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  6. Mesmer New Player

    I'd just explain to them why they can't come, apologize for the confusion (granted, it's not your fault, but, like customer service, an apology really helps smooth things over) and, if they seem to be a skilled player, offer to help them grind gear some time (if your schedule permits).
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  7. Campor Well-Known Player

    Way I figure it, if you want a certain CR that's above the minimum, you should be organizing the group or joining a group that meets your personal desires. If you're queuing, then you're going in with what you got. If neither suit, stick to your League.

    I deal with a lot of people who don't know what they're doing, who just barely meet the requirements and are dying constantly, or what have you. But if I'm queuing for that content, then it was my choice to accept those random factors and it's my option to leave the group if it doesn't fit what I'm looking for.
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  8. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I believe the problem is within your first statement.

    If I shout in LFG for roles with a certain criteria it is with in my right to do so but as far as I can tell it is within the right of players who do not meet that criteria to also shout that they meet the criteria (though they may not meet the asked for requirement) and eventually get into the group with the higher standard.

    This issue is within the community and how others do attempt to either get carried or force a view on to others, some players just want to enjoy the content, to be involved in an argument that they care about or having a person just Trolling them in hopes of getting a drop.

    The solo's and alerts are part of Progression to gear up for raids, and some feel as though the work they put in to even get there can be overshadowed or looked down on by others who actually took time to go through the content and not rush just to the end and have somebody else who did not really is a way of belittling of players who actually try to build there toon through hard tedious work.

    And others opinion feel as though there opinion should matter more though they spend less time running content and feel as though and IMO really do not respect the content that other people may value and are just trying to prove a point but hurt the groups more than help the cause.

    I understand it but, if I want to run with a group that meets a certain requirement then I should meet that requirement if I do not then it is on me to get myself to that level and not depend on whether the criteria calls for it or not because again not my criteria but the group leader's or I can form my own and set the criteria till my heart is content.

    But... I do not think the OP was asking that type of question of who is leader or in a pug group, but how to appropriately respond to a player who does the bare minimum and is in the group.
  9. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    If I'm gonna be concerned with everyone's gear, I'm just gonna not waste time and form the group myself, not pug it. If I pug, I take what I get. Also, sometimes people under perform because of problems with their internet.
  10. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I've played with someone who had that problem. I liked the guy, but he was a major hindrance to the groups he was in. My first reaction is: If a player has internet that is that bad, the player really should not be playing an online game where multiple people are depending on said player for the success of an instance. An MMO may not be the best game for someone with very poor internet service; solo games would probably be more fun due to less lag and more fluid gameplay. If that player plays a solo game instead of an MMO, it would also be less taxing on other people.
  11. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Only roles where gear is a problem is tank and solo healer. If a group is failing because of a minimal cr troll or dps, it's more than that one player. My son was kicked out of a group because he was out dpsing a 107cr dps while 102. He was the pug in a league run.

    At the end of the day this is a game, and everyone was at the minimal cr requirement at some point.
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  12. Campor Well-Known Player

    Thing there is that if this is something they're really concerned about, they can check any number of programs to make sure someone isn't lying. The liars are an outlying problem, really.

    No, they were asking about being undergeared. There's a big difference between someone just barely scraping by the minimum CR and someone who doesn't play well. Someone could have the max CR and still be god-awful at their role, and it's a different matter altogether. I'm just saying that in regards to CR, if you don't want the chance of being teamed with people of a lower CR, there are ways to avoid it.
  13. Quanflux New Player

    Those leagues are not too hard to join, just make sure your on voice chat with them and to be polite, and know how to run the content.
  14. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Regardless, if a player wants others with a CR/SP they should be allowed to get those types of players.

    If players don't meet that requirement it is not to difficult to get there, this whole lie about not being able to get into the raids seems an outlier to me as they can get there if they formed there own group and run the content as others have whether it is doing asolo's and alerts or the raids.

    The OP was showing a reason why having those ways to screen players are a great tool but not all need those tools as they may find issues with them which is on them.

    A league could be helpful but finding like minded players who they can fit in with can be a problem hence the lying that you may be referring to.

    See ya
  15. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    In a week 108 cr will be under geared for the raid ... People will be asking for 110cr or take a hike.. I can't wait to be forming a group and allowing someone in with 106/107 and hearing some one tell me "nooooo it can't be done you must have 110" that's gonna be fun ...
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  16. Sbel Devoted Player

    When people talk about not being able to get into the raids, they're often referring to the Origin Crisis raids. By a month or so after Origin Crisis came out it pretty much standard to ask for a CR that you couldn't get without having completed a raid at least once. I say 'at least' because the drops were not unattuned, and you had to vote on them. It became almost impossible to get a Nexus group without some gear from one of the raids, and almost impossible to get a Paradox Wave group without some gear from Paradox Wave. And people would actually inspect all of their teammates immediately after entering the mission and kick anyone 'under geared' or 'under modded.' Forming your own group is no defense, since you can be kicked by the group once you all get inside. Fun times to be pugging. :rolleyes:

    It's not such a big issue now because:

    1) The raids are easier.
    2) The vendor gear is the same item level as the raid gear.
  17. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I've still heard people call other people out in war of the light 1 and halls of power 1 for having all vendor gear ... They make snide comments like, someone spammed alerts etc... It's sad but funny at the same time ..
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  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    the community cries out for difficulty but yet tries to make it as much as a steamroll as possible...and lazor artifact proved that well...
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  19. Original Kal Well-Known Player

    Yes. Set up to fail. Big turn off for me, personally.
  20. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Yeaaaaaaaah. Make sure you're buying your replays to spam the solo and duo for some gear before jumping to the raids, buddy. I mean, come on, guy. /fliptop head