Test Discussion Episode 28: Rewards

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by spord, May 19, 2017.

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  1. light FX Steadfast Player

    They said the OP items are a head and waist during the stream.
    And what do we need those small stat increases for? For the next large event where we are all clamped? And we all know most of us will be blasting through both alerts day 1 and finishing the raids on day 1 too. So how do those increases help?
    Yea i hope thats a bug. If it isnt then i wont be crafting any of those. So not worth it.

    Has anyone seen the style for the purple drop gear? For AF3 we had the gorgon style but for this episode there has been no mention of the drop style. It makes me think its a reused style. If it is then its clear we are getting less styles. Its starting to look like the episode has the same amount of styles as the starro event :confused:
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  2. light FX Steadfast Player

    Well looks to be some confusion about the OP items. Heard nerd say on the stream head and waist. Hearing from someone on test that the new OP items are shoulders and back. Not sure what is correct. Sorry if what i posted above is incorrect.
  3. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    What item lvl r they do u know
  4. light FX Steadfast Player

    Nah. The person told me based on they got some collections to drop and collected them and saw the icon reward.
  5. Here2Help Devoted Player

    There's a collection that rewards a back style. Your friend most likely saw that icon. That back style when equipped then summons a boss in the Elite raid that when killed drops OP collections.

    Nerd did say she wasn't entirely sure what the OP pieces are as she's already working on new ones and said they might be head and waist.
  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    If thats true i can say i dont like it. Cause we all know how RNG works in this game. If that special boss drops OP collections im sure its 1-2 specific OP collections and it means people need to finish that back collection 1st to then finish the OP collection. That is RNG on top of RNG. I hope this isnt the case. The way the OP items worked in AF3 was fine and i know a lot of players were happy w/it. I dont understand why it would be changed if what you're saying is true and thats how it works.
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  7. Here2Help Devoted Player

    I can't give you the full details, but here is what I know:

    -There is a collection that rewards the user with a back style.
    -Wearing this back style in one of the Elite raids will summon a new enemy/boss.
    -If a player is wearing the back style when this boss is defeated, they are GUARANTEED an OP collection. If a player in the group does not have the back style on, they have a CHANCE of getting an OP collection.

    I do not know if there are other ways to get the OP collections and I do not know if there are only few pieces of the collection tied to the special boss. We'll have to find that out :D
  8. light FX Steadfast Player

    Cool, ty for the info. 1 other think that i just thought of that irks me about this is its in the elite raid. Really hoping there is an alternative way to get the OP collections from that boss. If its locked behind the RNG of 1 collection, a specific boss, and the elite raid lootlock its simply very uncool. Im sure the piece or pieces could be sold like other OP collections but if its locked behind all of that then u know it well sell for a crazy a high price.
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  9. Here2Help Devoted Player

    To be honest, I absolutely LOVE it! It gives me an incentive to run the Elite raid even after I'm done with Renown and Feats instead of replaying the faster Normal raid. That's a problem I had with AF3. It didn't take me very long to get the Renown maxed out and to have the Feats done, and then I didn't really have a reason to go back in there. If I needed marks, they were faster in Normal Oly. If I wanted to have a challenge, neither of the Elite raids gave that to me. The only times I've been back inside are if someone in the League needed help. I think this is a good step forward towards giving people a reason to keep on running Elite.
  10. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Not to be a downer, but if the collections are only available in Elite, I think it's going to have a different effect that you probably won't like. I'm pretty sure that would make Elite get nerfed beyond recognition. I guess we'll have to see.
  11. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Good point. I hate nothing more than seeing Elite content getting nerfed.
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  12. light FX Steadfast Player

    My issue is if its locked behind the elite raid lootlock. I absolutely refuse to use replays for that. Never have and never will.
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  13. Here2Help Devoted Player

    I doubt it. I don't think they plan on making an OP piece exclusive to Elite content so it's most likely just another option of getting them. The nice thing about it is how that option can be guaranteed if you have the style and how it makes Elite content much more replayable (in terms of wanting to run it again). Of course that's just what I think, I can't confirm yet :p
  14. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I Sadly can only compare rewards to AF, in which it involves mostly CR. Not concerned about gear stats. The mods I can't justify their numbers due to not knowing if they will be adjusted or not
  15. Aerith Rose Committed Player

    Just in general. Since AF3 the crafting materials are getting out of hand. I hope this is reconsidered and placed to a more reasonable number.
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  16. light FX Steadfast Player

    I hope so. And it being just another way to get them does make sense. Guess we gotta wait and see.
  17. recoil Committed Player

    can we get pictures of these? or is it too early?
  18. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    i think the one soldier style shown in the livestream is the purple gear but I am not sure, I havnt gotten a purple item yet.
  19. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    I would like that too.
  20. spord Developer

    The text needs to be updated. The extra choices of base items/crafting recipes are for owners of the DLC or active members.
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