- Last activity:
- Sep 24, 2024
- Joined:
- Jul 2, 2014
- Messages:
- 1,014
- Likes Received:
- 470
- Trophy Points:
- 50
- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Hellas,Athens.
- Occupation:
- Student.
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- Gender:
- Male
- Location:
- Hellas,Athens.
- Occupation:
- Student.
- Server:
I started playing this game in January 21st 2012.I've been waiting for it since 2010...I saw some videos and the : The next legend is you, and I liked it alot.I didn't know it was free to play back in january 2012 so i gave about 20-25 euros to buy the game(which also had a code for 500 station cash), I know silly of me.I started playing fire, ice and sorcery with which I have been healing for some years, then switched to nature and then back to sorcery and so on, did alot of respec to my other characters coz i love the animations of most powers so I said enough with that , let's make a character for each power so I can play whichever power and role whenever I want , so I implemented that.I've played all roles, powersets well, some of them very well.I've been trying to make the best out of many powers,roles.The best thing about dcuo in my opinion was hard light dps with clipping , before nerf, before weapon mastery,for me that's what made dcuo the best game ever,the better you play(faster tap and hold) the better the reward, higher dps.In late 2014 I started playing mainly ice tank, and I do that ever since while playing some of my alts.It's March 2017 and I don't know what role,powerset I'll play coz of stats matter and the changes....Interact